[hider=GM] Shion: Untransformed: 4 | 4 | 5 | 14 | 7 Transformed: 6 | 5 | 9 | 16 | 9 Spec, Power: Oddball - Magnetism | Duplication Perks: Enhanced Weapon | Martial Training | Money | Environmental Sealing | Fated Benefits: Black Coin(?) | Non-Exclusivity(?) | Chatty | Concerned | Mana Font Drawbacks: Debt(?) | Betrayal(?) | Isolated | Distracted [/hider] [color=00aeef]"She's fine, thanks for asking."[/color] Shion crossed her arms. [color=00aeef]"I didn't know she wasn't in contact with you guys anymore. But she's working on something kind of important, so if you could just leave a message I'm sure she'll get back to you on it. Besides, I haven't really spoken to her in a while, our communication is pretty one-sided right now."[/color] [hr] [hider=GM] Summer: Untransformed: 3 | 3 | 4 | 4 | 3 Transformed: 4 | 4 | 21 | 11 | 7 Spec, Power: Oddball - Fourth Wall | Regeneration Perks: Hammerspace Handbag | Sorcery: Divination | Inter-dimensional Home | Overcity Shift | Training: Programming | Fake Parents Benefits: Perfect Life | Spark | Physical Prowess Drawbacks: Vow: Generosity | Excommunication [/hider] Summer blinked. [i]Could[/i] she teleport? That was what this girl was implying, wasn't it? That... wasn't a bad idea. "Alright, sure. To Beacon then?" Summer didn't wait for a response, she pulled a saw out of her hammerspace handbag and began sawing a circle around Oros. When she finished that last cut, the rest of the world fell out from around the circle and the world reappeared, the area just outside Beacon HQ falling on top of them and causing them to imprint on the ground as they were crushed by it. Summer simply took the saw again and cut an opening in the deformed "ground" that was covering them and pulled herself through before grabbing Oros' hand and pulling her through as well, like butterflies from their cocoons. "Convenient." Summer remarked at her new use of her magic. [hr] [@BrokenPromise]