[center][h1][color=gold]Leannah[/color][/h1][/center] [hr] ...Watching the ocean? If only. However, the thought almost amused the catgirl as she let out a low chuckle at Narkissa's invitation. If only. She had what could be considered a swimsuit on at this point, or perhaps some kind of faux-Egyptian sexy wear, so either way she was seemingly prepared for the heat in a sense. Plus no nagging museum director, no car wreck, and frankly no big murder-robot-golem-magic-thing trying to grab her and make her inside her new outsides. Almost dreamlike, really, with those things in mind as well. Also so very tempting, something that could easily allow her to hunt and fight and vacation for however long she liked until she died!\ But that all side, she had to focus on the matter at hand: Getting moving. They couldn't sit here forever, as much as it seemed like a survivalist's wet dream, and a good place and shelter and potentially finding other reincarnates or locals would be better than doing nothing. Especially by the time it got dark, as there was no indication what fantasy insanity might be lurking around dusk and through the night to find itself some food. [color=gold]"Donovan was going in a different direction from us, so at this point I'd say there's always the chance. Seems like the type to not just sit down and die,"[/color] Leannah said with a sigh, putting her right hand on her hip and running her left hand through her hair and between her (admittedly fun to touch) ears, before letting her left hand come down and onto the other side of her hips in turn, [color=gold]"I'd say we need to get moving to find either a good spot to camp, maybe some locals who don't want to kill us, or a friendly face who might've left before us before dark. Not sure which is best, but if we sit exposed we'll be vulnerable to anything that might crawl around here come nighttime."[/color] Leannah looked farther down the beach, before glancing back toward her two current travel companions. A man who she was convinced was a cult leader, her belief in him pulling off some stupid but admittedly miraculous and admirable stuff by now aside, and a book-y woman who to her gave off an air of self-interest and book-loving tendencies (as far as she could toss a guess or two based on things so far). It wasn't perfect, but at the moment she had no other options and neither did they unless they all wanted to go solo and risk it. Frankly if they wanted to just sit here for some reason then going solo might be a good bet for her personally. However, groups were safer than going it alone in a general sense...right? [color=gold]"Since we're by the ocean, let's walk down the beach some ways and see if we find anything or anyone that could be of help. At least that's what I'll be doing if you two want to come along. Of course we could always head to the mountain and see if we can get some high ground to get a better view of this place."[/color] With that and a tired shrug, Leannah began to walk to go further down the beach. If the other two didn't come, they didn't come. She somewhat hoped they did to be honest, but was prepared if they didn't. They were 'burning daylight' as the old saying went!