Gurs was tossed aside easily by the monstrosity. Despite the metallic plate doing its job in keeping the goblin's insides inside, the power that was behind the swipe was simply [b]tremendous[/b]. The young warrior was sent a good distance away. And if the swiping blow of the owlbear wasn't enough, his body crashed against the trunk of a dead tree with enough residual force to break away chunks of bark off the wood. He desperately gasped for air on the ground while the owlbear reared its face towards him...but just as the starving beast was about to charge. It had a taste of Breden's swordplay. Redirecting the beast's enmity towards the group instead of the fallen goblin warrior. Koglan let out a quick prayer to the Ancestors and a war cry to inspire the patrol group. While the majority of the patrol group raised arms and roared praise to the Ancestors in response. Two of the more inexperienced goblins turned tail and made a beeline back to the village. Embarrassed as they may be from running away, it was still better than taking their chances against the starved beast. [b]"Ancestors guide us!"[/b] Rom bellowed before raising his club with both hands and slamming it against the owlbear's face. Causing a small chunk of its beak to be sent flying. The other goblins shot arrows and used their spears to keep the beast at bay. Griz, on the other hand, had chosen to retrieve their arrogant goblin and help him get back into formation. Gurs had just stood up with the help of his spear, even then his legs were shaking from both shock and fear. Glancing down to the three newly formed rents against his breastplate, a chill ran down his back when he imagined how close he was to being eviscerated. He felt sick to the core. He'd never fought something like this before. Ancestor's sake, he had only experience with wolves and training duels! A million ideas ran to and fro inside his mind, but the most prominent of which was: 'I wanna go home.' He didn't even realize Griz had been yelling at him. [color=khaki]"Get a hold of yourself!"[/color] The hunter slapped the young warrior to reality. [color=khaki]"Stop gawking at yourself like a youngling and get back to the group! Go! Go! Go!"[/color] Shoving and even kicking the young goblin running back to the group. The owlbear however was no longer going on the defensive. Knocking Breden down with the back of its paw as it swiped aside the spears while the archers were re-nocking another volley of arrows. Following up with a tackle that sends Rom flying back and crashing into the back row archers. But before the beast could continue it's charge and possibly hit Koglan, Griz let loose an arrow into the creature's eye. Causing it to rear onto its back legs as it blindly swiped against the air in front of its face, trying to dislodge the arrow. [color=khaki]"Attack! Fall the beast!"[/color] Griz roared out a command.