Big Red was honestly a light sleeper, but the only sounds in the barn were the breathing of the humans, animals, and the shifting of them all. Nothing new to him really. He slept perfectly fine, they were in the country so it was doubtful a sneaking thief was about, they had already killed all those. So the group slept pretty sound...possibly, he could only account for himself. It felt too early for a rooster to be crowing, a bestial growl emanated from him as he sat up then got to his feet. If he wasn't trying to build up a reputation that loud mouth would be plucked, roasted, then eaten. A wide yawn displayed all those teeth of his while he stretched, his joints cracking loudly while the girls stirred from their slumber. While Druid Girl spoke he took off his upper clothing and used the mesh to bundle the thick hide vest into a neat 'package'. Which was tied to the underside of his satchel. Speaking of he pulled his bundle of cured meat from it and undid the preserving cloth and paper. Druid Girl's plans were interrupted by her stomach, making his eyes cut to her while an amused smirk was on his face. Her reaction, which was to turn as red as his scales, got a light chuckle. Round two and she lost to the sounds of her stomach and hid her face. That chuckle evolved into a deep laughter while he shook his head. He handed the girl a chunk of dried meat, then gave one to Archer Girl. [color=red]"Eat or you won't have any energy for the trip back."[/color] He said before tearing into his own chunk. Those teeth of his making short work of the dried meat. While they were going about their business he exited the barn and bee-lined towards the well. Getting the water-filled bucket up he first drank some of the cool liquid. [i][color=red]This is going to suck...[/color][/i] He thought before dumping the liquid onto himself. A: It woke him up fully and quickly, B: The force of the water hitting him got some of the more...chunkier, goblin bits off him. He'd have to bathe thoroughly to get off all the blood, body juices, and grime. He dunked the bucket a second time for the two girls before returning to the barn. Scooping up their invalid he watched the girls, waiting for them so they could return to town.