[hider=Heavy Weapons Guy] [center][h2][b][color=f7941d]Heavy Weapons Guy[/color][/b][/h2][/center] [center][img]https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/deathbattlefanon/images/a/a0/Community_Heavy_Strategy_Header.png/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/270?cb=20140907151620[/img][/center] [b][color=f7941d]Game Origin:[/color][/b] Team Fortress 2 [b][color=f7941d]Personality:[/color][/b] It would be misleading to say that Heavy is a simpleton. Yes, he is but a simple man, content with the small things in life, especially three things; [b]One[/b], his joy in violence. Heavy will be the first one in the group to jump headlong into the fray, be it armed with his trusted minigun "Sasha" or his two, bare fists, ready to knock some heads. He's not a killing maniac however, [s]we must hope to dear God[/s], but finds the thrill of it unmatched, and thus has little care for his own safety. [b]Two[/b], his friends. While he jumps into the fray of combat with second thought, he makes sure to stand between the fray and those he holds dear; the Medic at the top, and the rest of Team RED at a close second. He would take a bullet - and has taken more than one can count - for his friends, to whom he is most loyal. [b]Three[/b], food. What else is there to say? [b][color=f7941d]Background:[/color][/b] Heavy Weapons Guy, hailing from the Siberian wastes of the glorious United Soviet Socialist Republics, spent most of his time serving his new employers of Reliable Excavation Demolition (RED) and working alongside his colleagues. As what you may ask? Well, as mercenaries of course! Shooting, blasting and fist-fighting his way across sand-filled compounds against their rivals in the Builders League United (BLU), Heavy was fighting to pay for his family still home in Mother Russia. There isn't much else to say about Heavy and his past, except for his Degree in Litterature and skills as a poker player. The daily meatgrinder of mercenary work came to an abrupt end (for a second time after the robots attacked) when another colour attacked Heavy and his team, or both teams to be more exact. Was light a colour? No matter, the important part was that Galeem, the Lord of Light, attacked both teams in the middle of their 'business', destroying both teams, the whole map and the entire world. There was no Medic to heal him, no Engineer putting down a dispenser and no Scout to taunt him in death. And Heavy was angry. [b][color=f7941d]Specialty:[/color][/b] Tank [b][color=f7941d]Level:[/color][/b] 2 [b][color=f7941d]Experience:[/color][/b] 8/20 (23.01.21) [b][color=f7941d]Powers:[/color][/b] [list] [*][color=f7941d]Sandwich:[/color] While also serving as a healthy snack for The Heavy and possible allies, the mysterious Sandwich has the power to heal significant damage and injuries just by being digested. [*][color=f7941d]Showdown:[/color] With a flick of the wrist, the Heavy mimics a quick-draw Pistol Showdown and shouts before blowing out the imaginary smoke from the "barrel". This attack has the chance of killing an enemy outright in one blow, or severly injure a stronger enemy. [/list] [b][color=f7941d]Strengths:[/color][/b] [list] [*][color=f7941d]Strength of a Siberan Bear:[/color] As his apperance suggest, Heavy is a incredibly strong Russian giant, much stronger than the tiny baby men of BLU. Heavy can lift things most men never could, and then some. Whether or not he should is a completely different matter, but he will certainly try. [*][color=f7941d]Taunter:[/color] Taunting your enemy into submission is an art it itself, one Heavy has plenty of from his days in RED. Heavy has the ability to call out to his enemies, throwing mean names and insults at them to gain their attention, focusing their ire at him instead of his comrades. After all, they are so small, it's funny to him! [*][color=f7941d]"Get behind me!":[/color] As the designated tank of team RED, Heavy is used to soaking up damage directed at his comrades in arms. Heavy can take more damage than most normal humans could, shrugging off minor wounds with his bellying laughs in Russian. Not invulnerable by no means, but this Russian bear can take one heck of a beating. [/list] [b][color=f7941d]Weaknesses:[/color][/b] [list][*][color=f7941d]Slow runner:[/color] Not blessed with a strong constitution, nor particulary long legs, Heavy is a slow runner, easily falling behind his faster compatrions. He's meant to take on the enemy head-on, not chase after them. [*][color=f7941d]"Less talking, more fighting":[/color] Violence is more often than not the answer to Heavy's problems, at least according to himself. He wasn't hired by RED to talk in long, boring board-meetings with BLU after all, he's there to fight it out. Heavy thus has the tendency to fight instead of talking, much to the dismay of his less violent friends. Don't get on his bad side. [/list] [b][color=f7941d]Spirits:[/color][/b] (See Spirits section for details. Start with none) [list] [*] [/list] [b][color=f7941d]Kindred Spirits:[/color][/b] [list][*][color=f7941d]Medic (TF2)[/color]- His very best friend and most useful teammate in RED. This German doktor with the medical knowledge of a genius and ethics of Frankstein always has Heavy's back, blasting him full of healing energy. The two of them working together, nothin can stop them! [*][color=00a651]Bentley - The Brain (Sly Cooper-franchise)[/color] - Although they have never personally met, in some way and form they once shared the same destiny. While quite the opposites, with Bentley the brain-gifted, wheelbound turtle, they both live their lives at odds with normal society; one a mercenary, the other a thief, both fiercly loyal to their friends and their causes. [*][color=f7976a]Gordon Freeman - The One Free Man (Half Life)[/color] - Dr. Freeman, Gordon Freeman, The Free Man, Anticitizen One, a man of many names yet few words. They both hail from similar worlds, both are formidable fighters in their own right, able to defeat an enemy against overwhelming odds. [/list] [b]Inventory:[/b] -"Sasha" the Minigun, Heavy's main weapon of choice -The Sandwich [/hider]