[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/BKV06Ya.png[/img][/center] As the train’s doors slid open, Steph found herself facing a bearded man with fiery red hair. [color=Red]“Greetings, young Oracle!”[/color] He declared with a welcoming smile as Steph and Peter disembarked. [color=Red]“I am Tornel, leader of the Brotherhood of Wizards and advisor to the King of Solace. It is my great honor to welcome you to the Castle of Solace,”[/color] he added. [color=Red]“Please, right this way,”[/color] the wizard instructed, while gesturing to a flight of stairs. [color=Red]“There is much to discuss.”[/color] [color=DeepSkyBlue]“Thank you,”[/color] Steph replied with a smile of her own. [color=DeepSkyBlue]“But please, just call me Steph.”[/color] [color=DarkGray]“A-And I’m Peter,”[/color] her companion added shakily, awed to be in the presence of not just an Oracle, but the leader of the Brotherhood of Wizards as well. [color=DarkGray]“I-I’m an apprentice to Master Minoc.”[/color] [color=Red]“I see…”[/color] the wizard said thoughtfully, before the sound of a distant rumbling caught their attention. [color=Red]“I regret to say that you have found us in the midst of a siege at the moment,”[/color] Tornel explained. [color=Red]“A vile servant of the Dark Lord Draygon has chosen to do battle with us. I would have swiftly put an end to him with my magic, but I am loath to reveal my true power unless absolutely necessary. Thus, one of the king’s strongest paladins was sent out to slay the fiend, but it would appear he was unsuccessful… To make matters worse, the magical sword the paladin wielded is now in our foe’s possession, and he is using its power to great effect. That sword was the most powerful weapon in the royal armory,”[/color] the wizard continued. [color=Red]“Aside from my mightiest spells, I know of nothing that could stand against it, especially when wielded by such an inhumanly skilled hand...”[/color] [color=DeepSkyBlue]“Perhaps this might help,”[/color] Steph suggested as she retrieved Minoc’s package from her backpack. [color=DeepSkyBlue]“Minoc told me to give you this. I think it might be a weapon of some kind.”[/color]