[Center][h1][color=gold]Sunkissed Miss[/color][/h1][/center] [hr] Oraelia walked through her portal and let out a triumphant squeal as she threw her arms out as if to hug the sun. Her form reverted to that of a golden haired woman with a large, large smile on her lips. It turned her face into a joyous expression. She had succeeded! She had done what she had once thought impossible! Neiya actually listened to her, she broke through and now… Now the world could heal, she and Gibbou could heal, Neiya could heal and the Aiviri could as well! They still needed to come up with a better solution to stop the fighting but for now it was a time of celebration! Celebration and relaxation! Oraelia dove into the closest field of flowers and closed her eyes, remembering the experience and power that her judgement had brought her. She would do great things with it, in time, but for now. It was time for some cloud gazing. Rhiona flew over to her as she lay in that field of flowers, watching the clouds go by. The avatar loomed over her, obscuring her view of the sky but Oraelia didn't mind. Instead, she smiled up at her. [Color=goldenrod]"How did things go, my lady?"[/color] she asked with hesitance in her voice. [Color=gold]"Oh Rhiona! Things went much better than I expected! I broke through to her and she listened to me and now I think things are going to get better. It's wonderful and I can't wait to tell Gibbou! I should probably go see her right away actually! She seemed so upset when she left. I hope she's better now."[/color] Oraelia said with a quickness in her voice, sitting up as soon as her words left her mouth. Rhiona gave her a funny look. [Color=goldenrod]"I am glad to hear that and to see you in such high spirits but um, my lady? Before you go to see your sister perhaps it might be best to deal with… Them?"[/color] she pointed past Oraelia, back over to where the portal was. Oraelia opened her mouth to say something but then followed Rhiona's finger until she saw… Naked women? She took a closer look and realized who they were. Naked Furies! There were about a dozen of them, wide eyed as a wee babs, looking at the world in a new light. Or several new lights, as their eyes glowed different colors. With delicate fingers they touched flowers and grasses and every now and then looked over to Oraelia as if waiting for something. [Color=gold]"Oh."[/color] she said and flew over to them, Rhiona close behind. Most stopped what they were doing as they approached and turned their gaze to her, while a few seemed to be too fascinated with a tall sunflower to pay attention. [Color=gold]"Hello little ones!"[/color] Oraelia exclaimed. [Color=gold]"Welcome to my realm! Uh, but might I ask why you've come?"[/color] A few curious faces lit up and focused on her, and Oraelia felt the sensation of Neiya's blessing as these simple mortals scrutinized the Life Goddess and saw more than other mortals might, she could feel emotion coaxed to the surface to reveal subtle hints. Oraelia was of course almost entirely immune to such paltry things as mortal perception, but it provided a notable tingle that regular mortal sight did not. A few moments of awkward silence later, a pale horned woman - almost as white as snow, with shining golden eyes - decided to speak up when no one else did. "What path shines brighter than that walked by she who shackled the storm?" She produced in a strange, divine language. It sounded vaguely like the roots of human and merelli speech. Oraelia was taken a back for a moment. Not from the tingling sensation she felt or because her voice was so relaxing, no for a different reason. They were here because… she clasped her hands together and gushed, [Color=gold]"Awww, isn't that adorable! You came because of me? Oh, I love you already!"[/color] she flew closer to the pale one and inspected her, touching her face, feeling her horns and then pinching her left cheek playfully. [Color=gold]"And what should we call you miss? Do you all have names?"[/color] she asked in a bubbly voice. That seemed to catch the attention of a few more, and Oraelia now had the attention of a good dozen pairs of bright eyes. Hesitation ruled the group, and the pale one felt compelled to answer. "I have failed this demand for tribute. No names were brought. Perhaps allowances will be made for those found lacking to retrieve this quarry afore final judgement is made." A few nods shot through the crowd. A reddish-brown shorter woman among them piped up. "Perhaps if these names are described a journey may be undertaken to locate them whence we came." Oraelia put a warm smile on her face. She then gave a small chuckle and said, [color=gold]"Oh we have much to teach you, my darlings. Much indeed."[/color] she landed upon the ground and stretched her arms. [Color=gold]"A name is what we and others, call ourselves. For example, I am known as Oraelia, Goddess of Sunlight. This,"[/color] she pointed at Rhiona, [color=gold]"Is my avatar, Rhiona. Your names can come about in many ways. You may pick a name for yourself or allow us to do so. Whatever you want I'd be happy to help you."[/color] "Pick a name for myself?" The pale one questioned, and appeared even more hesitant than before. This appeared to be a daunting task for her, and the others were happy to let her suffer the most attention. Except the reddish one, who now had returned to gazing out over the landscape with hope and fascination in her eyes. "Oh. Mayhaps a suitable name to choose would be 'Endless Field of Flowers'." She commented as though she had just undergone a major epiphany. A wave of oohs and aahs rippled through the crowd of Furies. "Cresting the Painted Fields!" Another exclaimed from the ranks of the dozen or so, eliciting the same response. "Lovers Shared Breath!" A third exclaimed, and the crowd twittered with sly looks between themselves and Oraelia. Oraelia giggled. [Color=gold]"What wonderful names! They convey emotion and thought, which is pleasing to the ears. Come come there is much more to see in this realm of mine. A plethora of names await you."[/color] she said, grabbing the hands of the pale one and the reddish brown one and leading them all deeper into the realm. A grand tour of sorts, to inspire and amaze. They all followed her, some more willing than others, though all equally wide-eyed at the prospect of seeing a new world reveal itself to them. They went through fields of golden grasses as tall they, with every manner of animal and bird. Some bigger then them. Then through glades of honeydew and mint with berry bushes to pluck from until the belly was full and the heart content. They walked by ponds of the freshest of waters teeming with fish and drank from the crystal depths to quench their thirst. Then shade covered them as they journeyed through forests old and new, seeing even more life that Rhiona had populated. All the time Oraelia watched with keen eyes, delighting in their faces as they discovered the world around them. Hours later they arrived at Oraelia's large house having seen only a portion of her eternal realm. Having let go of the two furies from when they first began, Oraelia rested her hands on her hips and beamed a toothy smile at them [color=gold]"Well my dears, what do you think? Have you found your names?"[/color] she asked. They spoke in hurried unison, eager to tell her their chosen names. All were as extravagant and emotional as the first, yet the pale furies' choice stood out; "Garden of Ordained Peace." She watched Oraelia with hesitant eyes even now, and seemed to have a different attitude to the fascinated and starry-eyed dozen around her. Perhaps she had seen something the others had not prior to coming here. Two furies had engaged each other in a now two-hour long debate on the merits of a name with more prose and description, and how to effectively pronounce long names. Oraelia had certainly started something. [Color=gold]"Garden of Ordained Peace."[/color] Oraelia whispered under her breath, looking to the pale one. She reminded her most of Neiya but there was a certain hesitance that was not Neiya. She loved the name, she loved all of their names. She clapped her hands together to get their attention. [Color=gold]"All of your names are perfect and beautiful. Cast aside the discussion on which is best and how to pronounce them, my little scholars. Now is the time for a bit of rest and dinner."[/color] she said. [Color=gold]"Now watch and be still."[/color] she continued, raising her hand to her house. In an instant it, and the immediate surroundings vanished, replaced by a grass field. Then from the ground emerged tall pillars of white stone, they grew tall and wide with ornate designs of leons and stags and of flowers and sun. Followed by that was a large roof, adorned with wavy patterns and the visage of Oraelia cupping a seed in one hand and fiery orb in the other. This building grew as the land rose, creating a white staircase and rows and rows of hedges with flat areas for gardens and lounging. Water fountains erupted from the earth with stone work of the same stags and Leon's but eith more detail. When the land at last settled and trees sprouted, what was before them stood a very large palace of Marble that began to run with lines of liquid gold between the rocks. There was another rumbling and upon a hill over yonder Oraelia's old house appeared, then with a chunk of the land it rose into the sky and stayed there as the land beneath it healed. Oraelia grinned. [Color=gold]"Welcome home, my Furies."[/color] she proclaimed. The chattering chorus of squealing and amazed muttering was almost overpowering. Though the Furies maintained a general air of pride and restraint in their mannerisms, many were unable to contain their glee and abject fascination with each shift of the landscape. This grand estate seemed unlike anything these nascent sentients had ever seen, and it showed. "A grand gesture, a bastion matched in stature only by its builders heart," one of the bluer Furies - Valley of Freedom - intoned emphatically. "A sanctity that must be kept and honored." Oraelia snapped her fingers and clothes began to cover the furies one by one. Long slender garments of white. Two small straps held them up at their shoulders and were low cut enough to reveal their more feminine features. Colorful flowers began to sprout from laurels that wrapped around their heads, smelling of warm pleasant aromas and sweet nectars. They stood before her, newly clothed and brimming with excitement. [color=gold]”There, now you are clothed, and not so bare to the world. Within this palace, you will find many rooms for you to occupy and call your own. This is your home now within my realm, and yes, I do expect you to keep it well. But first, I am quite peckish and I am sure you are all hungry as well?”[/color] Oraelia began to pace back and forth, setting a finger on her chin. [color=gold]”Now what should we do about that? Oh, I know!”[/color] She turned to them and waved, a gust of wind washing over them. [color=gold]”You will find that I have taught you a few things. One being how to cook many delicious foods and how to forage for ingredients in the wild. What’s edible and what isn’t and those sorts of things. Some more gifts remain yet hidden, waiting to be unlocked… Now you will find that my realm is bountiful, but know this, that which is taken must be out of necessity and never excess. If one takes excessively, it must be used and not hoarded.”[/color] She gave a soft smile. [color=gold]”Now a little test. Around here you will find what you need to cook a feast. When you have what you need, meet me in the kitchen. You will also find that the palace is known to you, so that you will never get lost. And remember, work together! Now, are there any questions?”[/color] What ensued was a brief silence, followed by a chattering cacophony of questions. Many worried over the exact details of her challenge, but none stood out as particularly difficult to quickly answer with a shake of the head or a smile. A few Furies caught on quick and wasted no time in trying to both soothe the inquisitive nature of their kin, but also motivate the others to cooperate. Eventually a tenuous consensus was reached, and the confused worry adopted by a few taking the word 'test' too closely to heart was soon discarded in favour of following the gaggle of giggling girls. Soon it seemed there was a pair of Furies around every corner, scouring every inch of the local area in an effort to analyze and take in all they could. Of course, being divine, Oraelia could hear their faint murmurs from quite a distance away - already they were deep into drawing conclusions about different types of flowers and berries based on their appearance and features. They treated it like a sporting challenge, taking to the task of assembling all manner of ingredients with jovial moods and cheery debates, while still holding a good pace. A few times Oraelia caught sight of one of them reminding others not to take too much - it was perhaps no surprise it was the pale Garden of Ordained Peace who worried about excesses. Oraelia smiled to herself and before long began to walk up the steps to the Palace. Truth be told, she did create the thing but it was still exciting to see up close. She left the Furies in good hands, knowing they would come to her when they were ready (It wasn't like she couldn't hear them and their chatter anyways). So she wandered through the long empty halls, taller then even trees and she looked out long windows to see a wondrous view of golden fields and she sampled the glistening bathrooms, the empty dining halls, the comfy bedrooms and found herself at last within the main kitchen room. A large interior lit well by windows. It was a modest place full of tools that may have been a bit beyond anything on Galbar that she knew of but still retained a feeling of the times. She walked towards the entrance of the room, hearing feet walking up the corridors. The first of the Furies barreled through the halls with a load full of fruits. Her happy expression froze when she came upon Oraelia, as her body followed suit and locked in place out of respect, reverence, or fear. The small mountain of citrus fruits burst from her precarious grip, and rolled all over the corridor. "Ack! A great blemish I have inflicted on this domain. Pray forgive me, O' virtue incarnate." She spoke in half-song as her sky blue skin blushed darker, before rushing to pick up her rolling fugitives. Behind her came a flood of Furies, all but a few repeating the pattern of stopping dead in their tracks when they came upon her, but less clumsy with their bounty. Oraelia gushed, [color=gold]"Oh no my darling, I scared you. Please forgive me! Here, let me help!"[/color] The goddess chimed, helping pick up the fruit. [Color=gold]"The rest of you can carry on inside and start. Remember, accidents happen and one should always be willing to help make things right, even if they had nothing to do with it."[/color] The blushing furie said nothing but smiled warmly to herself as she collected all of her lost fruits with Oraelia's help. An errant mutter reached her ears, basic envy among the others for getting to spend time with 'Our Lady', but it didn't seem all that malicious as the others quickly made their way further into the palace chatting away. When Oraelia picked up the last round escapee, the blue-horned girl dared to speak again. "Your home is much nicer than our birthplace…" Oraelia looked upon her with a thoughtful expression. [Color=gold]"Not all things are so nice as where we find ourselves eventually. Your… Creator… Mother?"[/color] she shook her head. [Color=gold]"Do not think terribly of Neiya. Hers is a complicated history full of pain and sorrow. I hope to one day help her truly realize she can be something else then what she was born to be."[/color] She smiled at the fury. [Color=gold]"I think you and your kind are proof of that. Now come, we mustn't keep the others waiting for too long."[/color] The horned girl nodded twice and - having learned nothing from her previous behavior - rushed down the hall to join the others with the same speed that had culminated in middling catastrophe just before. Naturally, keeping up would never be a match for a deity, but they were capable of considerable bursts of speed. They were certainly spry, almost imbued with a relentless drive to engage in each activity with their full attention and passion. Soon enough the chattering turned to a clatter and jovial talks as well as traded tips and conclusions on cooking. The talent appeared to come naturally after Oraelia's initial assistance, and now all but a few of them were avidly figuring things out on the fly, and whipping up possible dishes and techniques with mere taste testing. The few Furies that did not manage the same level quickly adopted a supportive role, unselfishly accepting their lack of skill as cooking masters. The recently raised palace soon carried a strong and inviting fragrance of fresh herbs, ripe fruit, and exotic blends of spice. In record time - and with almost no help - the furies whipped up a truly massive feast of all the bounties the realm had been willing to offer. It was immediately evident - and had been during cooking - that unless Oraelia ate for ten, there was way too much food prepared. An excess indeed. Regardless, the Goddess made no mention of this and instead guided them to dish the food and bring it out to the dining room, where she waited at the head of the table. And so the Furies brought their succulent foods out and arranged them on that long table to the brim. When that was done, Oraelia bid them to sit. [Color=gold]"What wonderful work my lovely little doves. I think some important lessons were learned today so before we eat, would anyone like to speak?"[/color] she asked in a reassuring voice, eyes falling on Garden of Ordained Peace. The pale woman seemed immediately weighed down by the implicit attention leveled her way, and fidgeted in place. A few other Furies seemed to realize only now how much food there truly was, and Garden herself glanced at the long table conscientiously. "...Do not collect to excess, do not waste…" she began, lifting a hand to her cheek. Her glowing gaze lifted to behold her comrades, who had begun to shift their own eagerness into frowns as they realized their lack of thoughtfulness. Garden of Ordained Peace widened her eyes and looked towards Oraelia, though did not have the confidence to meet her gaze. "Alas, it is not so that the challenge laid upon us has not been met. In our vigor to please Our Lady much food has been made - all the better to invite more guests." The Goddess' lips slowly turned into a smile. [Color=gold]"An excellent idea! I feared, as I wandered this palace, I made it too large for so few. But… Let this be a lesson and not a punishment for excess. There are many solutions to the problems we face. Never be afraid to let your ideas be known. Now, shall I invite more of your kind to my realm?"[/color] she asked. A long string of oohs and agreement ran through the crowd. The pale Garden seemed to smile to herself in a brief moment of joy, and nodded slowly. Of course, it didn't take long for her reddish-brown comrade from earlier to step in with her own thoughts, blind to the subtler side. "A grand feast for as many as wish to come! Perhaps even the Songstress, our maker, will come to participate!" Oraelia gave a small nod in turn. [Color=gold]"Well, I suppose I can ask her to come but I wouldn't get your hopes up my doves. Now, if you'll excuse me for one moment."[/color] she said, getting up from her seat and walking back into the kitchen. As soon as she was out of sight of the Furies, Oraelia became visibly panicked. Could she really ask Neiya? Was it too soon? She let out a small breath and then steadied herself. She couldn't let her Furies down. So she sent her thoughts towards the Goddess of Love. [Color=gold]"Neiya… I've a favor to ask…"[/color] Despite having only spoken with Neiya a few times, there was a noticeable delay that was now becoming standard. She could tie it now to the struggling goddesses' thought process, no doubt going through the same wracking doubt no matter the situation. As expected, a brief sensation was returned, followed by the thoughts of the horned love goddess. [color=8493ca]"...Oraelia? What's the matter?[/color] There was a lot she wanted to say. Things she probably needed to say but Oraelia's confidence faltered as she felt Neiya’s presence. So she said the first thing that came to mind. [Color=gold]"I-I need more Furies!"[/color] she blurted then winced at herself. [color=8493ca]"..O-Oh.”[/color] Neiya replied almost immediately, filling the void with an enigmatic breath before silence took over again. The delay was murder. When her words returned, they were steeled with the cold grace of the frowning goddess. [color=8493ca]"Of course. I’ll let them know they are welcome in your realm.”[/color] [Color=gold]"You are too! I mean, we're throwing a feast and they asked if I could invite you! But I want you to come! But only if you want too!"[/color] She slapped herself and took a deep breath. [Color=gold]"They're really precious and and… Uh… Thank you for making them, Neiya."[/color] [color=8493ca]"...Thank you, but there’s someone I have to see. Maybe next time, Oraelia.”[/color] came the response, filled with promise and sadness alike. [color=8493ca]”I’ll send as many Furies as I can. They deserve a good life.”[/color] [Color=gold]"O-"[/color] Oraelia started. No more could be said before one of the furies burst into the kitchen, taking a deep breath before trying to compose herself and appear at least a little graceful before a goddess. “Hark! Cresting the Painted Fields is trying to argue it is a matter of course to begin the feast early given our sizable number. Garden of Ordained Peace mounts a valiant defense of mind and logic, but a ruling is required, O’ Brightest.” She turned to Treads Before the Dawn, and for a moment her face was blank. She blinked then laughed, [color=gold]"Oh my, well, let's go give a ruling then, yeah?"[/color] she said, following after the Fury, mind thinking of Neiya for a moment before the smells of food brought her back to task at hand. Oh and how she loved them. [hider=Summary] Oraelia is celebrating in bliss having gotten through to Neiya. In her celebration, Rhiona asks who the newcomers to her realm are. Oraelia looks and sees about a dozen Furies immersing themselves in her realm. She flies over and welcomes them, asking why they have come and a rather pale Fury that reminds her of Neiya says they are there because of her, basically. They then have a small conversation about names and the Furies and Oraelia go on a tour of her realm and the Furies come to name themselves. Oraelia then builds them a palace home, clothes them, breaks them into two holy orders and sends them off to do tasks. The piece ends on Oraelia, SMS’ing Neiya and asking her for some more Furies for her realm. [/hider] [hider=Mp Summary] Oraelia 5/5 Holy Order - Caretakers of Paradise. Formed when a band of Furies followed Oraelia home, this holy order lives in the Sun Goddess’ realm, where they care for the land and protect it. Kawaii maidu-desu -2MP for the title, Exquisite Gourmet II - There are many ways to show that one cares for another, deepening the bonds of companionship and intimacy through a foundation of love. As such, this Holy Order excels in the craft of cooking and strives to make delicious food stuffs out of ingredients that are edible and fresh. They are capable of taking the most mundane items and spinning them to explode with flavor that’s to die for. -1MP for the title, Foragers I - This Holy Order is naturally inclined to find their own ingredients for cooking and crafts and can forage to their heart's content, usually finding what they need in just the right amount. -1MP for the title, Calming Aura I - Members of this order have an aura of calm that envelopes their person and sends good vibes to animals and to a lesser degree, mortals. This aura only works if beings are unprovoked and in a sensible state of mind. The more members that are together, the greater the effect. -1DP (Healing port) for the title, Healing Hands I - Members of this order also have the ability to manipulate the healing energies of the world through touch, and can mend wounds and injuries. The larger the wound the longer it takes to heal. Holy Order - Covenant of Deliverance Also formed when a band of Furies followed Oraelia home, this holy order lives in the Sun Goddess’ realm, where they take pride in law. They are avid authorities on justice and mediators of peace. -2DP (2 towards Justice port) for the title, Justice Enthusiasts II - The members of this holy order are competent rules lawyers and enjoy engaging in legal debates and problem solving. They are naturals at picking up on details and obscure facts in local laws, and use it to full effect. -1MP for the title, Scholarly Disposition I - This holy order has minds more attuned with learning and researching through trial and error. They enjoy debating and mediating between different cultures, peoples, and ideologies all in the pursuit of learning. -2DP (Just Judgement Domain) for the title, Magisters II - Coupled with being Justice Enthusiasts, this holy order is capable of administering and judging those established laws they are so keen on finding. As such they are uniquely qualified, furthering their species' natural disposition for punishments, to be judges those who offend laws and dole out appropriate sentences. 0/0 ⅖ Justice ⅖ Repentance ⅖ Punishment [/hider] [hider=Prestige] Caretakers of Paradise Starting 0 10k = +5 Ending = 5 Covenant of Deliverance Starting 0 10k = +5 Ending = 5 [/hider]