[right]Kefira O'Connor [color=gray]PDC HQ[/color][/right] [color=silver] Kefira never got to experience the displeasure of using a high school shower. Now she was using one at the PDC, she knew what she had been missing. The showers were both claustrophobic and made her feel exposed, a phenomenon she thought impossible to experience. Each shower head was mounted on a wall with two sub walls on either side. If you were showering, your back was exposed to a narrow curtain that hadn’t been changed since the resource shortage (probably). If you were fortunate, you could take a shower while no one else was there. But there was always the threat that someone could enter at any time. Kefira wasn’t bothered by others seeing her naked. Her anxiety stemmed from the fact that someone who didn’t know her might mistaken the undercover cop for a convict. Even now there were “semi-permanent” tattoos on her body. Snakes coiling around her biceps with the head of a lion on her back. They’d ware off on their own in a few weeks, but no amount of water could wash them off. At least for her last cover, she didn’t have to dye her blond mane. That always took months to grow out, and one time she even shaved her head just to be rid of the extra colors. The PDC was the last place you wanted to be suspected of being a criminal. Not that criminals didn’t dress up like cops sometimes. The door to the shower room swung open. Kefira turned to look through the semi-transparent curtain and saw the silhouette of a woman walk in front of it. She didn’t keep walking either. The stranger turned towards Kefira and folded her arms behind her back. She wasn’t so paranoid that she’d carry her side arm into the shower with her, so all Kefira could do was wait for the figure to make their move. And that move was to speak. [color=white]”Kefira?”[/color] [color=tomato]"Oh!"[/color] Kefira grinned as the tention left her body. The blurred shape on the other side of the curtain was one that she recognized. Elizabeth was a plump woman with dark skin, but Kefira always called her- [color=tomato]"Aunt Jemima! Don’t scare me like that!"[/color] [color=white]”…Could you call me somethin’ that ain’t so dated?”[/color] [color=tomato]"But it fits you so well!"[/color] [color=white]”Because I’m black?”[/color] [color=tomato]"Because you’re sweet!"[/color] [color=white]”Hmph!”[/color] It was hard to tell if ‘Aunt Jemima’ smiled at that one or not, with the moldy shower curtain obscuring her face. But at this point she should really be use to Kefira’s banter. [color=white]”I came here to say Lorelei wants to see you.”[/color] [color=tomato]"Did she tell you why?"[/color] [color=white]”She wasn’t transparent with the matter.”[/color] [color=tomato]"Transparent eh? Can't get anymore transparent than naked when you're clean."[/color] [color=white]”…Huh?”[/color] [color=tomato]"Nothing worth repeating. I’m gunna finish scrubbing and then I’ll see her."[/color] Kefira turned around to do just that. [color=tomato]"Thanks Elizabeth."[/color] [color=white]”Hah, alright hun. Just don’t keep her waitin’.”[/color] … … … [i][color=tomato]The [url=https://listenonrepeat.com/?v=VBlFHuCzPgY#Elevator_Music_1_hour]elevator music[/url] is dated, but it’s alright.[/color][/i] With her uniform on, Kefira felt a lot better. Her hair hadn’t finished drying, but none of her tattoos were visible. Either way, she probably looked respectable enough to entered Lorelei’s office. As the chief of police, Lorelei did not have a ton of time on her hands. It was usually a bad omen if you were summoned, but that had seldom been the case for Kefira. If anything, she seemed to get along well with the chief of police. That was probably because she didn’t screw around with her as much as she did her fellow officers, like Elizabeth. The elevator had gone as high as it would go. With a ding, the elevator doors slid open. Kefira marched her way towards Lorelei’s office, but not without examining her hair in a window’s reflection. She tapped a button on the door and it slid open, allowing her to step inside. [color=tomato]"Chief."[/color] Kefira nodded her head towards Lorelei as the door shut behind her. [color=tomato]"I was told you wanted to see me?"[/color] [/color]