[center][h1][colour=red][i]Sev[/i][/colour][/h1][/center] [hider]"Did anyone see which way it went?" "How the fuck did we lose it? It's huge." "Sir with all due respect these tunnels stretch for miles under the city and beyond. You've seen how fast it can move, we keep trying to chase it and we could get lost down here." "Well you can be the one to explain to the boss that we lost his prize. Alright pack it up, that thing knows these tunnels even less than we do. If we're lucky it'll get lost and die down here, it's someone else's problem then." From downs the tunnel Sev listened closely as those hunting him left, The water of the sewers sloshing around as they disappeared into the darkness. [colour=red]"Damage report?"[/colour] [i]"You have sustained minor damage, a few flesh wounds nothing more. Though I'm more worried about you. Hiding from a fight? I've been in your head for three years and that's not like you."[/i] [colour=red]"There were over ten of them and only one of me. I am good but given that supplies are limited, not that good."[/colour] Once Sev was sure that his pursuers had left and weren't just lurking for him to reveal himself he began to make his way through the sewer tunnels. "It stinks down here you know." [colour=red]"I didn't, you have my sense of smell."[/colour] "Yeah well consider yourself lucky. So… you want to talk about this?" [colour=red]"About what? Being stranded on a potentially hostile alien world? Being cut off from the Hive? Or that the now sentient AI in my head is trying to make small talk?"[/colour] [i]"All of the above."[/i] Sev sighed, sitting himself down along the edge of the walkway. [i]"You know you could be a little more friendly to me, we're in this together after all."[/i] [colour=red]"The concept of friendship is alien to me, you should know that since you occupy the part of my head where those feelings would be… Though… there is something, I don't know what it is. Since I awoke I've felt alone, yet my head has never felt clearer, it's almost like I can think for myself."[/colour] Sev unveiled a small multi-tool from within his lower front right arm and began to work on various parts of himself. Hours seemed to pass as Sev pulled at least a dozen bullets from around his body. The silence of the tunnels only being broken by the Sev's grunts and the occasional rat squeak, until one inquisitive rat decided to investigate the large creature bow inhabiting its home. Sev's rear right arm was being walked on, he tried to shoo the rat away but it wouldn't leave, until finally it bit down on a finger, Sev grunted and raised his arm, clenching his hand into a fist he brought it down on top of the rats head and crushed it with loud thud which echoed for what seemed like forever, lifting his hand and shaking it to try and clean the blood off. Silence returned to the sewers and Sev returned to work until once again the silence was broken, this time by a voice. "You… You gonne eat that?" Sev's head shot to the dark corner down the tunnel from him and his rat crushing arm gripped the rifle lying next to him and pointed it down the tunnel. "Woah, woah easy friend. I ain't meanin you no harm, just aslin if you gonna eat that?" Lipping through his vision modes Sev's thermals revealed a figure hunched over a shopping cart. The figure stepped out into light revealing the voice to be that of an old man with long dirty grey hair and clothes that even Sev could smell. The mans vision appeared fixed on the squished rat next to Sev which perplexed him given that there was a large Alien sitting there. Sev didn't respond to the man, simply lowering his rifle and went back to repairs. [colour=red][i]"Jade wasn't it? What is the blue box surrounding that ape on my HUD?"[/i][/colour] [i]"Well that's the symbol for… Non-combatant… yeah that one."[/i] [colour=red][i]"A what?"[/i][/colour] [i]"You know like a civillian, someone who's not a threat to you. The settings have always been in here but just turned off until I was seperated from the core. Now I know these are foreign concepts to you but just trust me ok."[/i] Sev didn't respond instead focusing on his work. By now the strange human had made his way iver and collected the body and was making his way back into the darkness, muttering to himseld the entire time before shouting loundly into the tunnel ahead of him. "Boys we's gonna eat well tonight get a fire goin." Sev was confused, his scanners were picking up no lifeforms, not even the man who had taken the rat, perhaps he was more damaged than he realised, then a voice replied to the strange man. "If it's another Goddamn Rat I'm going to beat you." to which the man with the shopping cart only muttered "Well no dinner for you then." in response. Minutes passed and as the man Dissapeared the silence returned, Sev didn't mind though, if it was silent then no one was tracking him or for that matter bothering him. [i]"You want to investigate don't you."[/i] [colour=red][i]"Don't know what you mean."[/i][/colour] [i]"I'm inside your head remember. You're thinking thay maybe one of them knows how to help us, or at the very least get us out of these sewers, you're a genetically engineered bio-weapon designed for war, not for hiding in other species defications."[/i] [colour=red][i]"Fine."[/i][/colour] Rising from to his feet Sev collected his belongings and headed into the darkness, his thermal vision lighting the way ahead until he began hearing voices around the corner. "Look I'm tellin you man there was a giant fuckin Alien down there. It's what crushed dinner." It was the man with the trolley from before but he wasn't alone this time. "That's the fifth time you've said that, you sure it's not just your junk kicking in?" "No, no, no you're all wrong. Look there it is now!" The man from before exclaimed, pointing at the set of four glowing red eyes peering at them through the darkness. "Oh shit, oh shit!" The rest of the men stammered and began shuffling away from Sev. [colour=red]"I… do… no… harm"[/colour] Though he could hold conversations with jade in his head near perfectly, actually speaking this new language was proving quite difficult. The men still held back, some hiding behind their improvised shelter. [colour=red]"I… need… help."[/colour] This seemed to surprise the men before him, Sev wasn't the most friendly looking of creatures and hearing him ask for help would have confused most. "W-what do you need help with." The man who appeared to be their leader asked from behind his tent. [colour=red]"I… am… hiding."[/colour] "Shit man, maybe the Government's after him." The man who took the rat said, he was the only one of the men who didn't hide when Sev appeared. "Sit, sit. Tell us your woes." [colour=red]"My… woes?"[/colour] "Yeah you know, what troubles you." Sev was hesitant, his only experience with Humans so far hadn't been exactly positive but these people seemed harmless. Sev placed his equipment down and sat down next to the rat man. "Come on you guys, he ain't gonna hurt yas." The rest of the men seemed to agree with the rat man and came back to their seats, though they still looked like they'd bolt if Sev tried anything. [colour=red]"OSCORP… I… hide… from… OSCORP."[/colour] "Well." The leader of the group began. "You don't have to worry about us. We ain't gonna hand you over to em. Do you have a name friend?" [colour=red][i]"A name?"[/i][/colour] Jade began to speak again. "Yeah you know, like i want to be called Jade now. Your thoughts are dwelling on one, Sev. I think it suits you personally. Well go on, tell them." [colour=red]"I… am… Sev."[/colour] "Well Sev, the man spoke again, "Like i said we're all friendly here and considering how close OSCORP and the government are linked you ain't gotta worry about us." It was then that the rat man jumped in. "It's not the government you gotta worry about tho. It's those God Damn J…" Sev became lost in his thoughts for a moment as the Rat man continued on with his rant. Why did he ask these people for help? He could detect large amounts of narcotics on and in them. There were so many questions he had but these… Vagrants? was that this planets word for them. For now he would just have to bide his time and work put how to get out of here with the help of these strange Humans. Hours passed as Sev answered the mens questions to the best of his ability, everything from what he was to how he got here. The Humans all seemed quite different from one another, each possessing their own unique personalities and quirks and while Sev was still developing one of his own he was still very cold and calculating when talking to others, though these conversations had certainly helped him develop his language skills. [colour=red]"So if I wanted to leave these tunnels. Where would I go?"[/colour] "Well you'd head down that way." The man explained. "Hook a left and keep going for a few hundred meters and it'll bring you out on the edge of an industrial estate." [colour=red]"I see. Well thankyou Humans, you have been most helpful, even if your friend there talks about nothing but what you call an 'Is-ra-el'."[/colour] Sev departed from the group feeling odd, he was designed for war, to snuff the life off of entire planets and yet here he was having pleasant conversations with the locals. Following the mans directions Sev emerged into the city, the Sun was just starting to rise across the tall tower like buildings around him. [i]"Sev I know this might sound odd but I've had a thought. Perhaps if we helped these locals then someone might be able to help is in return. Because I'm picking up some signals from what the locals call 'Police'. They're the people who maintain the law if what I read on their internet is correct. Perhaps if we helped them they might help us no?"[/i] [colour=red][i]You might be right. Ok give me a route but steer clear of main transport routes."[/i][/colour] Moving through the dark alleys and gardens Sev eventually found himself outside of a run down apartment building, Police had completely surrounded the front of the building and from inside sporadic gunfire could be heard. [colour=red][i]"Are you sure about this? If this goes wrong we could end up back in that lab or worse."[/i][/colour] [i]"Not really but we've got to start somewhere don't we?"[/i] [colour=red][i]"I can't argue that."[/i][/colour] Sev began to scale the back of the building, scanning floor by floor trying to find a weakness, on the fourth floor he found one a crumbling part of the old brick wall. And on the other side was a man wielding a weapon of some kind, Sev could also detect another person in the room, huddled in the corner of the room appeared to be one of this groups hostages. Saving a person, no saving multiple people would certainly be a new experience for Sev but his options were limited and perhaps Jade was right, this could be his best option for getting just anyone to help him get off this planet. Taking a moment to compose himself Sev began his assault starting with the man in front of him. Punching his fist straight through the wall he grabbed the man by the back of the shirt and ripped him through the wall, throwing him to the floor below with a loud crack. Pulling himself up through the now quite large hole in the wall, the person cowering on the floor was revealed to be a small girl with his hand tied. reaching down towards the girl he grabbed the bindings around her hands and ripped them off, she then scrambled further into the corner away from the monster who'd just entered her room. Sev didn't take it as an insult he [i]was[/i] a big scary monster afterall. "What the hell was that?" "I dunno go and check it out." Voices from outside in the hallway caught Sev's attention, pulling his rifle from his back he readied himself for a fight. As the door creaked open another man wearing a balaclava entered wielding a gun, scanning the room he missed the large Alien crouching near the hostage only noticing when the barrel of Sev's rifle flashed and the man was sent flying back into the hallway with a sizzling sound coming from the new hole in his shoulder. There were a few more screams from down the hall as bullets began to fill the air, piercing the wooden door and sending splinters flying around the room, Sevs body shielded the small girl from most of them. Flicking his vision modes he counted three more hostiles and four hostages. Stepping into the doorway he was facing down two of them, both turned white at the mere sight of Sev one of them ran into a small side room while the other just stood there for a moment. Sev took that moment to strike, firing a small tracking dart from his rifle which embedded itself into the man's chest, the man screamed and ran startled into the room where the rest of the hostages were held. Sev smirked and pulled the trigger once again, the plasma rounds flew down the hallway and hung a sharp left, following the tracking dart and burrowing a hole straight through the man's chest, more screams came from the room as his body hit the floor. Moving down the hall Sev ignored the man who had run first and turned towards the hostages holding up a hand to try and calm them down. [colour=red]"You are being rescued, please do not resist."[/colour] It was then that the first man struck, coming out of the room behind Sev he struck him on the back with a hammer, only to hear a [i]clink[/i] ad it did absolutely nothing to his armoured back. Sev didn't even turn to acknowledge the attacker, simply grabbing his head with his rear arm and flinging him under arm into the room in front of him, the man crashing through the window overlooking the street and smashing on top of a Police car. The last one of the criminals stood next to the hostages pointing his lowly pistol at one of them. Sev recognising the danger and wanting to maximise the chance that someone would help him in his quest to leave earth stowed his rifle and raised all four of his hands as if to show he was no longer a threat. The man foolishly took his gun off of the hostage and pointed it towards Sev, emptying the magazine into the alien before him. and as his trigger pulls began to turn from bangs to clicks he knew he was doomed. Sev lowered his arms and ignited one of his energy swords, throwing it full force into the man carrying its momentum and him with it, the blade pinned the criminal to the wall, killing him instantly. Sev slowly paced across the room and retrieved his blade, using it to gently uncut the hostages who were still as terrified of him as they were their captures. [colour=red]"I am Sev, I wish to go home. Please tell people of me and that it was I who saved you."[/colour] It was then that the SWAT team rounded the corner, having been sent in shortly after the man smashed into the car below. "What the fuck is that thing." One yelled. "Kill it." Another replied. Sev once again began taking fire, more accurate than that of the hostage takers. And though Sev's IFF tags registered them as hostiles he knew that killing them would not help his cause. Offering them only a loud roar in reply he sprinted at them, barging his way through them, back down the hallway, through the hole he created in the wall and Dissapeared into the alleyways. arriving back at the entrance to the sewers he'd left only a an hour or so before. [colour=red][i]"Why did they attack? I saved the others didn't I?"[/i][/colour] [i]"It could is possible that they were simply scared of you. You are unlike anything they've probably seen before and given how you brutalised those criminals they may have feared the same fate. We'll just have to hope that those you saved say good things about you to the right people, but only time will tell i suppose."[/i] [colour=red][i]"Yes… only time will tell.[/i][/colour][/hider]