[center][h1][color=1a7b30]Village of Oak[/color][/h1] [@Carmen Sandiego][/center] [hider= Map of Crystallis][img]https://i.imgur.com/2XoLfBh.jpg[/img][/hider] [center][hider=Village of Oak][img]https://i.imgur.com/aOxK17D.jpg?1[/img][/hider][/center] [table] [row][cell][img]https://i.imgur.com/HpACxqH.jpg?3[/img][/cell] [cell][right][img]https://i.imgur.com/v4Bj1dZ.jpg?1[/img][/right][/cell][/row][/table] [center]Two figures approach the burnt shell of the village of Oak, one from the South West, one from the South East. They saw each other from the distance and stopped. They were enemies, mortal enemies, and they both understood that one of them would have to die before this day was over.[/center] Sir Lunch dismounted his white stead as he saw the Shadowy servant across the field. In a fair fight he'd stay on the horse, but these nightmarish creatures of Draygon tended to spook horses. He had fought the monsters before and he knew the only way to kill them was with fire. His sword was coated in an oil that Tornel, the Fire Wizard had prepared, Sir Lunch lit the blade and charged toward the shadowy beast. From across the field the Shadowy Servant began its own charge. It saw the flaming sword but was not deterred, it had its own weapon of cold steel it wielded in its clawed hands. After a furious sprint the two of them met and CHANG!! as their weapons clashed! Blue and red sparks shot off the weapons as the enemies traded angry blows. CLASH! CLASH! CLASH! their weapons struck, neither gaining the obvious advantage. Sir Lunch was winded and sweating. He and the nightmare creature circled each other, looking for an flaw in the other's defense. Sir Lunch saw it! He swung his fiery sword high in a feint aiming at the creature's head. The evil thing raised it's weapon to block and Sir Lunch changed his stance to bring the sword onto its clavicle. This maneuver would have worked if the creature had feet and balance, but the monster moved inhumanly, it's bones snapping as it jerked, and dodged its body out of the fiery swords path and using its clawed hand torn down the breast plate of Sir Lunch's chrome armor. Sir Lunch was thrown back, his breastplate had four long slashed deep in the metal, the flesh underneath was torn. Using what little healing magic he had he kept himself from death but not for long. The Shadow creature stood over the knight, ready to deal the murderous blow, and Sir Lunch was too tired to get away. [hider=SYNOPSIS] Carmen, you must choose, help the knight or help the shadow creature. [/hider]