[hider=Kyra Wynk][center] [img]https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/f/3d079e1f-386b-4bd0-84fc-cce9913fbc0c/d9q9xjt-124ea4b3-38ec-49cd-a577-9bcfa2ea0fb9.jpg/v1/fill/w_900,h_1224,q_75,strp/don_t_f____with_me____by_anatofinnstark_d9q9xjt-fullview.jpg?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOiIsImlzcyI6InVybjphcHA6Iiwib2JqIjpbW3siaGVpZ2h0IjoiPD0xMjI0IiwicGF0aCI6IlwvZlwvM2QwNzllMWYtMzg2Yi00YmQwLTg0ZmMtY2NlOTkxM2ZiYzBjXC9kOXE5eGp0LTEyNGVhNGIzLTM4ZWMtNDljZC1hNTc3LTliY2ZhMmVhMGZiOS5qcGciLCJ3aWR0aCI6Ijw9OTAwIn1dXSwiYXVkIjpbInVybjpzZXJ2aWNlOmltYWdlLm9wZXJhdGlvbnMiXX0.6ML57H9TEGYEFcBBu41DcjfBkbHe6AY0ShK35QG9xvU[/img] [u][b]K Y R A W Y N K[/b][/u] [i]“A killer with the manners of a rabbit - this is the most dangerous kind.”[/i] [u]Codename[/u] [i]"Bunny"[/i] [u]Age[/u] [i]22[/i] [u]Gender[/u] [i]Cisgender Woman[/i] [u]Species[/u] [i]Human[/i] [u]Ethnicity[/u] [i]Cambrian[/i] [u]Home Planet [/u] [i]Traxatis - a lush, completely terraformed planet with a booming economy as well large working and under class population. Traxatis has 9 countries with Cambria being the largest and most economically developed. [/i] ——— [u]Personality[/u] [i]Generally eager to make friends, Kyra is likely to try to strike up casual conversation and is supportive of those around her since she lacks any kind of personal connections. Kyra does have a tendency to get frustrated with herself at times and can be short or desolate because of it. She is well aware of the fact that she isn't intimidating so when trying to get information or favors from people she will play up the sweetness to try to get what she needs.[/i] [u]Height[/u] [i]165 cm[/i] [u]Weight[/u] [i]61 kg[/i] [u]Notable Features[/u] [i]Kyra has a “33” tattooed between her neck and shoulder. She has no other tattoos at this time.[/i] [u]Appearance[/u] [i]Athletic hourglass build, impish facial features, somewhat pale skin due to spending most of her time training in simulated conditions while indoors, long black hair, no major scars, hazel eyes, freckles. Kyra’s small but not tiny stature allows her to blend in almost seamlessly in crowds. Her face often makes her come across as innocent and/or non-threatening. [/i] [u]Languages [/u] [i]English[/i] [u]Biography[/u] [i]Kyra Wynk was actually born Kyra Milliken to her young parents, Morviz and Ceana Milliken. The Millikens have a fortune which began centuries ago. They’ve invested into countless businesses and control much of Cambria through politicians funded entirely by the Millikens or their businesses. Ceana was a socialite and a built in public relations manager while Morviz is also the CEO of Milliken Co., one of the highest grossing companies in the surrounding solar system.[/i] [i]Morviz was hoping for a male heir but began training Kyra to take over the family’s company nonetheless. As Kyra grew older, she objected to many of the family’s business practices and often argued with her father on his ethics and attempted to sabotage his political plans. When Kyra was a young teen, her father began investing in creation of a male heir. Guaranteed on genetics and sex as the zygote was carefully crafted in a private lab for later implantation, Morviz quickly set to splitting the business to be shared between his two children, with the majority of power and shares going to his unborn son. Soon after, Kyra discovered her father was guilty of fraud, embezzlement, the use of illegal labor, and blackmailing among other scandals. She attempted to expose him to the public during a private event, being too naive to realize just how corrupt the upper class and their direct circle was. After the somewhat embarrassing fiasco, Morviz demanded complete and unquestioning loyalty from Kyra who fiercely refused. He warned her that he would remove her from the will and disown her, leaving their entire fortune to her zygote brother. Finally, Kyra agreed with her father on something. She would no longer be involved in manipulation of the masses, keeping the underclass poor and starving, stealing from the working class to prevent them from moving up in the economy. Kyra failed to realize just how much corruption plagued the galaxy and was happy to give herself a fresh start. She chose the name Wynk from a character in a comic to separate herself from her family and any negative associations her father’s corrupt dealings may have fostered and promptly left home at the age of 16. Kyra quickly realized how hard it was to make enough money to support a comfortable life. She sought out a spot in the academy and was accepted at 17 and spent the next few years training amongst humans and mutants far more capable and experienced than herself. With no family, friends or hobbies, she spent all her free time conditioning and training to be comparable to her peers. Finally, she graduated at freshly 22. [/i] --- [u]Cybernetics[/u] [i]Kyra currently only has one cybernetic enhancement. She wears a piece that goes from her ear canal in a circuit to right above her left brow. The piece above her brow will project a screen that allows her to see at night and improves her vision greatly, the piece in her ear enhances her hearing to inhuman level. Both of these being only on the left side, however.[/i] [u]Power Limits[/u] [i]The cybernetics are only worn on her left side as she is right hand but left eye dominant. Meaning that it can occasionally be hard to pinpoint exactly where the noise she picked up is coming from or causing her to miss something in her right peripheral that she may have noticed with the cybernetic, for instance. [/i] [u]Fighting Style[/u] [i]Kyra was trained in predominantly basic hand to hand combat. She lacks knowledge in any martial arts or more advanced fighting styles. She tends to stick to firearms when able to.[/i] --- [u]Daily Skills[/u] [i]|People skills - Kyra is friendly and able to put people at ease and make them feel welcomed and heard. Often useful for smoothing over issues with others or finding out information without bringing about too much suspicion. |Organization - Kyra is highly organized and her brain compartmentalizes easily. When Kyra is involved in a mission, nothing will be forgotten or misplaced. |Efficient medic - Kyra is not qualified for any major surgeries or amputations but can help heal something more minor quickly or keep a teammate in stable condition to get them to a qualified doctor or med bay.[/i] [u]Combat Abilities[/u] [i]Kyra walks opposite most humans, from toe to heel at all times, making her steps nearly silent even when walking casually. With the use of her cybernetic she can also be hyper aware of just how loud her movements are and will use this to her advantage to make them smoother and more quiet when needed. With her enhanced vision and proficiency with a rifle, she is exceptional for distance attacks. She can hold her own against another human without enhanced strength and can take quite a beating.[/i] [u]Flaws[/u] [i]Kyra lacks experience with mutants especially and is not much of an opponent alone for close range fighting with an opponent of enhanced strength or with mutant abilities. Kyra will most often need her crewmates to succeed.[/i] --- [u]Equipment[/u] [i]Kyra often wears a simple bodysuit fitted with think pieces of projectile repelling armor in critical places to not limit mobility too much. She wears a utility belt where she carries a sharp locking knife and important supplies. She also has boots she wears specifically on missions fitted with Cloudfoam™️ soles which further soften any sound of her footsteps.[/i] [u]Weapons[/u] [i]Most often, carrying her suppressed rifle (with a custom fitted scope) which can use either standard bullets or electricity to fire. Always carrying her locking knife meant for hunting. Occasionally she will swap her rifle for a baseline firearm and/or a pair of pistols. However, since her accuracy decreases a bit with handguns, she prefers to stick to her rifle.[/i] [u]Pets[/u] [i]None for now[/i] --- [u]Likes[/u] [i]Street food and junk food Music Liquor Animals[/i] [u]Dislikes[/u] [i]Corruption and injustice Pain Recovery time Cooking Waiting[/i] [u]Fears[/u] [i]Death Falling Wasting her life[/i] --- [u]Theme Songs[/u] https://youtu.be/SWp1w2lsey4[/center] [/hider]