[right][color=C46060]Lorelei[/color] PDC HQ[/right][indent][indent][indent][indent][indent][indent][indent][indent][indent][color=silver] [h3][sub][sub][sub][sub][sub][sub][sub][sub][sub][sub][img]https://image.myanimelist.net/ui/WXe1NLfLd94gYJzlTLaQ5Qc0zEDQAm1FKfbRKvCZ-ncM9_lCVkum_8rXAULE-NA35fQWIXdXfNKuV0lmI8tb-H6-Yg55FtgdB79Q95vZwGAieJ6iylY0HtCsQzZ47cG_kCGyeZGHven_EJ18KGgt6Z0eFxfT_7Qsl_aqN5Rg5LBEmBQCH2B0eIjbtlsuYgd4[/img][/sub][/sub][/sub][/sub][/sub][/sub][/sub][/sub][/sub][right][color=white]O F F I C E of the C H I E F   of   P O L I C E[/color][/right][/sub][/h3][table=bordered][row][cell][/cell][/row][row][cell] [center][sup]Image is a reference only.[/sup][/center]The office is carpeted and warmly lit with a single desk situated at the center and at the far end of the room. There are a number of monitors suspended against the windows at the back, these windows providing a panoramic view of the Oakland Skyline as a backdrop.[/cell][/row][/table] [/color][/indent][/indent][/indent][/indent][/indent][/indent][/indent][/indent][/indent] [color=silver][color=#C46060]"Kefira."[/color] The chief replied, throwing the name out into the space between them without checking to see if it would stick. She hadn't looked up when Kefira entered the room. She wasn't sitting either. She was standing, bent slightly at the waist and leaning forward over her desk with both hands pressed into the wood. Her face was illuminated by the images displayed on the monitor she was staring intently at, her eyes trying to decipher meaning in something she wasn't even entirely sure had any. [color=C46060]"Punctual..."[/color] She stood. [color=C46060]"...As usual."[/color] The billowing blonde mane of the woman in front of her was confirmation enough that she had indeed greeted the intended recipient. [color=C46060]"Secure office."[/color] What was once a panoramic view of the Greater Oakland skyline behind her, with glass panes for walls in a 180° semicircle, became an obscure backdrop as the windows tinted. The blue, still early morning sky and lazy orange sun disappeared, replaced by muted colors of a dark, almost pitch black color and the warm glow of the light fixtures in the office. Behind Kefira, there were a series of audible clicks as bolts were pushed into place inside the frame of the door she'd just entered. With soundproofing, reinforced palladium 'steel' glass windows, and a hybrid titanium alloy structure meant to withstand impact from a freighter class transporter, the two were safe from a full assault on the precinct for at least... two weeks. Give or take. [color=#C46060]"I'll make this brief and to the point."[/color] As she began, she moved slowly around to the front of the desk. [color=C46060]"Big news lately is the string of now related murders across the state, as you already know. Originally responsibility fell to the local authorities but with the case now gaining National attention and the scenes of the murders moving erratically across multiple jurisdictions, It's fallen to us."[/color] She propped herself up on the edge of the desk, half sitting and half standing now in front of the officer. [color=C46060]"Your record with us has been remarkable. The natural talent you've shown in a line of work that's inherently as dangerous as it is... it takes a lot to do what you do."[/color] For a moment, her eyes seemed to wander to some far off place as if to peer into some forgotten memory. The drift however ended as soon as it began when a blink immediately brought her back. [color=C46060]"It takes a lot of skill. Most of it innate. And instead of wasting it's value trying to sniff out the head of some drug ring running the underground of this overly crowded city, I need you for this."[/color] Lorelei, pinched the top edge of the monitor sitting next to her on the desk and pointed toward the tinted glass behind her. Four adjacent panes blinked to life, their once transparent surface now displaying surveillance footage of an alleyway. In that alleyway were two figures with features too soft around the edges to make out. However, one was clearly dead and lay bleeding on the ground while the other simply stared at the wall for a time before running out of frame. [color=C46060]"Earlier today. Old Oakland so close by. Footage pulled from the building's feed itself and made public on forums. They're some people out there trying to do their own detective work but I figured they could use some real help."[/color] Her eyes moved from the looping footage to Kefira. [color=C46060]"For reasons I cannot disclose, I can't make it official, not yet. It's the same reason I can't tell you why the change in assignment is so sudden... and why you'll be partnered with an AIDA."[/color] She let the silence that followed encompass them both.[/color]