[color=8dc73f]„And just a moment later you’ve arrived, didn’t you?”[/color] Medaira replied to Adrianne with a cheeky grin and voice underneath the breather, but her eyes carried her smile quite clearly as she made her way inside proper, making sure to not wave her mechadendrites around… too much. Now attention back to the task at hand a the mission briefing, important information was to be had! Yes Medaira did recall the personal office which she left in permanent temperature offset. That was a great prank in motion. The type that you knew will be uncomfortable, but not that annoying for anybody to do anything about. The victim might not even realize they are pranked! Most likely the poor sap would be just regulating manually his AC for a long while yet! Still half pleasure planet half urbanized one was a weird mix! How glorious must the juggling between nature and industry be. Certainly many would would benefit even without a pleasure world status. If for nothing else, but to keep the populace more content. Living with less respiratory complications would likely improve the average morale! This is why she had the breather unit! Suddenly she snapped her attention back on track, she was getting off… track...road… rails?[color=8dc73f][i]’ Focus~!’ [/i][/color]She looked back at the celestian. Listening the rest of the briefing she frowned. A display of chaos on such a public location? Must be pretty brave… maybe stupid or both! Maybe the corruption is far deeper seeded and this display was just caused by stupidity of new overconfident members! Will she get the chance to say that the wife or the butler did it?[color=8dc73f]” I’ve got a question. There MUST be cameras at a location such as that no? Have those been disabled? As for those who were there, are all of them present in the city at latest reports or have some vanished mysteriously in the interim?” [/color]Medaira asked, making mental notes. She gazed upon Prank Vict… Stukov and Psyker friend Adrianne for a moment.” [color=8dc73f]I would endeavor to establish contact with the local Mechanicus presence to judge potential for corruption and reinforcements from them. Should they be cleared for our needs, we could expect relevant Skitarii squads to be capable of deployment in limited numbers as this is not a Forgeworld.”[/color] Medaira quipped.[color=8dc73f]” As for another question, aside this safe house, are there other discreet hideout locations we can use in the events of emergencies~?”[/color]