With the rising of the sun and the cawing of the roosters, Steppe Archer would rise quickly, the hay stuck in her hair quickly falling out as she ran a hand through it, somehow deftly avoiding tangles in her hair. ...Maybe she was practiced? Maybe it was natural? Nobody could know. All that mattered was that she rose, stretched with her arms raised high above her head until a satisfying pop echoed from her back. With a bit of droop to her eyelids the girl would look over as she heard the terrifying grumble of the druid's stomach...before her own rose up in protest, as if two beasts were about to fight to the death. Thankfully, their Lizard friend came to the rescue with some dried meats, the likes of which the archer happily tore into, eating at a pace that almost challenged Big Red's massive gnashing bites. Once her unladyness was cemented, the archer would smile happily, content with the breakfast provided. [color=CC6633][b]"That was amazing! Did you dry those out yourself? My mother showed me a way to do it back home, but it never tasted quite this good,"[/b][/color] she said, apparently a big fan of simple foods. She observed him at the well and would hurry out of the barn to quickly wash her face, then the place where she had been wounded. Despite the wound being gone, she still had some of her own dried blood caked on her leg. Nothing a bit of water and elbow grease couldn't fix though, and before long the archer was right as rain, free of dried blood that both was and was not her's. With that settled the girl would get dressed in full, ready to fight her way back to town if she needed to. With her trademark smile and winning attitude once more on display, the girl would let the Druid Girl wash herself if she so wanted, before returning to the barn to collect her gear. [color=CC6633][b]"I think I should at least go and thank the farmer...he did let us use his place, after all. I'll be right back,"[/b] [/color]she said, before figuring she'd bother the farmer one last time to give him one of the most heartfelt thanks he'd ever get for letting someone bum off his barn.