[i]‘A Speedster?’[/i] was Slade’s first thought as he learned a bit about Jinny’s tormentor. They were a rare breed, the best known one was obviously The Flash, but there were a few others that Slade knew of. Mainly small time assassin’s or runners and none of which came close to the Hero. Still it had him wondering. Just who was this Wally West? Because yes he did know the names of everyone in Jinayah’s class, and no he didn’t care how that may make him look on paper. He made a mental note to look closer into the kids family when he had the time, but overall let it lie for the moment. “There is nothing wrong with outing people for what they are doing.” He would say instead “The trick to it is to make it so that people don’t know that it was you who let the secrets out. As for several reasons people don’t like associating with those that are willing to air out their secrets.” In school it was viewed as being a tattletale, on the streets it was viewed as being a snitch. But in the underworld being an informant was a very lucrative business. Assuming that you had something to tell, and a way to keep from being tracked down. People liked their secrets to stay theirs after all. “And if he keeps giving you trouble you could always work on tying his shoe laces together. He has his speed, and you can use that against him if you are careful. Your eyes might give you away however” Slade would add using a shined part of the disassembled gun to draw attention to Jinn’s glowing eyes. He left the comment about boys being annoying alone, because honestly he was too old to want to wade back into that mire. He would thank her for the compliment however. Slade did at last pause in his work, however, at her request to learn how to do what it was he was doing. Turning a bit more attention to her as he contemplated the request. He knew that she was endlessly curious about how things worked, and the only reason he had punished her for the toaster was because she had damaged it when she took it apart, so he had needed to buy a new one. But to learn how to put a gun together? That strayed close to a border he wasn’t sure if he wanted to cross with her so soon. Guns were the basis of his work after all. Yes he was partial to swords if he was able to choose, but far more often than not a firearm was his primary tool. It just made him wonder how long it would be before he was teaching her about his job, and how she would feel about that. After another moment of contemplating it he would answer “I can teach you how to put them together if you want.” He would give her an assessing look as he spoke “But know that it will be a year at least, and quite possibly more, before I teach you how to use one.” “If you are alright with that I can begin with the basics” He would wait to hear her answer before moving on.