“Don’t ask about Will o Wisp?” Radiant said angrily. “What do you mean don’t ask about her, we’re now missing 2 of our own! What the hell happened here? Where did Will o Wisp go?!” Radiant began to yell as she grabbed the collar of Wu. Medivac grabbed Radiant’s shoulder and gently nudged her. “Let him go Radiant. When they are ready to talk about what happened to Will o Wisp, they will talk. We need to talk about our next move.” “Well, judging from Wu’s words, we just lost 3 people to the woods in the blink of an eye! Will-o-Wisp, Dragonheart, and that woman, Hanuska! They are all gone!” “And as I told you, you need to calm down,” Medivac stated bluntly as his grip became tighter.” “Tch, fine. I guess you’re right Medivac. What’s done is done. Sorry Wu and Ibon. Whenever you guys want to talk about it…” Radiant released Wu’s collar and Medivac did the same for her. As the tension relaxed slightly, Medivac cleared his throat. “Radiant and I met the a young infected man under the tractor. His condition is quite severe , calls himself the Musician, but he was friendly enough. Here’s what we learned. The Chicken Lady is apparently holding this man’s lover. He needs a key to access her room. We’re going to find a Mr. Jan in the main village. I imagine we’ll also find other Haynek operators closer to the main village.” “Wait, he literally calls himself the Musician? And is that our plan? Helping an infected man get a key so he can see his lover?” Wu expressed in bewilderment. “Yes, the infection has affected his mind a bit. Can’t recall his name. He said he would repay us in some way. I don’t have a reason not to trust him for now. And if we collaborate what he said with what the Chicken Lady said, the incident with the burnt house should’ve been quite recent.” “We’re also going to investigate the well near the mayor’s house. It’s in the main village,” Radiant interjected. “The Musician told us the village was south of this house which was the same direction you guys came from. We might find signs of the others on our way back.” “What’s in the well?” asked Ibon nerviously. Both Radiant and Medivac were silent. Radiant looked at Medivac and extended her hand out as if telling Medivac to break the news. “A corpse in the best case scenario. A sealed up abomination if what we’re hearing has been the truth,” Medivac answered. ---------------- Action: Begin heading south of the Chicken Lady house. Start their journey back to the main village and look around for signs of the others if possible As they are walking back, Radiant asks Ibon and Wu if they seen any other team members separate from will o wisp and dragonheart [@PaulHaynek]