WIP Name: Wilhelmina Laros Race: Human Age: 26 Appearance: Standing at roughly five foot and five inches tall, Wilhelmina is a tad bit chubby about the middle. With a thick head of curly brown hair that refuses to be maintained in a headscarf she often wears, she looks as cheery as she actually is. Complete with dimples, a button nose, and large hazel eyes. Innocent as can be one would think, not noticing the blasters holstered in her boot. Her clothing generally consists of the standard smuggler get up complete with oil, grease, and singer. Bio: Born on Nal Hutta, Will was happy enough to leave the planet behind and refuses to mention her family or her childhood. Both of which were hardly pleasant due to the criminal elements. The good news was it gave her a solid trade as a smuggler, though she wasn't working as one quite yet. Which was good then the Empire took over in name if not in actual presence when the Jedi were 'wiped out'. Soon, the criminal element was eagerly hunting for these dangerous 'space wizards' and their 'twisted voo-doo'. Of course, hearing only negative things about the Jedi, Will's opinion is a bit skewered. It was short years later she began working for a smuggler and later bought her own ship. A HWK-290 light freighter she calls, 'PutterBuff'. Once needing a co-pilot, she lost about ten one way or another... Firing, death, fire, airlocks, blasters... Will finally hired a hopeful funny looking fellow who wanted to hire her. Personality: The best way to describe Will would be cheery. Truthfully the smuggler can be bitter and dour on certain topics and is prone to moments of panic, but given the stress of her job thus is life. A cheery, tech loving individual, Will could care less for people so long as she makes enough to cover her ship's fuel and repair cost. The downside to this is that she has a greedy streak that is a lightyear wide, and a bit of a habit of drinking when under stress. Equiptment: Generally she keeps a tool belt close at hand. Her blaster in her boot. Her ship however is a older junker which she bought with what credits she had on her. Over the years she had updated the interior to be far more interesting with plenty of places to secret away her not quite legal goods. [img]https://images-ext-1.discordapp.net/external/gLnUXay1oLHRVo75u9OL4ySQtR3m1IUtpVjD_VxmUkY/https/i.pinimg.com/originals/ab/72/e3/ab72e3e99dc52788cd932044e429923c.jpg?width=962&height=553[/img] Skills/Abilities: Skilled with a Blaster Skilled Tech Skilled Piolet Shrewd Bargainer