[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/FM92P8l.png[/img] [h1][color=ed145b]Sarah[/color][/h1][/center] [quote=@Maglar] Sir Brunch brought before the King the young girl with the pink hair. The King was sitting in one of the large, comfortable chairs in the room facing the doorway. "Your Royal Highness, may I present Lady Sarah, from the Islands of Kensu Thunderfist." King Kovar regarded the girl as she came into his study and kneeled. She was accompanied by a small, blue dog that seemed very happy and very attached to her. *BOOM!* another fiery volley crashed into the castle wall. Purposefully the fireballs weren't doing a great amount of damage, Bandersnatch seemed to be shooting at stone walls and wasn't aiming at any flammable or populated areas. Most likely the beast was letting them know he had the power to bring death to them and was choosing not to. As long as he was content to be threatening they had time to come up with a plan for how to defeat him.[/quote] Sarah startles at the sound of the fireball crashing into the walls. She remembers what Asra said about one of Draygon's minions assaulting the castle, and her fair, soft features harden as she glares out the window angrily. She's seen what one of these monsters could do, and she barely beat that one back. Asra was hesitant to let her engage this one, meaning he must be equally dangerous. It's only the king's calm reaction that calms her down in return. She sighs and turns back to the King. [color=ed145b]"How long has this one been assaulting the castle, Your Majesty?"[/color] she asks. [color=ed145b]"Is there anything I can do to help?"[/color] [quote] "You're saying that Master Kensu is dead?" The King's heart raced but he didn't let his face express any emotions, as Royalty he was expected to learn the discipline of controlling his expressions since he was a child. "Please child, be at ease. Sir Brunch!" He commanded, "get us some food, wine, and water for our Guest, we will eat here." Pip let out a soft bark, the King smiled, "and some food and water for the dog." The Knight bowed and left the room. "Now child, come, sit." The King motioned for Sarah to sit at the desk close to his own chair. "Do not be afraid of me, I may be a King but I am not a tyrant," he smiled warmly, "Please tell me your tale. Where did you come from, and what happened to Master Thunderfist?"[/quote] Sarah sits down, and takes a deep breath. [color=ed145b]"Well, you see Your Majesty,"[/color] she begins, [color=ed145b]"it began with waking up from my capsule in a cave. I... I have no recollections before that, just knowledge implanted during my long sleep, which is why I'm able to talk to people and understand things, but beyond that, I was just... sleeping. All I know was I had to find someone, and not because I had woken up with nobody around..."[/color] She decides to keep Asra to herself for now. She's not entirely sure the King would believe her about a flying fairy that was actually the holosense avatar of an artificial intelligence living in orbital space platforms. She's not entirely sure she believes it herself, despite her own implanted knowledge. [color=ed145b]"When I walked to the village... there was nobody there. It was... strange. Eerie. I had to explore some more before I found anyone - Master Kensu Thunderfist. He had been exploring a cave on the island, one shaped like a skull, so he missed my awakening and whatever had happened at the village. He greeted me, told me more about my purpose, and that I had to retrieve a sword from the cave. He had tried to find it, but never could, so it was up to me."[/color] She pauses to take a sip of wine to wet her throat, but flinches at the sharp taste of alcohol, despite the wine's overall sweetness. [color=ed145b]"Sorry, is wine supposed to taste like that, Your Majesty?"[/color] she asks. [color=ed145b]"It's sweet, but there's this sharp, strong flavor underneath. I've... I've never had wine before, to be honest. Sorry if I've offended in any way. "Anyways, as I explored the cave, however, I found out what had happened to the villagers."[/color] she says with a shudder at the memory. [color=ed145b]"Turns out a monstrous spider-queen... thing had settled in the cave, and had had her children use a poison gas to incapacitate the villagers and took them into the cave as... as food. The gas made my journey into the cave more difficult, as it was impairing my progress. If Pip weren't with me... well, I don't know what would have happened. I managed to find the villagers, find the sword and fight the spider-queen. The queen had somehow closed the cave entrance, so her death meant Master Thunderfist could finally help me with getting the villagers out, but then..."[/color] She silent for a bit, trying to gather the strength to continue. She's on the verge of tears, hands clenched tightly into fists. [color=ed145b]"T-then a giant, flying monster arrived, and began smashing into the cliffside,"[/color] she says, her voice trembling. [color=ed145b]"I... I managed to get most of the v-villagers out, b-but some... some still got crushed under the rocks... I... I couldn't help them, all I could do was try and get the others to safety, get the monster away from... "I-I managed to draw its attention, intending to throw off its attention, but then I s-saw a hooded man in a cloak. I didn't realize it at first b-but that may have been the monster in disguise. I tried to fight him, but he was too strong... then Master K-Kensu tried to help me b-but... but he..."[/color] She stopped, and started sobbing quietly, tears dripping onto the table. [color=ed145b]"I'm s-sorry, M-Master Kensu,"[/color] she cries softly into her brunch. [color=ed145b]"I c-couldn't save you..."[/color]