[right][sub][color=C46060]Lorelei[/color][/sub] [sup]PDC HQ[/sup][/right] [color=silver][color=C46060]"Well, [i]we[/i] are involved now so... on the books. To be more precise, although the PDC is investigating, the specific individuals heading that investigation are currently unknown. 'Officially'. It's a lot of the reason why you are in a perfect position for this given your transfers and being frequently off base. There is a small window of opportunity where I need you to be there but not recognized. Again, I can't say why. Not yet. As for the keyboard detectives out there, you're free to use whatever means necessary to find out what exactly is going on. Which reminds me, you'll have full access to our briefing room and if everything works out in the next few days, whatever resources from the PDC we can offer are yours as well, although [i]that[/i] is contingent on... a lot."[/color] Reaching for the monitor next to her again, she tapped the bottom right of the screen with a knuckle and pointed at the same glass panels Kefira was studying. The looping footage changed to a live feed of one of the many holding cells in the sublevels. Sitting, naked, behind a metal table was a man and standing opposite him was a medical officer in full garb. Every now and then, the man in the chair would move his mouth as if to speak and after some time had passed, the man opposite him would press a number of keys. This mundane process would continue to repeat seemingly indefinitely with very little variation from either of the subjects. [color=C46060]"The one on the left sitting down is A D dash four dot M. [i]He[/i] is AIDA version four. One of less than a dozen manufactured as part of a... cautious reintroduction, they call it. After recent history, getting our hands on one was not easy and I expect opinions on this to be a little less than polite, but given what I believe is happening or going to happen, we need him. Android or robot or friend or whatever you want to call him, I'm making him officially your partner. That means you have a one on one with him whenever you're ready. These latest versions are paired specifically with one other person. I know the general gist of how it works but medical will give you further details when you get down there."[/color] She stood up from where she'd been leaning on her desk and walked around to the other side, closer to the muted panoramic of Oakland and to Kefira. [color=C46060]"Given the nature of [i]all[/i] of this, I know there are a lot of questions and I can answer some of them."[/color] She nodded a 'go ahead'.[/color]