I'm fine with that, though it would have to be visible. I'd suggest it being dead center on the chest, as for differences in rank: Display one sword for a fighter/soldier. The Apprentice/Squire: A small shield, having to earn a Knight's Shield (thus being a shield for the nation) Knights: A Shield with possible insignia To possible leadership positions we could add an extra shield on the shoulder pauldron. Senior Knight: Shield and downward sword in the center (was either in command & now in an advisory role for the younger Knight Captains or slowly rose up in the ranks, we could even alter sword positions for that if need be.) Knight Captain: Shield with two blades crossed upward. Knight Commander: Shield with three blades displaying the three sections (Vanguard, Midguard, Rearguard) falling under his command. (Which I think you should add, who takes on the role of a General overseeing the battlefield and stay close to the king) Also I didn't really want to take Omni's character, but figuring he was going to eventually start the match off as Arbiter, I might as well include it in the post. I tried to not take hold of the character and to write around it, but if I overstepped here by not asking you [@Omni5876] I apologise. Oh and thanks for the compliment, why did you think I was posting that late? I was going through moves and swordfighting video's to at least get a bit more bearing, Tyr has been properly trained and all, have to do some reading to make him a believable Knight Captain.