I've given up on my distraction, a game called Conqueror's Blade and should be able to pay more attention to the forums...hopefully. [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=opeYHtd7uW0[/youtube] At 8:35, he tries his hand at using artillery. He focuses on the Hero rather than his the cannon. That is a mistake. He should focus on the cannon. Also he aims way too low. I can usually get a round on target in one or two shots. If he was using a ballista, he would have a better chance at hitting an individual Hero. I once killed four with a ballista in a siege battle like the one depicted here. It is a fun game, but I die too much and have a very difficult time going one on one against another Hero. I haven't been able to rank higher than eight or ten in the Siege matches since the new season started on October 13. It has left me frustrated and angry with the game. So I decided to quit. Hopefully, I can continue with this thread here.