The constructs reaction time was faster then Shenestra would have expected. Somehow he had become aware of her appearance, turning about to face her. Her eyes genetically improved saccade was quite sensitive to the slightest bit of motion, and caught the act as it began to unfold. Seeming to somehow slide it's feet to spin around, to turn about just as Shenestra entered comfortable striking range. His right hand then moved to intercept her own right arm. However he had not noticed her other arm was already posed to strike from under her other arm, ready too react almost exactly to such a maneuver. As he palm shoved her right arm of course, her other arm shot up in a blur of motion, its own blade crackling to life as it aimed for the outstretched hands wrist. It was unlikely he would be able to draw it back in time before the blade hit, severing the hand at least. It left her open to his shove from his other arm, Shenestra had no choice but to fall back from the force of the blow, which sent a sharp pain up her arm. Only the discipline granted to her from years of training allowed her to ignore the pain, though the mere shove might have dislocated her shoulder. The whine of turbines were suddenly heard just as Shenestra fell onto her back. However the moment before she fall on her rump, a jet of flame burst forth to bath the clockwork mans feet in hot air from her sprint-pack, causing her to fly backward across the ground. She swung her feet up, adjusting the direction of jets expulsion and over into a tight spin landing on her feet in a combat stance 12 feet away as she slid to a halt. He right arm hanging low as she grimaced from the pain of her shoulder. [i]'Jet turbines activated.'[/i] [i]'Thanks for the warning,'[/i] she responded sarcastically.