[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/tg0TKNE.png[/img] [b]”At least Crow won’t get double tagged this time lol!”[/b] [color=888888]— VK[/color][/center] [hider=GM] Shion: Untransformed: 4 | 4 | 5 | 14 | 7 Transformed: 6 | 5 | 9 | 16 | 9 Spec, Power: Oddball - Magnetism | Duplication Perks: Enhanced Weapon | Martial Training | Money | Environmental Sealing | Fated Benefits: Black Coin(?) | Non-Exclusivity(?) | Chatty | Concerned | Mana Font Drawbacks: Debt(?) | Betrayal(?) | Isolated | Distracted [/hider] [b]”I only do what my superiors tell me to do. I only know what’s required to complete my job. Though it is interesting that you think we can leave her a message when even your ability to communicate with her is spotty.”[/b] He shrugged his shoulders. [b]”It doesn’t matter. What does matter is how you choose to answer this next question: Do you feel like being a hero?”[/b] [color=00aeef]”I never said it would get to her quickly. Do I feel like being a hero? Hmm…”[/color] Shion spent a few seconds thinking over her answer. [color=00aeef]”That depends, I guess. Sure, I’ll be a hero.”[/color] [b]”Excellent, I have a personal request.”[/b] He adjusted his hat. [b]”You may be aware of the Penrose Outer Alliance’s existence? Sammy, Faith, and Nuncio. So long as they live in Penrose they will not be safe from the Mint or Beacon. I want you to convince them to leave.”[/b] He tipped his hat. [b]”Sammy and Faith will not be easy to convince, but Nuncio should see reason. Faith desires revenge, and Sammy is following a lead. Though I believe you have the ability to sway them.”[/b] [color=00aeef]”I think I know them. Heard something along those lines at the Independent, but don’t know them personally. Why do you want them to leave, though?”[/color] [b]”Because the alternative is that I capture or kill them, and I don’t want that.”[/b] For once, the ever smiling Vermin Killer wasn’t smiling. [b]”They think they are going to be safe in sanctuary, but that is not true. Penrose is a war zone, and they need to leave before they get hurt.”[/b] [color=00aeef]”Interesting. And why do you think I could help? I don’t know them personally, am I just the only person you thought would be willing to help? You did attack me before, after all.”[/color] Vermin killer’s smirk returned. [b]”I do feel like we share a sort of kinship. We are both agents of darkness, obscuring our traces and assisting our side when requested. The playing field is constantly changing. Yesterday’s foes are tomorrow’s friends. Everyone is observing the queen of penrose, or Mariette, or Justine, while small fry like you are allowed to slip under the radar.”[/b] He nodded. [b]”The Mint is largely uninterested in you. Makoto is the bigger prize, a debt dodger who teaches others how to dodge their debt. I am aware of the time you fought alongside that cradle agent. You’re shrewd, but fair, and you aren’t one to go back on your own moral principles. Those have been my observations.”[/b] He leaned on his cane. [b]”You [i]are[/i] the first person I thought of, but only because you seem like the perfect person to carry out this assignment.”[/b] Shion paused. She wasn’t expecting that. [color=00aeef]”... Alright, I guess. Don’t super like being called ‘small fry’ but I’m willing to help keep some people safe. Comes with the whole magical girl job, doesn’t it? How am I supposed to find them? I can’t use the PI’s resources since they’ve been silent recently, and searching on my own would take a while.”[/color] [b]”They are presently staying at the sanctuary, where I anticipate they will remain for the foreseeable future.. If you don’t know where that is, it would not be hard to show you.”[/b] Vermin killer pointed down the direction he had come from.. [b]”Left, right, left, right, right, left. Turn down every street you can, and repeat that pattern about three times and you’ll be there.”[/b] He placed his cane back on the ground. [b]”You haven’t asked for any kind of payment yet. Is saving a few magical children its own reward for you?”[/b] [color=00aeef]”I’m assuming that you’ll just leave me alone after this, actually. But alright, I guess I’ll get started. See ya, or you know, hopefully not.”[/color] With that, Shion waved as she passed Vermin Killer and began following his directions. [b]”A hunter of vermin does not simply give up the chase. Yet if a vermin can be beneficial, is it truly a vermin anymore?”[/b] The magical boy who called himself vermin killer walked off, his cane clicking in the darkness. His small army of animals retreated into the darkness, saving a few owls that guided Shion’s way.