The blow to the side of the head sent one of the bandit falling to the ground a bit dazed unexpecting the swift retaliation from the shield hero expecting him to play defense rather than offense. It was doubtful he was down for the count but he was out of it for a few moments. The next bandit was smacked rather hard by Ferr's attack making him shout but he quickly managed to get back up unlike the previous bandit. [b]"The boss hits us harder!"[/b] the bandit shouted as he moved forward to swing his axe at Ferr's head. The other bandits seemingly diverted their attention from Auriel to try and pick off the weaker shield hero as they from Ferr's right came charging at him with their weapons raised high. When Auriel intercepted one of them they got in her face while their shortsword held firmly in their hand as the slashed at her violently. [b]"Dead men tell no tales but tell me angel!? Do the gods do the same!?"[/b] Cole for his part had managed to rather deftly deal with the bandit leader his blade crossing the enemy's but neither gaining a true upper hand. As their blades met, and parried, and overall tried to gain the upper hand Cole began to get more confident. However as Cole saw an opening his mind flared [color=f7941d]"NOW!"[/color] Cole stabbed forward and...[b]"Quick Blade: Riposte!" [/b]the bandit leader called out as he used the same skill as before to parry Cole aside sending him on his backfoot he desperately began to block. Losing some of that just newly found confidence Cole held his blade close like Marcino instructed blocking practically and not fancily. [color=f7941d]"I'm not going to let you win!"[/color] Cole shouted wondering why his blade hadn't quite allowed him to overwhelm this guy!? He was wielding a legendary artifact wasn't he!?