[hr][hr] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/ERxXJHE.png[/img] [color=888383]Location:[/color] World Tree [color=888383]Skills:[/color] Climbing[/center] [hr][hr] Lara looked over at Arnora as she let her figure out the way that they would be heading back down to their destination when she heard the barking. She blinked at that as she heard that bark resonated in her soul. She loved dogs but... Ratatoskr was no dog, and he was no normal squirrel. This was bad for them to be discovered on the World Tree so soon after they undertook their mission. [color=888383]"Well then... I guess we need to climb faster."[/color] Lara muttered this to Arnora as she started to climb a bit faster at that point as she headed down the tree. Dear gods she did not want to fall down and die here. If she died here, she would die for real and that would not be a good thing for any of them. She focused on each step down, further and further down the tree as she followed Arnora's instructions as to where they were heading.