Okay, I'm not entirely sure where you're going with this roleplay and what your expecting or what's allowed... but I have three ideas that I would be interested in playing depending on what's allowed or not. I'd only play as one of them. Also depends on what the other characters are like. Edit: I didn't notice this was a small group roleplay. D= I prefer large group, so I think I will withdraw my interest, sorry. Feel free to use my character concepts. [Hider=Karen Hubert][img]http://mysticinvestigations.com/paranormal/wp-content/uploads/2012/07/virgin-girl.jpg[/img] • Appearance: A girl with naturally beautiful, fair features. • Name: Karen Hubert • Occupation: Senior Christian School Student • Age: 18 • Abilities: She's pretty much an averge girl. She has learned to drive and makes good grades. While her peers are discovering drugs, alcohol, and their bodies, she is praying, reading the bible, and volunteering at the Church and soup kitchen. To many of the rising cults, she is seen as a prime virgin sacrifice. • Bio: Her family was well off despite the depression due to their great inheritance. They were happy, devoted Christians thankful for their blessings. But now Karen's mother is struggling with cancer and her faith is wavering. She searches New Haven for her mother's cure.[/hider][hider=Aeria][img]https://th.bing.com/th/id/OIP._uWkMqG_iwNhYlqbUcKJ0QHaGX?pid=Api&dpr=1.75[/img] • Appearance: a female angel with white wings, a halo of light, glowing skin, and fair features. • Name: Aeria • Occupation: Angel and messenger of God. Her goal is to convert people to Christianity and build an army to retake the world and push out the competing Gods and Demons. • Age: Immortal, appears about 21 • Abilities: Healing, non-damging light production, flight, teleportation/ phasing. Can hear God and share messages with those who cannot. • Bio: a fallen angel who was given the body of a dying woman and restored to health. Due to her newfound human body, she is experiencing new feelings and emotions she never had before as an angel born in heaven. Will she remain loyal to her creator, or will she fall for her new world and the mysterious and impure people within it?[/hider][hider=Evelyn Daye][img]https://th.bing.com/th/id/OIP.YyoA5PVUkxntsOMyVXwZcAHaE8?pid=Api&dpr=1.75[/img] • Appearance: A woman with warm features and natural beauty. • Name: Evelyn Daye • Occupation: Runs a small holistic medicine shop with potions, crystals, and herbal remedies. • Age: 28 • Abilities: Skilled in first aid and holistic medicine and natural remedies. She is practiced in good magic, such as blessings and healing spells. • Bio: Lost her parents at 18 to a tragic car accident and inherited their cabin at the outskirts of New Haven. Before their death, they taught her about all the things that nature could provide for her. She used part of her inheritance to start a small store in town. She was recruited to the Cult of Gaia, the Earth Goddess. She serves as a mediator to reduce the damage done to nature and the planet by the other cults.[/hider]