Sara's face deepened in red when Marc kissed her hand. She felt her heartbeat speed up and she gave a lopsided smile and nodded. "Y-yeah." She started, she was obviously flustered, it was unable to hide in her eyes, in her face. She moved to stand up before she glanced towards Marc with a bit of a pause. "Will you tell Vivian how it went?" She asked with a tilt of her head. [hr] Ari nodded and started to calm at Benjamins' words, she wasn't a hallucination, he'd still speak and see her. [b]"But what about the meds that they gave Ray?"[/b] She asked as she followed him, [b]"I'm not a hallucination, why does it kick me out of her body and make her so... Icky?"[/b] She moved to put her hands to the side of her head. She was annoyed, she hated being stuck in here, she hated the people in here. She hated not being believed. She existed, and she could make herself seen and heard- but every time she did, it was tossed aside as a mental illness.