In truth, Mari was a little taken aback by how much Po seemed to know. She hadn't expected to learn anything useful when she asked, and now that she had a crude map drawn up for her, she still didn't quite believe it. It couldn't be that easy, right? It had to be the wrong temple, or it had to be more difficult to find than it seemed. Only one way to find out, of course. "Maybe," she answered, putting a finger on the map and sliding it closer to her. Her eyes didn't leave it, studying the bits Po added to it one by one. "Just more to look forward to tomorrow, I guess." She was certain her excitement was slipping through. At this point even a fight didn't sound too bad, if it meant she might learn something about her goal. "Okay," she said, nodding and taking the map, folding it up neatly. "I should probably get some rest, then. Long day ahead of us tomorrow." She slid her chair back and got to her feet. "Thank you, Po. And good night." She turned to head to her room and made it one step before she turned back. "Oh, and it's... Daughter of Rán. Not sister. We're just sisters to each other. Um." She paused, and then nodded again. "Good night!" Reddening a little, she turned and headed off towards her room, intent on sleeping off the ale before she had to go adventuring.