[i][/i][color=8dc73f][h1][i][u]Myrtle Gardner - WallÆ’lower[/u][/i][/h1][/color] Myrtle stood atop a mountains at night. It was beautiful, serene. The moon shone brightly, the stars twinkled and wispy clouds breezed past. The air felt like a warm blanket on her skin. Leaves rustled and her hair danced in the wind. It was perfect. She didn't need friends. She didn't need family. All she needed was nature. But then, a howl pierced the night. A shiver ran down Myrtle's spine and she stood stock still. She wasn't alone. A pack of ten--maybe twenty--coyotes surrounded her. It was right at that moment that Myrtle realized how small and alone she was. She was going to die right then and there. She would be devoured right then and there. Nobody knew where she was. Nobody cared. And nobody would ever look for her. [color=8dc73f][i]"No... leave me alone,"[/i][/color] she warned the approaching dogs, meekly. They growled, barred their teeth and came closer. [color=8dc73f]"I... don't want to hurt you!"[/color] she spoke up, more urgent. She raised her hands out toward the dogs, willing nearby plants to grow. They began to sprout from the ground and wind toward the coyotes. But the dogs paid no heed. They stepped on or over the vines, coming closer. [color=8dc73f]"Please, I don't want to hurt you! Please [i]stop[/i]!"[/color] she called out to them. The coyotes barked and howled, then leapt toward her. She reached for her power, tried frantically to get the plants to help her as the dogs came toward her in slow motion. Their eyes glowed red. Their roars and howls got louder. The snapping jaws got closer, and closer, and closer... [color=8dc73f]"Uughh... nuuh... noo...NOOO!"[/color] FWUMP! [color=8dc73f]"Ahh! Wha.. what happened?"[/color] Myrtle asked herself as she came to, sitting up on the floor, tangled in her white sheets, illuminated solely by the moonlight that came through her blinds. Her heart was racing, her hands were shaking, and her body shivering as she held the sheets around herself. Her eyes darted around the room, feeling as if something was lurking about. But nothing was there. She breathed deep, and then breathed out. Myrtle crawled to her nightstand, still wrapped in the sheets, and reached up and out to switch the light on. For a moment she was blinded by the light. She rubbed her eyes and blinked a few times, adjusting. When she could finally see, she untangled herself from the blankets and got to her feet. [color=8dc73f]"12:11!"[/color] Myrtle exclaimed, viewing her alarm clock. She frowned. On one hand, she was feeling exhausted after the fire. On the other hand, her gut was telling her something was wrong. She needed, wanted sleep. But no matter how much she tried, she knew the nagging feeling inside her would keep her awake. So Myrtle sighed and turned around to check out the rest of her room in the light. The room was almost unrecognizable. It was a jungle. Her potted plants and flowers had overgrown out of their pots and spread across the floor and were winding up the bedposts and furniture. And yet, this was such a familiar scene. She took a pair of hedge clippers out of nightstand and got to work. [hr] About half an hour later Myrtle had a garbage bag full of plant clippings by her apartment door, her costume on, and her messenger bag restocked and ready to go by the window. She opened the window up, letting a chill autumn wind blow in. She took a deep breath of fresh air, and soon was bounding through the streets of Manchester. [hider=Overgrown Bedroom][img]https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-Wm1AcC6A2mc/X6iFO0KKMeI/AAAAAAAAEU8/u2dsvu7lBwEmEZmC0bjia15IoMzB2HeGwCLcBGAsYHQ/s16000/Bedroom.png[/img] [/hider]