[center] [color=gray] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d1MwAvuiyVA&t=1s&ab_channel=FreyaCatherine][img]https://64.media.tumblr.com/8189d5548eb0d2252063367dbea1da74/tumblr_phe1r4qBFq1tm9dvyo1_400.gifv[/img][/url] [i]Click Image for music![/i] [color=gold][b][h1]Yggdrasil Chronicles[/h1][/b][/color] [color=lightslategray][b][h2]Iron Grip[/h2][/b][/color] Tyberia has fallen... There was once a time where all thought the great defenses of the city state were impregnable. But nothing is impervious to the sheer might of Asgard. And once they came, it was over in a matter of days. There was surprisingly very little bloodshed when Asgard invaded. The Lord-Governor saw it fit to surrender once the West gate fell to the Asgardian war machines. While he saved many lives in doing so, he sold out the bravery and pride of the independent city-state. We are Tyberia's soul, at least what remains of it. We are soldiers, craftsmen, inventors, spokesmen, and merchants. We fight a secret war against Asgard within our streets under the guise of disorganized resistance cells. But we are far from disorganized. And now that Asgard's main force has moved beyond Tyberia to the East, their forces are thin enough for us to emerged from the shadows, and reclaim our great city. Brothers and sisters! Sons and daughters of the greatest city this world has ever seen! Rise up! Fight for your home! For freedom! For Tyberia! [color=gold][b]--<::WELCOME::>--[/b][/color] Welcome to the world of Yggdrasil, fellow roleplayers! This is a vast world with near limitless possibilities! The world has been a love project of mine since my young days. And now it returns! This particular RP is set in the period before the secessionists began making great strides against Asgard. We play as but one of countless resistance groups belonging to territories occupied by the powerful nation. There is a massive codex of information available for your reference whenever you please. In this codex, you will find information on the many races that populate Yggdrasil, the great nations and the factions that divide or form borders, and the technologies that power civilization on Yggdrasil. I welcome you to this RP, our world, and hope to build more for it with your help. Please, leave behind a character sheet and I will review it prior to allowing you to join the story. I have a vested interest in creating a compelling story for you! Thank you for taking a moment to review chapter one of the Yggdrasil Chronicles: Iron Grip! If you are applying now, please submit your character sheet on the OOC thread. If you are approved, you may move your character sheet to the characters tab. [hider=Codex] [color=red][b]DISCLAIMER[/b][/color] [color=white]None of the images are my own. I simply pulled them from google images as a form of visual reference. Unfortunately, I am unable to source most of them; if there is an image that belongs to you that you would like sourced, credited, or removed, please let me know and I will gladly accept your request. This Codex has been ported from a previous Yggdrasil RP, just touched up to better reflect its current lore. When this Codex was originally written, it was done so in tandem with [@Vietmyke]. Thus, I cannot take all of the credit for this comprehensive encyclopedia of Yggdrasil.[/color] [hider=The World of Yggdrasil] [img]https://i.ytimg.com/vi/c6NvNPc0iRY/maxresdefault.jpg[/img] (Yggdrasil is a vast world with many secrets yet to be discovered) The world of Yggdrasil is a war torn one. Over the ages, conflicts of grand scale have been fought. Resources or ideologies or cultural differences have been the basis for every war since time had first been recorded; no doubt earlier as well. Many different races live on Yggdrasil, from humans and elves to orcs and gnomes, many races exist within their own empires as well as coexist in singular ones. The diversity of the individual folk is staggering. [img]https://i.pinimg.com/originals/e0/47/5b/e0475bd27b97136aa7d2feaad286c1f4.jpg[/img] (Long before mankind rose as the dominant power in the world, the World Dragons shaped the lands. Now, eons past, the World Dragons have become one with their creation. Their scales have turned to impenetrable stone, and they now stand as monolithic statues that will remain for eternity. Scientists and archeologists have discovered that the World Dragons are indeed alive, and are seemingly just slumbering) Yggdrasil's geography varies just as much as it's inhabitants do. The lush jungles to the far east contrast greatly with the great deserts in the southern hemisphere. Mountains have formed over the titanic, and long dormant, world dragons. Oceans and seas span endlessly, waiting for ambitious explorers to travel by boat or by airship to unlock their secrets. Tundras and frozen wastes occupy the caps of the world and the peaks of mountains. Dotted with farms, arboreal landscapes host some of the greatest amount of life. [img]https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/f/0bf89a5f-36f9-4542-8ce2-f0b948488952/d507a18-821e6787-1ca9-4e16-8063-739e8a92faba.jpg?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOiIsImlzcyI6InVybjphcHA6Iiwib2JqIjpbW3sicGF0aCI6IlwvZlwvMGJmODlhNWYtMzZmOS00NTQyLThjZTItZjBiOTQ4NDg4OTUyXC9kNTA3YTE4LTgyMWU2Nzg3LTFjYTktNGUxNi04MDYzLTczOWU4YTkyZmFiYS5qcGcifV1dLCJhdWQiOlsidXJuOnNlcnZpY2U6ZmlsZS5kb3dubG9hZCJdfQ.4auiU23xx9QW4UG_YHuE_hqYWu8oA-x8GDIE0NpCZtk[/img] (The World Tree before the great city 'Karras' was built around it's base) At the center of all maps of the world, is the World Tree. It touches the skies and beyond, offering its gift of mana to the people of the world named after it. Gigantic cities that stretch beyond the horizon have risen across the world. One of these 'Great Cities' surrounds the base of the world tree, forever shaded by the expansive branches that hang above the clouds. [img]http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-y9UKr41vavM/UgYIYA9yJVI/AAAAAAAAAd0/BEALBsuTFno/s1600/Oblivion7.jpg[/img] (Máni, the Broken Moon, forms a ring around Yggdrasil with it's debris) Yggdrasil has two moons that hang prominently in the sky: Máni and Selene. Máni, also known as the Broken Moon, is the larger of the two. It is white with spots of coppery red dotting the landscape. It's known as the broken moon because a massive chunk is broken off of it, it's debris circles around Yggdrasil which gives the world a vibrant red ring. Some nights, when the sun and Yggdrasil are at the right angle, the debris glows bright red in the sky. It is said that having the shadow of a piece of Máni cast over you is a week of good luck, and being born in those shadows is a lifetime of good luck. Selene is the smaller of the two. It's surface is silvery-blue. Selene is locked in orbit around Yggdrasil, never moving in a circle. The entire northern hemisphere is gifted with the sight of Selene all through the night and the day. Astronomers have looked through telescopes at the surface of Selene, and have discovered herds of strange creatures walking across the battered landscape. The man who first discovered these creatures named them 'Selene Striders'. Proof of their existence has made many question the ancient texts of Yggdrasil's genesis. The Selene Striders are long legged creatures with large burrowing claws on their forelegs to take cover when meteors batter at the surface of the moon. It has been observed that the huge eyes on the striders can detect the meteors in the skies long before they strike. Furthermore, astronomers have been using them as a sort of early warning system when celestial debris falls from the void. [img]https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/-j4MBM3RSel0/AAAAAAAAAAI/AAAAAAAAABI/nXh4VdoAVms/photo.jpg[/img] (Just a small section of Yggdrasil's vibrant night sky) The skies beyond Yggdrasil's moons is vibrant with color. If one can escape the light pollution and coppery smog of the great cities, they will see streaks of purple and turquoise nebulae criss-cross. The gaseous clouds are filled with millions of bright starts to illuminate the stellar nurseries. Yggdrasil's star is visited frequently by comets and there it is almost a weekly occurrence when a large blue comet tail is somewhere in the sky. But many people of the world don't see the bright night sky. Billions of people either live in the vast great cities, too obscured by dust and smoke and smog to even see the much closer clouds. Dwarves and gnomes live in their undercities. Elves thrive under the canopy of their woodlands. Many of the twisted ratoskr haven't even been graced with real sunlight for hundreds of years. Great city dwellers are often shocked and awed by the sight of the naked sky. [img]http://img3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20130911151106/la-marca-del-este-rpg/images/thumb/b/bb/The_nomad_by_sainez-d5vptn1.png/500px-The_nomad_by_sainez-d5vptn1.png[/img] (The salamander is the most prominent steed on Yggdrasil. Their stamina, intelligence, and loyalty rise above that of a horse. Horses are frequently used as beasts of burden) Yggdrasil has very colorful and diverse fauna, both aggressive and docile. The most notable creature is the salamander, large reptiles used as steeds. Salamanders are fast and can be found in any region of Yggdrasil. They are quick to evolve to their environment, so salamanders come in many different forms. Salamanders can traverse on all terrain and some can even crawl on vertical surfaces. As a salamander grows, it retains its parents' adaptations and makes it own as well. Salamander breeders pay a high price to breed two salamanders from two different extreme environments to make a salamander with all of their traits. These specially bred salamanders are sold to lords and commanders at a price that could buy many poor families a good home. [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/26/19/80/261980c5f2ef31ee2213ee013c8b2850.jpg[/img] (A Demi Amber Root; it shares the same monetary value as one hundred great amber roots) Across the world, the same currency is accepted. Amber Roots, usually simplified to either Ambers or Roots, are coins made from solidified tree sap drawn from the great roots of the World Tree. The coin is then coated in a polish that prevents sappy residue from sticking. Roots are divided into four categories in increments of a hundred. A lesser amber root holds the lowest monetary value, one hundred lesser roots is the equivalent of a standard amber root. A greater amber root follows after that, sharing the same value as one hundred standard roots. Above the greater root is the demi root; demi amber roots aren't common anywhere outside of banks or treasuries as they are used as a means to condense funds into smaller, more manageable pieces. People who wish to discretely move large amounts money will often carry one or two demi roots in their pocket. The value of the root is determined by the circles in the center of the coin. One circle denotes a lesser roots and so forth. Some amber roots will be pressed with the emblem of the city they were minted in, but that detail is superficial in the global economy. [/hider] [hider=The Races of Yggdrasil] [color=white] [color=white]Races wrapped in asterisks ( [b]*[/b] ) are unplayable.[/color] [/color] [hider=Humans] [img]https://i.pinimg.com/originals/01/d9/b2/01d9b268a984634af25e435975b97cbf.jpg[/img] [i](A human baron. Barons are responsible for districts in grand cities and large plots of land in rural areas)[/i] The dominant species of Yggdrasil. Humans are the most ingenious race of all the civilized races. Humans are responsible for the invention of mana-tech and steam-tech before that. They form the political bodies of nearly every empire and are the most variable in their culture and traditions. Humans have high adaptability and can excel in any way of life. Vast cultural differences and personal greed has led to many human empires to go to war over history before the formation of Asgard. Despite their warmongering ways, humans often show moments of admirable compassion and honor. They are capable of great diplomatic feats. Their dominance of Yggdrasil wouldn't be possible if they were hated. Humans are so varied that it is difficult to hate all humans based on the actions of a few. [img]https://media.moddb.com/images/games/1/11/10035/Warlords_by_Iron_Grip.jpg[/img] [i](Officers of the Asgard Imperial Military gather around to discuss battle plans)[/i] Humans have a tendency to go to war for resources. More wars have been fought by humans on Yggdrasil than any other race. Every costly war was started by the pen stroke of a human politician. Humans exploit resources to continue building their massive creations from tesla-armor to massive skyborne airships. In war time, humans manufacture so many weapons of war that their enemies can't keep up. With every defeat, humans find a way to improve their creations so they can triumph during the second attempt. Humans are always expanding their knowledge of technology and it shows every time they take to the battlefield. Their habit to improve shows in their weapons and vehicles as every one of them becomes stylized and unique. A tank off of the assembly line quickly becomes one of a kind after a few battles. New machines are revealed with every engagement and this makes them highly unpredictable on the battlefield. [img]http://40.media.tumblr.com/4ddfd097d8f383c98531162eb12b781f/tumblr_nuo02y8A4M1ubaiugo1_500.jpg[/img] [i](A local Tan'Raga spy running from authorities in an Asgardian grand city)[/i] Corruption among humans is deep. Crime dominates the human underworlds. In nearly every city, a Tan'Raga can be found. Tan'Raga is ancient human tongue for 'Under Kings', it is another way of referring to something as a gang. Every Tan'Raga is led by a 'High Raga' (High King) who appoints their masters to certain tasks. The usual Tan'Raga consists of the High Raga, the king of coin (Raga'Mo), the king of pleasure (Raga'Sa), the king of smuggling (Raga'Fil), and the king of secrets (Raga'Mu); despite being 'kings', these crime bosses aren't exclusively male. The 'kings' of a Tan'Raga all run their own organizations independently and answer to the High Raga. Deception and betrayal is common in a Tan'Raga and it's that constant fluctuation of power that makes them so difficult to uproot from a city. Some Tan'Ragas are nothing more than petty thieves in alley ways, while others are shadowy empires who's influence reaches deep into its city's inner workings. [img]https://img-fotki.yandex.ru/get/6609/69185483.660/0_138b27_401c1648_XL.jpg[/img] [i](A human town at sundown)[/i] Human societies are often very class based. Royalty and nobility run human civilization while the upper class enjoys comfortable lives. The middle class form the majority of humans; they are the workers, the soldiers, and the farmers. The middle class can be both fair and brutal depending on the environment. The lower class consists of the slaves and the homeless who have no real chance at a better life unless they join their nation's military. Lower class individuals face tough lives from start to finish and are tough because of it. If there is no place in normal society for a lower class citizen, then the local Tan'Raga is happy to provide. Women are seen as equals to men and they enjoy the same luxuries. Moving up in class is difficult, but if one is smart or creative enough, they might get lucky. Human culture is so influential that other races have adopted it. It isn't uncommon to see elves or even orcs living by human standards. [/hider] [hider=Elves] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/4e/3b/c2/4e3bc2a877baaa828773feca196f3bdb.jpg[/img] [i](An elven manasmith. Manasmiths are exclusive to the elven race)[/i] One of the more common races in Yggdrasil. Elves are of generally thinner build than humans, but of similar height. They are considerably longer lived than humans, and are one of the few races capable of manipulating mana without assistance. Elves do not suffer the effect of mana radiation and mana poisoning. Elves share the same diplomatic duties as humans do as the two species are the most powerful in Yggdrasil. Where humans are in charge of industrial and technological advancement, elves are in more in charge of international politics. [img]http://pre12.deviantart.net/6e03/th/pre/i/2011/315/3/7/steampunk_elf_by_dolphinboy2000-d3f96r6.jpg[/img] [i](Elves tend to blend traditional weaponry with modern technology)[/i] Often viewed as one of the more fortunate races, elvenkind are often highly integrated with human society, due to their similarity in physiology. Their longevity tends to result in a perception of innate intelligence, and many elves are often arrogant and view themselves as superior to other races. Elven superiority has led to some conflicts with dwarves, another proud race. Elves and dwarves live among one another in Asgard, but on a personal level, they often show a considerable amount of disdain toward one another. [img]https://i.pinimg.com/originals/52/14/f3/5214f31bb290948d80506b840892f8e7.jpg[/img] [i](Elves are proud of their natural beauty and show it off with revealing clothes; female elves make for ideal spies)[/i] They are the exclusive weavers of Yggdrasil's mana, and are the only race to possess manasmiths, making them integral to modern militaries and societies. The ability to weave mana is rare, even amongst elves, and the ability is believed to be passed down by heredity. Manasmiths are hugely valued and they usually can be found in mana refineries to create mana crystals. Manasmiths are utilized in militaries as both medical officers and as battlemages. Manasmiths have the ability to change the properties of mana at will; they can turn a mana crystal into a ball of fire to throw or they can diffuse the mana to prevent mana poisoning and radiation. [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/46/ae/de/46aede8d47c0033bccdd9f8003e11eb1.jpg[/img] [i](Interbreeding between humans and elves is commonplace, half elves are very normal in most places where the two species coexist together)[/i] Elven culture is considerably more formal and polite than other societies, mainly due to their longevity and natural health. Purely elven societies are very in tune with nature but are exceedingly rare due to the proliferation of other races. Exclusive elven communities have very sleek and curvy architecture. Elves are very artistic and enjoy a wide range of colors in their work. While they certainly aren't architects equal to dwarves, elves are capable of making remarkably beautiful environments. [/hider] [hider=Dwarves] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/16/38/7d/16387d48d1158315d71607b442a3d7b8.jpg[/img] [i](A dwarven engineer; dwarven engineering is unparalleled, not even the humans can match the quality of dwarven work. Asgard tends to employ dwarves when designing new prototypes)[/i] Short and stout, these broad shouldered individuals are stubbornly proud and hate disrespect. Shorter, but broader than humans, most dwarves are quite physically strong and are renowned for their craftsmanship. Dwarves tend to infuse mana into objects. This is called Runesmithing. A dwarven friend is a friend for life but earning their trust is the difficult part. Dwarves live in canyons and subterranean caverns. Asgardian dwarves live in undercities below the great cities. Dwarves are natural miners and have a good eye for rare stones. While they aren't immune to the effects of mana, they do have a natural resistance toward it as the roots of the World Tree often intertwine with their cities. Dwarves tends to fashion armors that are heavily leaded to further improve their protection from mana radiation. [img]https://i.pinimg.com/originals/9c/87/99/9c8799accd3ebc21ee4d4108de333db0.jpg[/img] [i](A dwarven soldier escorting a gnomish supply automata)[/i] Dwarves fashion intricate and extremely defensible fortresses out of stone. Their squared off edges show off the fortitude of their people. Dwarves favor artillery and defenses rather than attack forces. Their warriors are clad in armor that can rival the durability of even a legionnaire. Dwarves that are a part of the Asgard military are kept on the rear lines as engineers. They are responsible for the maintenance of war machines and airships as well as the construction of military strong points whenever a location needs to be held. Dwarves in a combat role are used as tunnelers to ferry large amounts of soldiers behind enemy lines underground. [img]https://i.warosu.org/data/tg/img/0380/52/1423910146316.jpg[/img] [i](A prospector searching the Belial mountains for signs of new resources)[/i] Dwarves and gnomes share a kindred bond and those that aren't a part of Asgard live freely among one another. Dwarves rely on gnomish inventions whilst gnomes rely on dwarven protection. Before Asgard grew in power, gnomes stopped an elven army from destroying their capital by inventing the mana inverter. The inverter caused nearby mana to flow in reverse which resulted in a violent backlash as the elven battlemages took to the field. The gnomish ingenuity and their willingness to aid a crippled kingdom earned eternal gratitude from the dwarves. Independent dwarven and gnomish nations share their territory with one another. [img]http://img3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20120220211505/lucerne/images/thumb/9/90/Dwarves_Fighting_Skaven.jpg/500px-Dwarves_Fighting_Skaven.jpg[/img] [i](A dwarf battles a ratoskr after their mining tunnels meet)[/i] While dwarves are great allies with the gnomes, they are also great enemies to the ratoskr. Since both races live underground, it is all too common for their tunnels to meet. Tunnel skirmishes are common as the two battle for control over a network. Dwarves have developed a habit to train new miners in military practices in the event of an encounter with ratoskr. This militarization has led many dwarves to become potent fighters. If a King demands his people to fight, he can do so while resting assured his forces are capable. Dwarves distrusts elves since their near success in destroying a major dwarven city. Asgardian elves and dwarves will often show bad attitude toward one another but they wont exchange blows... Often. [/hider] [hider=Orcs] [img]https://i.pinimg.com/564x/6c/91/49/6c914930d00cb31fbcd707c0fc59b6f1.jpg[/img] [i](An orcish soldier of Asgard in the midst of battle)[/i] The largest and most muscular of the civilized races of Yggdrasil. They are often considerably taller than humans and of ashen or pale green skin color. They're recognizable by their short under bite tusks. They typically have a shorter lifespan than humans. Orcs are aggressive and are fielded as heavy infantry in tesla-armor or as artillery crews to load ammunition quickly and easily. Orcs have become more civilized as their race has constantly undergone assimilation from many of the other nations. [img]http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-azs--5jvGCc/U5CE--JmvyI/AAAAAAAAECw/vi_jHM5MmN4/s1600/ADzdRl.jpg[/img] [i](A traditional orc warrior; despite the advancement in technology, many orcs still prefer to fight in a melee)[/i] The entire orcish society is based around a warrior class. While artisans and political leaders are present in orcish society, none of them have reached their position without first taking part in a battle. It is entirely possible for the lowest class of orcish citizen to rise to nobility if one has come out to be the victor of a large number of battles. With the rise of Asgard and the conquering of nearly all of Yggdrasil, assimilation has mostly erased this tradition. Still, many orc exclusive communities hold true to their traditional roots. Traditional orcs look down on Asgardian orcs, they see them as weak for leaving behind the very core of their societal structure. [img]http://40.media.tumblr.com/0cb0c1f2251656f44a4405d758681498/tumblr_nax3qjbFV51qjsj27o1_400.jpg[/img] [i](An orcish knight of the House of Blades)[/i] Orcs are nomadic by nature. They are native to the great sands of Tarcanis and resources are scarce. Orcish tribes settle for as long as they have resources in the region before moving on to another location. Before the rise of Asgard, orcs maintained a rather sizable empire that extended into the cold northern regions. The orcs were caught in between the human and elven kingdoms as they warred. Human war machines and elven mana overpowered the orcs' simple warmongering and shattered their empire. What's left are pockets of orc cultures that have adapted very differently to their environments but maintain their warrior history. [img]http://orig03.deviantart.net/97c5/f/2013/038/d/9/steampunk_orc_by_alla_holod-d5u4p4i.jpg[/img] [i](An orcish elder; orcs have a shorter lifespan than humans, forty years for an orc is the same as sixty years for a human)[/i] Traditional orcs have a general distaste for anything asgardian. They still blame Asgard for the severing of their empire hundreds of years ago. If asgardians ever come into contact with a traditional orc nomad tribe, the chances of the orcs attacking the asgardians is dangerously high. With that pent up aggression, unification of the tribes would lead to a dangerous conflict. Because of this, Asgard employs many orcs as spies and a variety of other types of agents to ensure that they traditional tribes never completely unify. [/hider] [hider=Gnomes] [img]http://orig03.deviantart.net/211b/f/2013/285/3/0/gnom__blog_by_marschelarts-d6q8kut.jpg[/img] [i](A gnomish adventurer)[/i] One of the smallest civilized races in Yggdrasil, gnomes are commonly found as artisans and traders due to their deft hands and dexterous bodies. Diminutive in stature, gnomes are surprisingly long lived. Automatons are used by gnomes to compensate for their small size, helping them with projects greater than gnomes can physically do. Gnomes keep their technologies well guarded and only have a tendency to share them with dwarves. [img]http://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/evoker/images/e/e2/Dwarf_Tinker.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20150815040500[/img] [i](Gnomes are right at home in the bowls of clockwork machinery. Their small size allows them to navigate these twisting labyrinths with ease. The death rate of gnomes in great clockworks is actually more than 300% less than any other race!)[/i] Gnomes are the most successful traders in all of Yggdrasil. They are silver tongued and know exactly what to say to a customer in order to make a sale. Gnomes are very dedicated to their craft and once they’ve found their career choice, they stick to it until death. Gnomes live a surprisingly long life, an elderly gnome can live up to 140 years. Gnomes don’t trade their technology unless it's beneficial for their people. [img]https://mazodedescartes.files.wordpress.com/2014/12/007-digital-illustrations-veli-nystrm.jpg[/img] [i](A gnomish inventor working on a new automoton)[/i] Gnomes employ the use of automatons to assist them in their day to day lives. They are contraptions of cogs and belts and gears and are usually dedicated to singular tasks. Simple automatons are made for only one purpose and nothing else, but more masterful gnomish inventors have made automatons that can adapt to its surroundings and operate accordingly. Gnome militaries see heavy use of battle automatons. Gnomes are the first race to develop the concept of tanks, but even they were used as heavily armed and armored automatons. Nearly all technological advancements can be traced back to the gnomish people in some way, either directly or indirectly. [img]https://i.pinimg.com/474x/a1/40/cf/a140cfe1ad2f8ee62758e21d73c63595--pinup-art-rhinos.jpg[/img] (The terrifying Tesla-armor in battle) As stated before, nearly all advanced technology can be traced back to the gnomes. Tesla-armor is no different. When gnomes were assimilated into Asgard, their brilliance was quickly utilized to fashion suits of mana powered armor to enhance the strength of their soldiers on the battlefield. Tesla-Armor comes in many different shapes and sizes, where the only standard patterns of armors are found in Asgard's military. Tesla-Armors can be made for any race, but cannot be made to be universally worn by all races since the control mechanisms within the armor are fashioned to the unique physiology of its intended race. [/hider] [hider=Halflings] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/2f/8a/8d/2f8a8df2e64fc2ccfcbb2523ed7c79aa.jpg[/img] (A halfling entrepeneur. Successful halflings in Asgardian society live very lavish lives) Halflings are quick witted and friendly individuals. Halflings are the only race to have never formed a real empire; preferring instead to live very communal lives in the form of shire-villages. Halflings are gifted with a brilliance toward whatever they set their mind on, but that potential is wasted as most halflings prefer to live a life of perpetual bliss. They aren't hedonistic folk, but they'd much prefer a fun night at the tavern over a stuffy gala with politicians. [img]http://41.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m3jxghxfZA1qehhjho1_500.jpg[/img] (A halfling adventurer) Halflings are quirky and very spontaneous. They chose to live day by day instead of dwelling on the past or worrying about the future. They tend to make life decisions on the spot. As such, a quaint and humble farmer might just pack up and leave to go adventuring for a few years. This spontaneity has led to many halflings becoming somewhat untrustworthy, which attributes their roguish tendencies. They make excellent mercenaries and treasure hunters. [img]https://i.pinimg.com/originals/c2/52/48/c25248a05aca896a937d6ce0da6e7cc0.jpg[/img] (Halflings have a love for artifacts, many noble halflings will hire mercenaries and artifact hunters to find rare items) Halflings are business professionals, and they seem to enlighten whatever job they are given. Halfling bartenders are better than human bartenders. Halfling jewelers are better than dwarven jewelers. But their size and random nature doesn't make them out to be very skilled career soldiers. It is more common to see halflings in auxiliary units and reserves than on any active unit. But gnomes are great at socializing and if one was to pay a gnome enough, sensitive information can almost always be acquired. [/hider] [hider=*Ratoskr*] [img]https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/f/2490f32c-a2b7-451c-8058-b1a69f3a6c65/d2zsown-2224d0fb-35ae-4580-8c90-d0e10a41495b.jpg?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOiIsImlzcyI6InVybjphcHA6Iiwib2JqIjpbW3sicGF0aCI6IlwvZlwvMjQ5MGYzMmMtYTJiNy00NTFjLTgwNTgtYjFhNjlmM2E2YzY1XC9kMnpzb3duLTIyMjRkMGZiLTM1YWUtNDU4MC04YzkwLWQwZTEwYTQxNDk1Yi5qcGcifV1dLCJhdWQiOlsidXJuOnNlcnZpY2U6ZmlsZS5kb3dubG9hZCJdfQ.FLlyuiq-_Eca5YYQl0Q5vSmX8m6NvpgS0Sa4TmlRMO8[/img] (Bearing a shape reminiscent of a human, the Ratoskr are deformed creatures that are the victims of extreme mana radiation. It is a great scientific mystery as to how they even survived such exposure in the first place) Once human, the Ratoskr have fallen to nothing more than slaves and cannon fodder. The race's tragic backstory is the fault of human misunderstanding during their first steps into the exploration of mana technology. A human kingdom that didn't belong to Asgard as the time, known as Tarkos, was the first to develop a mana-based power plant from the elves during the steamtech era. Humans and elves warred, but it was a violent stalemate as human steam technology couldn't overcome elven mana and vice versa. Tarkos blended the two together to pioneer mana technology but ended in catastrophic failure when their power plant destabilized and detonated. The radiation emitted from the explosion blanketed Tarkos and mutated its inhabitants into the crippled form they are now, the Ratoskr. [img]https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/f/f47fd2ed-aa96-4903-a59e-9a595c2a6e16/d4nhp5c-a4f92782-00ea-4f85-aef7-eab7d507500c.jpg/v1/fill/w_800,h_740,q_75,strp/ratfolk_by_targete_d4nhp5c-fullview.jpg?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOiIsImlzcyI6InVybjphcHA6Iiwib2JqIjpbW3siaGVpZ2h0IjoiPD03NDAiLCJwYXRoIjoiXC9mXC9mNDdmZDJlZC1hYTk2LTQ5MDMtYTU5ZS05YTU5NWMyYTZlMTZcL2Q0bmhwNWMtYTRmOTI3ODItMDBlYS00Zjg1LWFlZjctZWFiN2Q1MDc1MDBjLmpwZyIsIndpZHRoIjoiPD04MDAifV1dLCJhdWQiOlsidXJuOnNlcnZpY2U6aW1hZ2Uub3BlcmF0aW9ucyJdfQ.mzxIze0PCZ2DOTgDN5E2AkNA1hpwa3mvzXDKy6T9MsY[/img] (A ratoskr female navigating the endless tunnels beneath Yggdrasil) Once asgardian scouts had confirmed the fate of Tarkos, a massive army was sent to occupy it and enslave the broken people. The ratoskr lived as slaves to the Asgardian people, thrust into pits so deep that the sunlight doesn't even reach the bottom. Over the ages, the ratoskr has turned these seemingly bottomless caverns into sprawling pit-cities. While Asgard still technically enslave the ratoskr, none dare enter the pit-cities. Ratoskr have become violent and ruthless toward their oppressors. They still retain their keen human intellect but their minds have been degraded over centuries of abuse and belittlement. Nobody knows how many ratoskr there are in the world, many theorists believe that the ratoskr now outnumber every known race on Yggdrasil, and that they are forming large armies underground. With access to the deadly and banned green mana crystals found only in the deepest parts of Yggdrasil, the ratoskr are creating deadly weapons and machines of war to one day return to the surface and annihilate Asgard. [img]http://36.media.tumblr.com/d8100b61145fa0591d90f82deb832bbc/tumblr_n3s022qCN51sq3imzo8_500.jpg[/img] (A ratoskr inventor testing his potent new green mana powered battle armor. Whenever the ratoskr launch raids from their pit cities, infernal new mechanisms are always brought to the field and with them, new problems Asgardian soldiers aren't trained to handle) Since the death of Tarag the Fool, a zephyr who unknowingly stepped into a pit city, the ratoskr have declared open war with Asgard and their Zephyr overlords. Doomsayers believe that the ratoskr tide is coming. While the war wages mostly at the mouths of the many pit cities, ratoskr incursions can appear anywhere. After centuries of living in the pit cities, ratoskr have become masterful tunnelers. A hole can open anywhere and the surrounding regions can be overwhelmed and destroyed before military forces arrive, only to see not one ratoskr. The ratfolk don't seem to mind those who do not share a banner with the great Asgard Empire and many flee to the Free Nations of the East to live as equals on the surface. [img]https://ze-robot.com/images/source/16479.jpg[/img] (Ratoskr technology is quickly beginning to rival that of the gnomes. Their foundries and labs are found only in the deepest reaches of the world, far out of sight from anyone. It is unknown just what sort of machinations the ratoskr have created) [/hider] [hider=*Zephyr*] [img]https://i.pinimg.com/originals/9f/00/72/9f0072e638175f8fcd2773f7c7c94815.jpg[/img] (An almighty Zephyr walking the lands of its conquest. Zephyr are very vain, and they very much enjoy the sight of the lands they conquer) Titans of unimaginable scale, the Zephyr aren't actually a unique race of their own. They form a number of titanic races of a lost age hundreds of millennia old that once walked Yggdrasil when the World Dragons flew in the skies and before they became the mountain ranges. The Zephyr had been trapped in the Etherium when the serpentine people, the Jormungandr, children of the World Dragons created mana. They were the one of the ultimate species on Yggdrasil, second only to the World Dragons which were seen as predators to the Zephyr. The titans fought viciously against the World Dragons but never once had they managed to kill one, until they constructed great nexus towers that harnessed the fel energies of the Etherium. [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/d1/c8/7c/d1c87cb2f89a4103355a352c85c9c389.jpg[/img] (A zephyr fighting the World Dragon Uziel) The nexus towers tore holes in the skies above that led to the Etherium, a twisted place that mirrors the material world, the Materium, and inverts it. Using the energies of the Etherium, the Zephyr struck down the World Dragon Coriel and severely wounded another. The Jormungandr, a race, tiny in comparison to the scale of the Zephyr and the World Dragons, worked tirelessly to help their worshiped World Dragons. Sages of the Jormungandr managed to take the very same fel energies and create a new energy, mana. Using mana, the Jormungandr destroyed the nexus towers. The Etherium collapsed and the energies the Zephyr wrapped themselves in faded back to the plane from where it came, taking the Zephyr with it. The Jormungandr created the World Tree as a generator source of mana, which acted as a nexus to keep the Etherium separated from the Materium forever. The World Dragons entered a state of torpor after their food source had all but vanished. As the geography changed around the dragons, they became the mountains that exist in the present day. [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/38/8b/69/388b69a21ab3cb6e0cf29e3df1df1a4d.jpg[/img] (Since zephyr are a multitude of titanic races, some look vastly different from others. Still, their intentions and goals are the same) In the present age, as Asgard and other great empires across Yggdrasil exploited mana, the chains that kept the Zephyr trapped in the Etherium were weakened. The consumption of the world's mana supply generated by the world tree had been so great that Zephyr were able to break free from the Etherium and return to reclaim their world. They found that hundreds of thousands of years had passed, and even their architecture was nothing more than dust that now forms the deserts and geography. Angered by their loss, the Zephyr took to the most prominent empire of Yggdrasil and subverted it to their will. At first, the takeover was difficult. Asgard refused to bow to the Zephyr. So as an exmaple of power, the Zephyr destroyed whole lesser nations of the Grand Empire's until the emperor pledged servitude to save his billions of loyal subjects. The Zephyr walk Yggdrasil again, using Asgard to fight against the world while they construct new nexus towers. [/hider] [hider=*Jormungandr*] [img]https://pp.vk.me/c621728/v621728705/e945/FUOhSxlyWL8.jpg[/img] (A jormungandr warrior, enigmatic and deadly) The jormungandr are responsible for the defeat of the zephyr and the creation of mana and the world tree. Next to the zephyr and the dragons, they are the most ancient living species on Yggdrasil. Jormungandr are known by the public to exist, but entire generations of people could live full lives and not one could ever be seen. The serpentine people are enigmatic and don't trouble themselves with the politics of the world unless it directly effects them. Before the zephyr reappeared from the Etherium, they warned the empires of Yggdrasil, even the elves, to stop using mana before there isn't enough to sustain the rift between the Materium and the Etherium. After being turned down by nearly every nation, their fates were sealed and the jormungandr seemingly vanished. [img]https://img0.etsystatic.com/027/0/6202898/il_570xN.642551844_60l2.jpg[/img] (Jormungandr are so talented in manasmithing, that they even forge their weapons out crystalized mana) Even though the jormungandr aren't seen, it doesn't mean that they aren't there. Jormungandr had to hide from the zephyr in the old ages, and their scales have evolved to be able to deflect and bend light at will. The jormungandr essentially can achieve perfect invisibility, this has been mimicked in their architecture as well which makes finding jormungandr communities nearly impossible. They communicate telepathically so lesser species can understand them. Since the return of the zephyr, the jormungandr have been especially silent, even more so than before. Nobody knows what has become of them in the decades since the zephyr emerged. [/hider] [hider=*Legionnaires*] [img]http://img08.deviantart.net/81ce/i/2014/294/d/7/gearsman_by_yigitkoroglu-d83mn1i.jpg[/img] (Standing in at fifteen feet and weighing over a ton, legionnaires are the mailed fist of the zephyr) Legionnaires are large metal constructs that serve the zephyr. Enabled by modern technologies, the zephyr have created the legionnaires to act as their enforcers in Asgard. Legionnaires are a show of force and set an example to anybody thinking about rising up. They vary in appearance, some are slabs of metal made into a large fifteen foot body, others are ornate in the form of noble knights. Legionnaires consist of houses, as though they are mimicking the actual knight houses of Yggdrasil. Where the knights have six distinct houses, the Legionnaires have a house for every city and region they dominate. [img]http://cp14.nevsepic.com.ua/18/17265/thumbs/1384586517-900_max.jpg[/img] (A very ornate legionnaire. Legionnaires are usually gifted newer and better bodies for exceptional service to their zephyr masters) Though it is unknown to the public, legionnaires are created in a truly twisted fashion. The body is simply manufactured from a factory, but mana alone doesn't allow the legionnaire to think as a sentient being does. The zephyr's secret police, known as the Vigil, harvest homeless individuals from the streets and extract their souls using energies from the Etherium. The soul is then placed inside the legionnaire, attached to a 'nervous font' which the soul melds with to achieve sentience. The nervous font generates mana to animate the body of the legionnaire. The fel energies of the Etherium corrupt and twist the soul that is placed inside the legionnaire which ensures their loyalty to the zephyr. Legionnaires become a shadow of their old self, their darkest traits become prominent. If a sacrifice enjoyed inflicting pain on others, then the legionnaire will be exceptionally morbid. Every legionnaire has a unique personality, but they are all completely loyal to the zephyr and that will never change. [img]https://preview.redd.it/emi2nnfew7m41.jpg?width=640&height=873&crop=smart&auto=webp&s=4d19aa8d106349061017445a99ea48c51e0f92f7[/img] (Oryx is the Lord Commander of the legionnaires. His authority can bypass even the emperor of Asgard as he answers directly to the zephyr. He is feared across the world for his ruthless attitude and his cunning strategic mind) Legionnaires wield massive weapons into battle. A cannon mounted on a cart is wielded like a rifle for the legionnaires. Legionnaires bring to bear some of the most terrifying weapons Asgard has and uses them to deadly effect. Some legionnaires have been known to carry lightning cannons over their shoulder into battle, others enjoy the use of huge great swords and axes. When a legionnaire takes to the field, the enemy quakes in fear. [/hider] [/hider] [hider=Major Nations and Factions] [hider=Major Nations] [hider=Asgard] [img]https://secure.static.tumblr.com/9c3d729cb52eba857ba4198efbbf741f/8dbvhe2/Dounxya9z/tumblr_static_8r1ex0xehn8c4kcg84408gco0_640_v2.jpg[/img] (A girl looks over Midgar, the capital city of Asgard) The largest empire on Yggdrasil, consisting of all of Western Yggdrasil, the majority of Central and portions of both North and South, Asgard is the most prominent power in the world. Asgardian culture is so dominant, its trade culture and currency have been adopted by almost every nation on the main continent of Yggdrasil. Asgardians as a people are quite industrious, and are regarded as the most technologically advanced civilization in the world, with strong mastery over statescraft and trade as well. While primarily a human empire, Asgard also possesses a large populace of elves, and dwarves, while gnomes, halflings, and orcs make up more marginalized minorities. Elves are the only other race in Asgard to hold major political seats of power. [img]http://www.churchofhalloween.com/wp-content/posts/international-steampunk-city-2.png[/img] (The inner regions of Asgard are prosperous and mostly safe, with the only true threats coming from the Ratoskr below) Asgard consists of broken up 'Lesser Kingdoms' which are led by their lesser kings and queens. These kingdoms used to be independent nations before the expansion of Asgard. They range from dwarven cities and elven woods, to orcish badlands and halfling shires. The kingdoms all share the banner of Asgard, but their politics often conflict. The emperor and his office allows for skirmishes to take place between conflicting nations, commanding from the massive central "Greater Kingdom" that makes up the core of the empire, and includes the capital city of Midgar and the brunt of the Asgardian military. If agreements haven't been met after an allotted period of time, the Asgardian military arrives with an envoy to settle a deal and return peace to that region. [img]https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/-X-pk5oWaO58/ThotB9Kv6gI/AAAAAAAAACY/fQTNc2h2bxM/w800-h800/1237094855760.jpg[/img] (A fleet of Asgardian aerial warships being deployed to the front line. Battleships are known to carry whole regiments of soldiers in their massive troop compartments) Asgardian military is the largest in the world, numbering in the millions, Asgard supplements its forces with powerful fleets of mana-powered airships, gnomish automatons, tanks, and even Legionnaires. As a result, Asgard's bronze-clad legions are a known presence all over the world, the mana-lock rifle a signature weapon of the imperial forces. Due to its large size, the Asgardian military as a whole is rather sluggish and slow to deploy, but deploy in large and overwhelming force when mobilized. As an intermediary, Asgard trains legions of 'Rapid-Response' forces. Units based on airship capable of quickly- relatively in comparison to the Asgardian military as a whole- deploying to most regions around the world. [img]https://avatars.mds.yandex.net/get-pdb/2015496/5eec0958-568d-474f-9788-e276fb33bdce/s600[/img] (The Aesir are a military order within Asgard. Their numbers are few, but each member is a widely renowned living legend. The Aesir have all accomplished impossible feats, and they are rewarded with the best equipment Asgard can provide) A great source of military pride comes from the Aesir. All career soldiers strive to join the ranks of the living legends. The Aesir have reached a point where their names have been eternalized along with their long list of deeds. The Aesir are the most elite force that Asgard can deploy, and they are sent on missions where failure could mean the grinding halt of their ceaseless war machine. When not being exploited for their battlefield prowess, the Aesir are the personal honor guard of the emperor, or busy governing Asgard's most important cities. Aesir are flexible enough to be utilized in teams, or operate on their own. Beyond their lethality, the Aesir are cunning strategists, eloquent talkers, and master statesmen. If Asgard believes invading a kingdom will be too costly, they'll first send an Aesir to negotiate a surrender. Failing that, the Aesir will destabilize the nation before the main force of Asgard arrives. [/hider] [hider=Free Eastern City States] [img]http://i1116.photobucket.com/albums/k570/slimer1/SteampunkCity3_zpsbd26c0be.png[/img] (A Free Eastern city state. Many of the world's Great Cities are found here. Each city is treated as its own nation. For the sake of security, these city states have formed a rough coalition in the event of an invasion from Asgard) In East Yggdrassil is a collection of of city-states and nation-states. These cities are typically industrially developed and occasionally bicker with one another behind large walls of stone. Here, people develop different philosophies and create new inventions, making the Eastern city-states a haven for free thinkers and inventors. The types of governments in the city states are varied, some are democratic, there are several republics, a few kingdoms, and several mercantile cities. [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/3c/24/48/3c24482e829d8d6cd2011cfa06d74e7f.jpg[/img] (Technology varies from city to city in the Free East. Cities develop their technology independent of one another; however, technologies are frequently traded between friendly states as a show of good will) The different races often intermingle and live together in these city states, but it is not uncommon for cities to be exlusively a single race. The majority of these city states are loosely allied with each other in a confederacy for a unified defense, though this alliance hasn't stopped small wars from breaking out between cities. A common sight are airships of various shapes and sizes travelling across the skies, trading and exploring and otherwise soaring about the sky. Resistant, but not hostile to Asgardian culture, the Eastern city states in general do not try to antagonize the Asgardian Empire, for fear of bringing their military might down upon all of them. Mainly due to fear of the Empire, many city states are militarized and possess their own private militaries. [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/27/7c/d6/277cd6f24cdabfab5f128d4018e6be89.jpg[/img] (Tyberia is one of the world's largest great cities, second only to Midgar, the capital of Asgard. Before Asgard's occupation, Tyberia was a city-state in the Free East) An exceptionally large city state sitting near the border of Asgard, Tyberia has long been regarded a centeral 'stopping' location between the trade routes of the Eastern city states and the Asgardian markets. As a major commercial hub between the east and west, Tyberia enjoys the benefits of a fruitful commerce and near continuous growth, making it the largest great city of the east, and the second largest city in the world. Like many city states, it is militarized, in order to defend itself- though to appease the nearby Asgard, and to prevent any suspicion or accusation to be thrown their way, Tyberia's official military is rather small. Instead, it relies on the numerous mercenary guilds within its city limits to provide the city with security in times of need. [img]http://craphound.com/images/full_Swanwick_Carre_640_435.jpg[/img] (Following Asgardian occupation of Tyberia, the city's Tan'Raga underworld rose in public support as they openly reject Asgard policies) Following the rise of the Zephyr, Tyberia has been occupied and seized- its military easily crushed, and its mercenary bands quickly dispersed by the near overwhelming invasion force of Asgardian soldiers, and is currently the staging ground for further Asgardian campaigns into the east. Tyberia's Tan'Raga is the only known organization to publicly stand up against their occupiers. The actions of the crime syndicate are beginning to inspire more virtuous resistance groups. [/hider] [hider=The Reichland] [img]http://media.moddb.com/cache/images/games/1/11/10035/thumb_620x2000/confederation.jpg[/img] (Reichlander Soldiers are similar in appearance to Asgardian troops, only more protected from the elements and wearing their nation's colors. Their issued clothing is also lined with lead to ward off the poisonous effects of their green mana crystal ammunition) A small, but highly militarized dictatorship situated in the mountains of north Yggdrasil, this autocratic nation is made almost entirely of soldiers. From their vast underground fortresses, they wage a near constant war against Asgard, in pursuit of Asgard's rich lands and resources. Their underground cities are heavily defended, and the bitter cold and weather conditions of the Northern Spine mountains make it impossible for the Asgard to mount a large scale invasion of the north using their airships. However, the same weather conditions play against the Reichsland as well, as it is difficult for them to send large numbers of soldiers into Asgardian lands. The result is a stalemate, and perpetual skirmishes in the Taiga Lowlands and arboreal forests between the two nations. [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/56/30/a5/5630a5d3e83961c7b5257fe891fa727d.jpg[/img] (Reichland's only great city is Bermenstadt. Like almost every other Reichland city, it is built underground in massive caverns) Reichlanders have access to potent mana as their cities are all underground in order to resist the harsh winters. Where they lack much of the profoundly advanced technology that Asgard has, they make up for it in total power. Their less advanced weapons and vehicles are loaded with green mana. This makes their weapons highly unstable and liable to explode in the hands of the user, but when they don't, they are terrifying to be on the receiving end of. Reichlanders are motivated to continue attacking Asgard as their close proximity to large streams of liquid mana has lead to an epidemic of mana poisoning; for the sake of their people, they will not stop their attack on Asgard's borders. [/hider] [/hider] [hider=Factions] [hider=The Secessionists] [img]http://storge.pic2.me/cm/800x480/917/5417503419db0.jpg[/img] (Asgardian forces launch a vicious assault on a hill currently held by Secessionists. The hard reality of a Secessionist soldier is that they are always hopelessly outgunned and at a constant disadvantage with Asgard) The Secessionists consists of a confederation of half a dozen minor kingdoms and city states along Asgard's Eastern borders. Due to the sheer size and power of the Asgard military, however, the Secessionists are fragmented and scattered. While united against Asgard, the different nations of the Secessionists are distinctly independent from one another, and often have differing motivations. As such, the leaders of the confederation rarely see eye to eye and often butt heads while attempting to make large scale decisions, making the Secessionist movement as a whole slow, rigid, and unwieldy. [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/94/68/0d/94680d94b5c00cdc669b3d072c09ecc9.jpg[/img] (Secessionists can not maintain the level of unified production compared to Asgard. To compensate, Secessionist soldiers often loot after a battle) In general, the military forces of the Secessionist movement vary in training, as well as quality of equipment. The Secessionists forces are for the most part inferior to the Asgardian military, lacking both the numbers and logistics; however, the Secessionists' ideals are strong, and rapidly growing, and more and more rebels join the Secessionist cause every week- including former Asgardian soldiers and deserters. Entire lesser empires within the borders of Asgard have succeeded from the Grand Empire in the decades following the Zephyr's hostile takeover. [/hider] [hider=Tyberian Revolutionaries] [img]https://i.pinimg.com/originals/1c/d1/99/1cd199659cd4283cb5ccdcb525d200d8.jpg[/img] (Inspired by the defiance of the Tan'Raga, revolutionary groups have started to operate in the shadows) Known as the Tyberian Revolutionaries, this group aims to return Tyberia to the Free East. The Revolution is small, and only spoken throughout the city in hushed tones. By necessity, and because of the Asgardian Military's presence within the city, the Revolutionist movement stays covert, and quiet, as they attempt to take their city back from their oppressors. Made up of a collection of Asgardian deserters, rebels, insurgents, and revolutionaries, the citizens of Tyberia are desperate to take back their city. The Revolutionist movement has been thus far unable to connect with any of the minor secessionist nations for aid, and are for the most part, on their own. There is no uniform representing the revolution; thus, these freedom fighters can disappear into crowds as quickly as they appear. [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/e8/8d/31/e88d31c999e6fd22dc52efe492ba7135.jpg[/img] (Resistance hideouts such as this are all known revolutionaries have. Upon being revealed as a rebel, everything the revolutionary owns is taken and often destroyed) Revolutionaries operate by means of subterfuge and sabotage. They, begrudgingly, work with the Tan'Raga to ascertain intelligence. Despite sometimes working together, the Revolutionaries and the local Tan'Raga are polar opposites. Tyberia's Tan'Raga defies Asgard and operates to further their own gains; The Revolutionaries operate for the benefit of all Tyberian citizens. People have their own reasons to seek out the resistance group, but if the reason is justified, the revolutionaries will try and lend a helping hand. [img]http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-LaF6MqTcpLo/Tobf7zt_jmI/AAAAAAAASOM/JQa4DyuqODk/s640/Wallcate.com+-+Elf+Wallpaper+%252849%2529.JPG[/img] (Elven women make excellent spies for the revolutionaries. In a war within shadows, not even the vices of men are safe) Since Asgard is constantly intercepting radio transmissions, communication between revolutionary hideouts and operatives is done through dead-drops, face to face meetings, spreading rumors with code, and many other ways. Security is the only real ally the revolutionaries have, and it is a fickle one. Every member of the resistance knows that the penalty for being captured is death, so they never take any operation lightly. It is common for resistance members to make pacts that if one is to ever fall into the hands of their occupiers, that they kill them before it's too late. Grimly, this pact is settled more often than not. [/hider] [hider=The Knight Houses] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/da/52/a7/da52a714067736080014efda2bea0811.jpg[/img] (A knight belonging to the House of Blades) The Knight Houses belong to no specific empire. They are warriors and paragons of honor who travel the world to help the common folk. Knights are held in high regard across the world, and many people are grateful that they do not condone the actions of Asgard's government. Still, they will assist Asgardians if the cause is just. Knight houses usually have their own political agendas and often don't work together, but they will if their interests align. The House of Blades is the oldest Knight House in Yggdrasil, and was one of the original houses since antiquity. One of the largest Knight Houses in Yggdrasil, the House of Blades has a chapterhouse in almost every major city. The House of Blades teaches and emphasizes traditional swordsmanship, and its knights are among the most skilled swordsmen in Yggdrasil. They often wear heavy mana-resistant plate armor. [img]https://cdn.inprnt.com/thumbs/cf/8e/cf8e4b34721af31a897670bdd6a489a9.jpg[/img] (A Lexicon Knight) The least militarized of the brotherhoods, the Knights of the Lexicon focus on the pursuit of knowledge above all. They protect all forms of knowledge religiously, and are willing to go to war to protect and preserve knowledge. They are responsible for maintaining the massive library in the Asgardian capital of Midgar, and are also known as masters of strategy. They commonly seek out tacticians and other men of thought to recruit into their ranks. They are among the smallest of the Knight Houses. Lexicon knights are often accompanied by a familiar creature, which they share a strange bond with. [img]https://64.media.tumblr.com/4c262195b04128b58f5ab7c27f74ebd5/tumblr_p8buh73f9q1uqdhz8o1_500.jpg[/img] (Knights of the House of Storms wear lighter field plate armor and often equip themselves with modern weapons) The House of Storms is a younger knight brotherhood that focuses primarily on use of the manalock and other ranged weaponry. Among them are some of the best marksmen in the world. A very selective Knighthood, their numbers fluctuate around 2500 Knights- considerably smaller than some of the other militant brotherhoods, and screening and selection processes for the Knighthood is very strict. Due to their focus on modern technology, many traditional brotherhoods, such as the House of Blades and the Knights of Gryphonne look down on them- on the other hand, the House of Storms often look down upon the older knighthoods as obsolete and stuck in their old ways. [img]https://tamrielvault.com/public/album_photo/95/dc/02/2d7bb_dc9b.jpg?c=a490[/img] (A knight belonging to the elf exclusive order: the Knights Arcana) An elf exclusive knighthood, the Knights Arcana are made entirely of powerful manaweavers. The members of the elitist Knights Arcana are often elves of the purest bloodlines and the most powerful of manaweavers. As their members are all elves, they tend to share their race's arrogance, and often look down upon non-elves. Their skilled battemages are capable of impressive feats of magic, and are a feared sight on any battlefield. [img]https://2.bp.blogspot.com/-Na33NiwoaDM/VjX7gxmKPTI/AAAAAAABN2M/tzVJLS9CjZk/s1600/elf_griffin_rider_by_derricksong-d8lm3wv.jpg[/img] (Knights of Gyphonne riding their fabled Gryphons) A small brotherhood, but quite easily one of the most famous and distinct. The Knights of Gryphonne, as the name implies, ride mighty gryphons into battle. As gryphons roost only in the mountain peaks of the city of the of Gryphonne, it is only natural that their fortress-monastery is located in those very peaks. Knights of this brotherhood are only accepted as full-fledged members after they have raised a gryphon from birth and tamed it. Once that bond is formed, the initiate is inducted into the brotherhood. Knights of Gryphonne are surrounded in romanticized stories, and are just as well known as the Aesir of Asgard. Whenever a new knight is inducted into the brotherhood, a week of celebrations is held in Gryphonne. Less than a dozen new knights join the brotherhood every year. Because of their steed's unique ability to fly, the Knights of Gryphonne are capable of striking anywhere. Whichever side the knightly order chooses to be a part of, it is always an awe inspiring sight to see them flying overhead in their gleaming armor. However, unlike the other knight houses, the Knights of Gryphonne will completely abandon a just cause if Gryphonne itself is ever threatened. [img]http://orig05.deviantart.net/5f48/f/2016/007/2/e/untitled_by_kade2648-d9n5snk.png[/img] (A House of Paupers banner) The second largest brotherhood, behind the House of Blades, the House of Paupers is a brotherhood that primarily focuses on humanitarian efforts, and are one of the least militarized of the Knighthoods. As a humanitarian group, the House of Paupers primarily gathers and distributes food, funds, and other resources for refugees, victims, and struggling people, with only a relatively small group of well trained warriors to protect these resources and the knighthood itself. As a result, the group enjoys massive popularity among the general populace of Yggdrasil. As this brotherhood has the most to do with money, and due to its size, there have been many allegations of corruption within the ranks of the House of Paupers, but the Grand Master of the brotherhood insists that these claims are false and are fabrications of those who wish to undermine their generous cause. [/hider] [/hider] [/hider] [hider=Technology and Mana] [img]https://ilcaleidoscopioweb.files.wordpress.com/2015/03/steampunk.jpg?w=604&h=270&crop=1[/img] (Cogs and gears, while ages old, still form the backbone of nearly all pieces of technology) Technology in Yggdrasil relies on a fusion of steam power, coal and iron furnaces, and most importantly: mana. The most common building materials are stone, wood, brass, bronze, and iron, and there also exists many other rare materials such as Mithril, or magic metal, incredibly denser and strong adamantium, or rare meteoric iron. Most machines in Yggdrasil are powered by powerful mana crystals, and to a lesser extent, supported by steam power. All manner of devices, from airships, to firearms often rely on mana for power. [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/78/5c/d3/785cd334118f410c47716759aa22601d.jpg[/img] (A small town under a root of the sprawling World Tree) All mana in Yggdrasil comes from the world tree, a massive tree in in Central Yggdrasil, whose trunk is the width of a city, and stretches into the sky further than anyone could possibly reach. It is believed that it is the world tree that seperates and forms the bridge between the physical world and the Etherium. The World Tree's roots envelope and intertwine through most of the world, and its massive roots are often the sites of mana-mining facilities. [img]http://img1.ali213.net/picfile/News/2013/06/12/am/550_zhff%20(1).jpg[/img] (A blue mana crystal) In its natural state, Mana is liquid in form, and seeps from the roots and trunk of the World Tree like sap. Unlike the sweet sap of a maple tree however, liquid mana- and mana in all forms for that matter, is highly toxic to most races. While it is found as a liquid, the primary form of used mana is in its solid state. Elven manaweavers, and specially trained and equipped Mana-tappers, collect large amounts of liquid mana and send them to refineries, where elven manasmiths condense the liquid mana into small crystals for everyday use. Pockets of gaseous Mana can also be found deep underground, often nearby geothermal vents and the planet's mantle, making the gathering of mana quite hazardous [img]https://em.wattpad.com/2e6c3a35a5fc621b4a6f00077b60cb7b4b830ee6/68747470733a2f2f73332e616d617a6f6e6177732e636f6d2f776174747061642d6d656469612d736572766963652f53746f7279496d6167652f662d30683264504233526b6d41413d3d2d3934313338373435382e313632646363633265626131313935353839373831333331363735392e6a7067[/img] (A river of liquid mana. While most mana in liquid form is found within the roots of the World Tree, some of it seeps from small openings and forms rivers on the surface of Yggdrasil. Thanks to their natural immunity, elves often enjoy sitting by such rivers) The quality and relative power of the mana primarily depends on the purity of the mana. Purer mana is found deeper underground. The purest, and most dangerous mana, is emerald green in color. The weakest, safest, and most malleable mana is citrine yellow. Powerful and demanding machines such as airships require larger, purer crystals, while most lesser machines can make do with the more common, cheaper crystals. [img]http://cdn.instructables.com/FJB/IJAG/ICRXIETF/FJBIJAGICRXIETF.LARGE.jpg[/img] (A manalock rifle loaded with a highly unstable green mana crystal) The most common firearm in Yggdrasil is the manalock. They generally come in bolt action or semi-automatic, and rely on mana-crystals. Most manalocks propel sliver thin crystal projectiles coated in mana at high speeds, causing both physical and mana based damage. However, not all manalocks fire solid projectiles. Some of the more expensive types of manalocks fire beams of concentrated mana at their targets. Even more dangerous manalocks will fire mana crystal projectiles. These projectiles will absorb ambient mana from the ground as it travels, becoming deadlier and more potent the further the projectile travels. [img]https://spikeybits.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/07/Screenshot_766.jpg[/img] (Continuous exposure to mana is deadly. Given enough time, the radiation that mana gives off will break down the bodies of irradiated victims until they're nothing more than husks. Should they survive the exposure, they become twisted mutants with broken minds) Mana is toxic to the body, and even touching mana can cause mana burns to a person, as such mana is typically handled with leaded gloves. Mana based damage to the body is also known as mana radiation. Primary symptoms of mana radiation is the burning of the afflicted area. Mana radiation also causes cellular degradation in the afflicted area, and can cause other symptoms such as short term nausea and vomiting. Long term exposure and relatively larger doses can result in neurological effects, as well as rapid death. For the rare survivors of untreated mana poisoning, mutations are commonplace. [img]https://i.pinimg.com/originals/bc/e3/94/bce3948ecab99cfe8194b6d1189be511.jpg[/img] (An elven manasmith researching ways to slow mana poisoning down for the other, susceptible races) Some races, most notably elves, and ratoskr are immune to the effects of mana radiation and radiation poisoning- though elves are not immune to the physical manifestations of mana (a.k.a magic). Other races, such as dwarves are highly resistant, though not immune to mana radiation. [/hider] [/hider] [center][hider=Dramatis Personae] Dramatis Personae are NPCs of importance to the plot of the RP. These characters are the many faces that will be used by the GM and Co-GM in order to progress the story. Note that not all of these Dramatis Personae are allies, some are neutral and others are even your enemies. As time goes on, more Dramatis Personae will be added to the repertoire. Some will only make their appearance in this section as they are revealed in the plot of the RP. As the story progresses and changes, so will the Dramatis Personae. [hider=Ada Maas, The Spymaster] [color=gray] [img]https://i.pinimg.com/564x/92/99/c6/9299c63b9c4ebbea10e38293be3ca629.jpg[/img] [color=sandybrown][h2][b]Ada Maas[/b][/h2][/color] [color=sandybrown][b]Age[/b][/color] 38 [color=sandybrown][b]Race[/b][/color] Human [color=sandybrown][b]Personality[/b][/color] Ada's personality depends on the context of her presence. Officially, Ada is a charming woman who holds the people's best interest at heart and resents the actions of organized crime associations. Ada is constantly funding task forces to uproot corruption as a smokescreen, unbeknownst to those very task forces, they're only removing crime that she has deliberately placed for them. Ada isn't who the public eye makes her out to be. As Tyberia's Raga'Mu, she is one of the most powerful figures in the city and nobody knows it, not even the other under kings of the Tan'Raga as she has inserted a puppet to assume the role while she makes the decisions in the shadows. If one comes to the apparent Raga'Mu, he 'sends' his best agent to speak to them, Ada herself. When meeting others as a spy or information, Ada is a cunning fox. She has a sharp tongue and will often bring up secrets of her clients that should be known to nobody. Her words cut deep into the hardiest of men to manipulate them into stepping into her web of intrigue. Ada is truly cold, at times she is completely apathetic toward others; she sees many of their issues as 'problems of the privileged'. Still, as a spy, Ada seems to have redeeming qualities. Before her rise to power as Tyberia's spymaster, she was once a field agent for her master, the previous Raga'Mu. Ada uses her beauty to appeal to the vices of men and the jealousy of women to get what she wants. Those who know of her reputation know that Ada can't truly be trusted. Her motives are kept secret as is her agenda. [color=sandybrown][b]Backstory[/b][/color] Ada was a street child, she grew up not knowing who her parents were and had no real place to call home. Every day during her childhood was a battle against the elements and a struggle against the older street rats. Like most street rats, Ada found herself in the employ of Tyberia's Tan'Raga as a muse, a title given to child spies. Working for the Tan'Raga meant she was given shelter in exchange for completing her tasks, for her, it was serving the other under kings to glean information from them. None of the under kings knew she was working for the Raga'Mu known as Persepholis Maas, the greatest spymaster in Tyberia's history. Under Persepholis' tutelage, Ada managed to gather incriminating information of every other under king in the Tan'Raga. Persepholis didn't begin his coup d'etat until Ada was fifteen years old. Half way through her teenage years, Persepholis formally adopted Ada. She had earned the Maas surname and became heir to his fortune that was the Tyberian Printing Press. Acting under the command of the High Raga, Persepholis divulged all of the information Ada had gathered on all of the other under kings as well as a man framed as the Raga'Mu to Tyberia's law enforcement. The High Raga was paranoid that the other under kings were plotting against him, he only trusted Persepholis because of the friendship and brotherhood they had shared since childhood. In a day, the Tan'Raga leadership was stripped and the High Raga appointed his new under kings. With a body of inexperienced under kings, him and Persepholis molded them into undying loyal servants, eliminating the worry of ever attempting a coup against him. Where did Ada play in all of this? At fifteen, Ada was acting as the girlfriend of the police chief's son. She seeded corruption in the family with carefully chosen words and little hints to guide him toward further investigation of certain high profile figures. When Persepholis revealed the identities of the other under kings, the chief had already been investigating them, making the decision to take the initiative a simple one. Persepholis had seen Ada's growing affection for the police chief's son and allowed her to continue so long as her loyalty to the High Raga never shook. It came even to his surprise that Ada had been playing the part all along for four years. By nineteen, Ada's fingers were so deep in the police's operations that she could actually stop any activity simply by batting her eye lashes and showing a bit of leg. Ada's endeavors protected the Tan'Raga up until Persepholis passed away naturally at the age fifty-four. The air quality in great cities were never ideal, and Persepholis has developed cancer in his lungs from residual mana. The High Raga mourned for his pact brother and honored him my instating Ada as his new Raga'Mu. Stepping into power at the age of nineteen, Ada knew she was going to be an easy target for the other under kings. Ada's work as Raga'Mu and head of the printing press led to her young and recently betrothed police chief to start asking unsavory questions. Where have you been late at night? Why are you so tired? You haven't been talking to me as much. You seem to resent my actions. It was time to cut ties. Ada planted half false evidence of the new police chief making deals with the Tan'Raga. He was arrested and imprisoned after a very brief investigation. Ada played as the oblivious woman who had no idea of her fiance's actions. She was off the hook. Ada then set her sights on the under kings. She already knew their vices, Persepholis has made her learn more about them as they were being inaugurated into the sinister crime empire. She just played at their weakness, using her other female spies to manipulate them and put them on a short leash. By the age of twenty-five, Ada had earned the same level of trust from the High Raga as Persepholis had. Being an elf, the High Raga was still considered rather young to his people despite being sixty-one. Ada appealed to him, saying that she would be a far more effected Raga'Mu if she wasn't believed to actually carry the title. The High Raga agreed and had Ada 'replaced' with a puppet that was a part of Ada's inner circle of spies. From there, Ada went more public, becoming a commercial giant with the printing press. Now that her attention could be better divided, she could focus more on her legitimate appearance while still spinning her intricate web of lies throughout the city. Ada is thirty-eight now. Since her apparent replacement as Raga'Mu, Ada's actions have become more subtle but they have nevertheless altered the politics of Tyberia drastically. While her puppet would take all the credit for it, so did all the blame. Every time a puppet failed, a new one took it's place; every one of them, a lesser spy of Ada's, aspiring to become her apprentice. [color=sandybrown][b]Skills[/b][/color] Lies, deception, slander, subterfuge. The creed of all spymasters in Yggdrasil. Ada's talents do not go to waste in Tyberia with the recent occupation by Asgard. With many of the city's elite still living a comfortable life, Ada enjoys many luxuries few commoners can even dream of while she pulls the strings of the city. Unknown to the populace of Tyberia, Ada is the true driving force of the city. Her network of information has replaced Tyberian leaders with her own puppets and has both uprooted and planted corruption. Seen as the inheritor of the city's most widespread printing press, she is entirely clear of suspicion and free to act as the city's eyes and ears and whispers. [list] [*][color=sandybrown]Master Spycraft -[/color] Ada's connections to Tyberia's Tan'Raga and her history of espionage against the state has led to her dangerous skills in spycraft. Ada employs many methods to acquire the information she knows; she never divulges more information than she must, leaving others perpetually curious of just how much she knows. Ada's influence reaches the far corners of Tyberia, she is seen at high profile political functions and low profile Tan'Raga gatherings. She has crafted webs of lies over other webs, her true motives are known only to her. [*][color=sandybrown]Professional Sleight of Hand -[/color] In Ada's field of work, being quick with your hands is essential. One must pass notes or steal in plain sight to get the job done. Ada usually has an organization of spies in her employ to do these tasks for her; as such, her own skills in sleight of hand have diminished slightly. [*][color=sandybrown]Adept Politics -[/color] One must know the ebb and flow of Tyberia's politics in order to effectively orchestrate a grand illusion and a grand subterfuge. To the lords of Tyberia, Ada is seen as an inheritor of her deceased father's company, the printing press to deliver news across the city. In truth, the company is the legitimate front of her previous master in order to glean information from the Tyberian elite. Ada spends as much time on news headlines as she does in the shadows of Tyberia's underworld. This level of renown has made Ada completely invisible, and it has enabled her to act freely. Her influence has spread into the highest echelons of Tyberia's leadership. [*][color=sandybrown]Journeyman Pistolier -[/color] Combat is not Ada's concern, still, she defends herself if she must. Ada's lack of formal training with pistols shows. Ada isn't concerned with her skill in marksmanship however. When confronted for her lackluster skill, Ada reminds her colleagues that she is a spy, not an assassin. [*][color=sandybrown]Professional Business -[/color] In order to maintain the illusion of a successful corporate leader, Ada has to play the part as much as look it. Her late master had established a printing press to deliver news, both true and incriminating as well as false and embellishing, to mislead the masses and manipulate them without anybody knowing. Being the most successful printing press in Tyberia, Ada's inheritance has skyrocketed her social status to be among the city's elite. In the eyes of the public, she has large shoes that she has yet to fill, but she is more than competent enough to handle the daily rigors of the press. [/list] [/color] [/hider] [hider=Ephraim Quaid, The General] [IMG]https://i.pinimg.com/236x/04/95/ec/0495ec11cee53ffa4d8c3f52ac33b634.jpg[/IMG] Ephraim Quaid, High General of the Asgardian 5th Legion [h2][color=lightblue][b]Ephraim Quaid[/b][/color][/h2] [color=lightblue][b]Age[/b][/color] 154 [color=lightblue][b]Race[/b][/color] Elf [color=lightblue][b]Personality[/b][/color] Regal and proud, Ephraim is considered by many to be the model elf. Highborn and noble, with a calm, intelligent demeanor, Ephraim speaks with a certain, politeness and flair. Well spoken, articulate, and intelligent, though at times, haughty and arrogant, it is clear that Ephraim holds himself above most others. Like most highborn elves, Ephraim appears to be perpetually disdainful towards "inferior beings", as well as the incompetent. Extremely prideful, Ephraim does not tolerate disrespect, and freely doles out punishments and reprimands to those that displease him. [color=lightblue][b]Background[/b][/color] High General of the Asgardian 5th Legion, Ephraim hails from a long line of talented manaweavers, and is one himself. Well learned and disciplined, Ephraim joined the Asgardian Military Academy through the power of his pedigree, and graduated as one of its top members. Turning down an offer from the Knights Arcana, Ephraim instead pursued a career in the Asgardian military, quickly earning the Emperor's favor, and within 30 years, was admitted to the Emperor's closest council of generals. Given command of the 5th Legion- second only in prowess to the Emperor's own personal 1st Legion, Ephraim is widely regarded as one of the Emperor's most powerful and trusted generals. Whilst originally resistant to the Zephyr upon their arrival, when the Emperor pledged fealty to the Zephyr, Ephraim followed without question. And on the Emperor's orders, invaded and took over multiple rebelling lesser kingdoms, as well as embarked on two successful campaigns to expand Asgard's territories. [color=lightblue][b]Skills[/b][/color] [list] [*][color=lightblue]Accomplished Swordsmanship[/color] - More than a mere commander of strategy, Ephraim's talent with the sword has been honed over the course of decades. Regarded as one of the best swordsmen in Asgard, few have challenged him and lived to tell the tale. [*][color=lightblue]Adept Manaweaving[/color] - manaweaving is a difficult talent to master, and Ephraim's decades of practice have rewarded him with considerable skill in the art. While he lacks the raw power and talent his son possesses, he has more than enough experience to facedown many a skilled manaweaver. [*][color=lightblue]Accomplished Strategist[/color] - Commander of the 5th Legion, Ephraim has trained and led his men for decades, and has even instituted a new standard of soldier, to which all Asgardian Legions currently emulate. [*][color=lightblue]Adept Statescraft[/color] - As a highborn elf, it is only natural that Ephraim engages in politics and the matters of state. His status as one of the Emperor's most trusted Generals also helps with this.[/list] [color=lightblue][b]Equipment[/b][/color] [list] [*][color=lightblue]Sieglinde[/color] - An ornate, masterfully crafted greatsword forged from the finest Mithril in Asgard. Despite its size, Ephraim is quite capable of wielding it in a single hand, as well as wielding it with both hands. A gift from the Emperor, and forged by the finest of dwarven blacksmiths, it is rumored that this blade is capable of rending even a Legionnaire in half with a single stroke. [/list] [/hider] [center] [hider=Kaidan Malcador, the Rebel] [color=gray] [img]https://i.pinimg.com/564x/04/ec/c5/04ecc5ee82642878c961b28dceecd38c.jpg[/img] [color=yellowgreen][h2][b]Kaidan Malcador[/b][/h2][/color] [color=yellowgreen][b]Age[/b][/color] 44 [color=yellowgreen][b]Race[/b][/color] Human [color=yellowgreen][b]Personality[/b][/color] Kaidan is jaded man with a particular distaste for Asgard. He is always scheming against the new occupying regime that has conquered his home. One quick look in his eyes and it can be seen that everything he says and does is thought about in depth beforehand. Kaidan is the figurehead of the Tyberian Resistance and he prefers to keep it that way to take eyes off of other associated parties. Despite being the face of the resistance, he is also a competent leader and has proven himself time and time again against Asgardian soldiers. Kaidan is a reliable man who always pulls through in an operation. His continued efforts against the regime in Tyberia has made him public enemy number one and he embraces the role. With the branding of terrorist, Kaidan acts freely in the city. Many fear Kaidan and many more love him, the bravest seek him out to either join his cause or end it. Kaidan does not share his past beyond what is known from his time in Tyberia. He is an enigmatic man who knows that if his story were to reach the wrong ears, his whole idea of revolution would crumble. [color=yellowgreen][b]Backstory[/b][/color] [i]Perhaps Kaidan would tell parts of his story to members of his inner circle within the resistance...[/i] [color=yellowgreen][b]Skills[/b][/color] Whether it's guerrilla warfare or a grand heist, Kaidan is connected. The leader of the Tyberian Revolutionaries is multitalented and infamously good at what he does. Kaidan's experience as a smuggler and a Tyberian soldier after that has lead to his broad range of talents. Marksmanship, strategy, and improvisation are the best words used to describe Kaidan's mode of operation. [list] [*][color=yellowgreen]Master Smuggler -[/color] Kaidan was an infamous smuggler before he was drafted into Tyberia's defense force. The world did not know of this talent, and it still doesn't know. He uses his smuggling rings to distribute stolen goods to his fledgling resistance. [*][color=yellowgreen]Professional Pistolier -[/color] News of Asgard's imminent invasion had led to Kaidan being drafted into Tyberia's military. He excelled in pistol marksmanship and so he was assigned as an urban skirmisher for when Tyberia's walls would inevitably fall to Asgard's might. [*][color=yellowgreen]Adept Guerrilla -[/color] Skirmishing and ambushing Asgardian troops in the streets of Tyberia was Kaidan's expertise. While Tyberia was a battleground, Kaidan and his unit of skirmishers helped stem the tide. Those hit and run tactics have translated well into running a small resistance movement. [*][color=yellowgreen]Adept Stealth -[/color] Discretion is obviously one of the most important factors when running a rebel cell. Kaidan knows how to stay light on his feet and out of sight. He does his best to train his recruits in the ways of stealth. [*][color=yellowgreen]Professional Alchemist -[/color] Desperate times call for desperate measures. When supplies are low, Kaidan must improvise to create tools of destruction and anarchy. Kaidan has learned a great deal of things in his smuggling days. He puts this knowledge to great effect for when something needs to go boom. [*][color=yellowgreen]Adept Inventor -[/color] Along with alchemy, Kaidan know hows to create somewhat complex machines. While not a master of this craft, it serves it purpose for when his improvised bombs need a timer or a remote detonator. Kaidan can also make other clockwork contraptions to aid his cause. [/list] [color=yellowgreen][b]Equipment[/b][/color] [list] [*][color=yellowgreen]Manalock Pistol[/color] - Kaidan uses a standard military manalock pistol. [*][color=yellowgreen]Flintlock Pistol[/color] - Kaidan also wields an older, more ornate flintlock pistol for when more stopping power in needed. [/list] [/color] [/hider] [/center] [/hider] [/center] [hider=Character Sheet Template] [color=gold][b]Appearance:[/b][/color] Digital Art images preferred. [color=gold][b]Name:[/b][/color] First name, any nicknames, last name [color=gold][b]Age:[/b][/color] 18+ preferably. [color=gold][b]Race:[/b][/color] Desired race. Note that races in the codex wrapped in asterisks ( * ) are unplayable. [color=gold][b]Personality:[/b][/color] Provide a paragraph or so describing your character's personality. Detail is great! [color=gold][b]Backstory:[/b][/color] Provide a few paragraphs or so describing your character's life up to this point. How have they found themselves where they are now, and what did they do to get here and learn the skills they possess? [color=gold][b]Skills and Abilities:[/b][/color] Here is where you put things your character can do/are good at, as well as what magic abilities they have (if any). Skills and abilities should be presented in list form as Experience level, Skill, Description. For instance: Novice Woodcutting - this character has been chopping wood for a short amount of time In general, the 'level' of experience based skills should go: Novice, Journeyman, Professional, Adept, Accomplished, Master, Legendary. Skills that aren't as dependent on experience (such as the ability to wear armor) should just be Untrained or Trained. Using Swordsmanship as an example: [list] [*]Novice: You've been shown instruction on how to hold a sword, swing it, parry with it. You have a year's or less worth of experience with this. [*]Journeyman: You've been trained in the use of a sword, or have direct experience using it. You've learned a few complex techniques. You're roughly the equivalent of a town guard or common mercenary. You're capable of besting untrained or inexperienced warriors. [*]Professional: You're around the level expected of a skilled mercenary or soldier, you've had extensive training or years of experience. You're well versed with different techniques and can hold your own in many combat situation. [*]Adept: You have the skill expected of an accomplished Knight, you're proficient to the point that you are capable of instructing trainees. You know many stances and forms, as well as counters to different techniques. [*]Accomplished: You are the Elite of the Elite, and few can hold their own against you alone. You've reached the top of your prime at this point, and your physical prowess may begin to wane sightly, but due to your knowledge and skill you still remain superior. [*]Master: You're as OP as Yoda, but probably taller. Few know of your art as well as you do. You've likely grown old by this time, but even with your waning physical stature you can easily defeat those with lesser skill than you. [*]Legendary: You've probably made some pact with a magical or godly force and are virtually untouchable. [/list] [color=gold][b]Equipment:[/b][/color] Here is where you'll give me a list of your character's prominent equipment, weapons, and armor- if any. If your character possess a particularly special/powerful weapon made of some fancy fantasy metal, there had better be a good reason aside from "It looks/sounds/feels/is cool!". Equipment should also be generally in line with your character: a street-thief-turned-revolutionary probably wouldn't have a gold-gilded longsword made of magic metal and metoric steel, unless proper reasoning is explained. Somewhat similar to skills, equipment should be listed in a format of "name, qualities." Images can be included in hiders. For instance: Sword, Old, Dull. - this sword was given to example character by an old man in a cave. Vidofnyr, Adamantium - This mighty battle axe is forged of fine Adamantium and hits like a carriage; a really heavy, fast moving, sharp carriage. Minor equipment, such as waterskins, clothes, and the like don't need to be listed [/hider] [/color] [/center] [color=gray] [center] [hider=A Revolutionary Handbook] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZdE6SulLevg&list=PL0BwTEHHmBudE5mvO4N3T3HAGDtHbl_eu&index=1&ab_channel=AvatarPortugal](Mood Music)[/url] [color=peru][i]Greetings, citizen! I am glad you have decided to pick up this nifty handbook and give it read! Over the next few pages, you'll learn about everything there is to know about fighting a guerilla war in the streets of our great city Tyberia. There are a few rules to keep into consideration when carrying this handbook around with you. One, never be caught with this handbook on your person. Two, if you are about to be caught, destroy this handbook immediately. And three, if you see somebody handing this book over to our new Asgardian overlords, or their known sympathizers, consider them dead to us, and brand them as enemies Tyberia! This revolution is important, not just for the future generations of Tyberia, but also for the world to see that anyone can stand tall against the might of Asgard. Now that you have been briefed on the importance of our mission, it is time you delved deeper into the revolution! Long live Tyberia![/i][/color] [color=gray]All of the orange text is 'In Character', as if that is what one would see if they were actually reading the book. Gray text is 'Out of Character' where things are explained mechanically for the player's understanding.[/color] [color=peru][i]Table of Contents[/i][/color] [color=peru][i]Terms[/i] .......... P. 1[/color] [color=peru][i]Equipment[/i] .......... P. 2[/color] [color=peru][i]Allies[/i] .......... P. 3[/color] [color=peru][i]Calendar[/i] .......... P. 4[/color] [color=peru][i]Weather[/i] .......... P. 5[/color] [hider=Page 1, Terms] [color=peru][i]In this chapter of the Revolutionary Handbook, you will be briefed on all of the terms that you will come to use on a regular basis. This section is split into two sub-sections: 'Strategic' terms, involving everything the planning and logistical processes of running a revolution. And 'Slang', which encompasses all of the terms we revolutionaries use to maintain discretion.[/i][/color] [hider=Strategic Terms] [h1][color=peru][i][b][u]Strategic Terms[/u][/b][/i][/color][/h1] [h2][color=violet][b][u]Opinion[/u][/b][/color][/h2] [color=peru][i]This is how the general populace of Tyberia views the revolution. Are we the silent heroes saving Tyberia from tyranny? Or are we terrorists who care for nothing but wanton violence and destruction? [color=violet][b]Opinion[/b][/color] is arguably the most important thing we have on our side. Without it, we're on our own in this fight, with little to no hope of having others rise up in arms. With it, we are a unified force that outnumbers the occupying Asgardian army. Asgard will frequently run campaigns to ruin the population's [color=violet][b]Opinion[/b][/color] of the Revolutionaries. Excessive collateral damage will also hurt [color=violet][b]Opinion[/b][/color].[/i][/color] Whenever the GM makes a dice roll involving the general pulic of Tyberia, the [color=violet][b]Opinion[/b][/color] will be added (or subtracted if negative) to the roll, which will help to influence the outcome. There are threshholds that can be reached with high or low enough [color=violet][b]Opinion[/b][/color] that can also influence the costs of supplies and equipment. [hider=Opinion Thresholds] +25 [color=violet][b]Opinion[/b][/color] = 10% reduction in [color=gold][b]Root[/b][/color] costs on all equipment +50 [color=violet][b]Opinion[/b][/color] = 25% reduction in [color=gold][b]Root[/b][/color] costs on all equipment, 50% reduction in [color=powderblue][b]Mana Crystal[/b][/color] costs on all equipment +75 [color=violet][b]Opinion[/b][/color] = 50% reduction in ALL costs on all equipment, -5 [color=olivedrab][b]Intelligence[/b][/color] costs on all missions +100 [color=violet][b]Opinion[/b][/color] = 50% reduction in ALL costs on all equipment, 10 Free I[color=olivedrab][b]ntelligence[/b][/color] to be used on missions -25 [color=violet][b]Opinion[/b][/color] = 10% increase in all [color=gold][b]Root[/b][/color] costs on all equipment -50 [color=violet][b]Opinion[/b][/color] = 25% increase in ALL costs on all equipment, +10 [color=olivedrab][b]Intelligence[/b][/color] costs on all missions -75 [color=violet][b]Opinion[/b][/color] = 50% increase in ALL costs on all equipment, Only 1 Classified can be unlocked per mission -100 [color=violet][b]Opinion[/b][/color] = 75% increase in ALL costs on all equipment, No Classifieds can be unlocked per mission, All allies suffer a -20 penalty whenever the GM makes an Ally related dice roll [/hider][color=peru][i]It doesn't just boil down to numbers, however. After all, people act in strange ways. It is possible that the people might act on their own outside of what is expected depending on our [color=violet][b]Opinion[/b][/color]. So do what you can to keep it high![/i][/color] [h2][color=firebrick][b][u]Stranglehold[/u][/b][/color][/h2] [color=peru][i]The longer Asgard stays within Tyberia, the stricter their [color=firebrick][b]Stranglehold[/b][/color] becomes. If we don't contest them, eventually there wont be any room for us to breathe. [color=firebrick][b]Stranglehold[/b][/color] works to suppress the public, and it makes our lives as revolutionaries difficult. By attacking Asgardian facilities and patrols, we can lessen this [color=firebrick][b]Stranglehold[/b][/color]. But we need to be mindful that high profile operations will most likely increase their presence in the city, thus increasing their [color=firebrick][b]Stranglehold[/b][/color]. As we grow, it'll be inevitable that Asgard will work harder to root us out. We must be prepared for that.[/i][/color] Whenever the GM makes a dice roll involving the Asgard forces, the [color=firebrick][b]Stranglehold[/b][/color] will be added to the roll. The higher the result of the roll, the harsher the effects. This could mean extra patrols, better trained and equipped soldiers, and many other things. Do what you can to reduce Stranglehold, or at the very least, keep it as low as possible. If Strangehold is higher than [color=violet][b]Opinion[/b][/color], then the difference between the two numbers is further subracted from all dice rolls where [color=violet][b]Opinion[/b][/color] benefits. [h2][color=gold][b][u]Roots[/u][/b][/color][/h2] [color=peru][i]Even resistances need money to effectively operate. [color=gold][b]Roots[/b][/color] are needed for many things, such as acquiring special equipment or paying guns for hire. Sometimes the revolutionaries must begrudgingly deal with the Tyberian Tan'Raga, such meetings often come at a considerable cost. [color=gold][b]Roots[/b][/color] are what we're going to need in large amounts if we want to keep ourselves equipped. [color=gold][b]Roots[/b][/color] can be used for a variety of things, and it is up to us to figure out what exactly that is. Whether it be for paying our freedom fighters, buying somebody's silence, acquiring weapons and equipment, or saving it for a rainy day.[/i][/color] [h2][color=powderblue][b][u]Mana Crystals[/u][/b][/color][/h2] [color=peru][i]If we're going to get any of the technologically advanced equipment to take down Asgard, we're going to need [color=powderblue][b]Mana Crystals[/b][/color]. These things are useful for a great deal of things, but most importantly, they power our machines and keep our manalock weapons ready to fire. They come in a variety of colors and power outputs, be sure to educate yourself on these crystals before taking to the field! Crystals are measured by their output, sustainability, radioactivity, and stability. [color=white]Output[/color] - How much raw power is provided by this color mana. [color=white]Sustainability[/color] - How long this crystal can be exploited before it is render inert. [color=white]Radiation[/color] - How dangerous the crystal is to be around or hold when not wearing the proper protective clothing. [color=white]Stability[/color] - The likelihood of this mana crystal outputting all of its stored mana at once, resulting in an explosion. [hider=Mana Crystals; their types, values, and attributes] [color=yellow]Yellow[/color] [50 [color=gold][b]Roots[/b][/color] / [color=powderblue][b]Mana Crystal[/b][/color]] Best used for powering appliances and passive machinery, or any machine that doesn't require a large amount of mana to be powered. [color=white]Output:[/color] + [color=white]Sustainability:[/color] +++++ [color=white]Radioactivity:[/color] + [color=white]Stability:[/color] +++++ [color=orange]Orange[/color] [75 [color=gold][b]Roots[/b][/color] / [color=powderblue][b]Mana Crystal[/b][/color]] Best used for powering small vehicles and industrial machinery. Orange mana can cause burns on unprotected skin. [color=white]Output:[/color] ++ [color=white]Sustainability:[/color] ++++ [color=white]Radioactivity:[/color] ++ [color=white]Stability:[/color] ++++ [color=red]Red[/color] [100 [color=gold][b]Roots[/b][/color] / [color=powderblue][b]Mana Crystal[/b][/color]] Best used for personal manalock weapons. Red mana can cause burns on unprotected skin, and long untreated wounds exposed to red mana can mutate over the course of two months. [color=white]Output:[/color] +++ [color=white]Sustainability:[/color] +++ [color=white]Radioactvity:[/color] +++ [color=white]Stability:[/color] +++ [color=blueviolet]Purple[/color] [150 [color=gold][b]Roots[/b][/color] / [color=powderblue][b]Mana Crystal[/b][/color]] Best used for anything when some extra oomph is needed. [color=white]Output:[/color] ++++ [color=white]Sustainability:[/color] ++ [color=white]Radioactivity:[/color] ++++ [color=white]Stability:[/color] ++ [color=deepskyblue]Blue[/color] [200 [color=gold][b]Roots[/b][/color] / [color=powderblue][b]Mana Crystal[/b][/color]] Best used for powering all types of vehicles and machinery for long periods of time. It is safe to handle for short periods of time. [color=white]Output:[/color] ++++ [color=white]Sustainability:[/color] +++ [color=white]Radioactivity:[/color] +++ [color=white]Stability:[/color] ++++ [color=mediumaquamarine]Teal[/color] [300 [color=gold][b]Roots[/b][/color] / [color=powderblue][b]Mana Crystal[/b][/color]] Best used for heavy mana weaponry that is often times mounted on machines or vehicles. [color=white]Output:[/color] +++++ [color=white]Sustainability:[/color] + [color=white]Radioactivity:[/color] +++++ [color=white]Stability:[/color] ++ [color=limegreen]Green[/color] [PROHIBITED] Very illegal, very rare, and very powerful. Green mana is liable to inexplicably destabilize in the user's hands and mutate a victim instantly. The power output is unmatched by any other color of mana, and the crystal retains much of its mana for a long period of time. [color=white]Output:[/color] ++++++ [color=white]Sustainability:[/color] ++++ [color=white]Radioactivity:[/color] ++++++ [color=white]Stability:[/color] + [/hider][/i][/color] [color=peru][i][color=powderblue][b]Mana Crystals[/b][/color] are a vital part of any modern industry, and it is no different to us! We must ensure we can secure a healthy stock of all types of mana. If we can, then our flexibility and capacity for war with Asgard increases![/i][/color] Using [color=powderblue][b]Mana Crystals[/b][/color] as a resource depends on the players. All crystals can be used in all machines and weapons with a varying degree of effect. Should a player wish to take a handful of yellow crystals on a mission, then that comes out of the resistances supply. It should be mentioned in the post's After Action Report when a crystal is consumed and for what purpose so the GM can track the usage and respond accordingly. [h2][color=olivedrab][b][i][u]Intelligence[/u][/i][/b][/color][/h2] [color=peru][i]We're going to need eyes and ears out on the streets to watch Asgard. Every bit of information helps, and [color=olivedrab][b]Intelligence[/b][/color] is how we're going to get it. It can be a beggar in the streets, an investigative journalist, or even a complacent Asgardian that leaks info to us. That's how we'll get a leg up on the oppressors. The more [color=olivedrab][b]Intelligence[/b][/color] we have, the more ways we can tackle a problem.[/i][/color] Before selecting a mission, players of the Revolution may choose to spend [color=olivedrab][b]Intelligence[/b][/color] to reveal extra information about the mission. This is done before actually selecting a mission, so this resource aids in the decision making process, and can influence how the Revolution tackles a scenario quite significantly. [color=olivedrab][b]Intelligence[/b][/color] is also incorporated into any GM dice roll that would involve Asgard working in secrecy, so it isn't a bad idea to stock up either. [/hider][hider=Slang Terms] [h1][color=peru][i][b][u]Slang Terms[/u][/b][/i][/color][/h1] [color=peru][i]Obviously, if we spoke the words that were on our minds, we wouldn't exactly have the easiest time meeting in public. So we have incorporated a number of key slang words to be used when one needs to deliver a discreet message in public. Anybody who grew up in the streets should already be rather fluent with these words. This, by no means, is a language book. But we felt it important that all revolutionaries at least know the most common words in the revolutionary's vocabulary. [color=gray]Purely for the player's benefit to help them immerse themselves and their character into the world just that little bit more. The GM shouldn't penalize a player not using this language when they probably should have, unless it is specifically stated within a mission's parameters that slang talk is required for discretion.[/color] [u][b]Brasser[/b][/u] Asgardian soldiers. Known as Brassers for the distinct brass plate armor they wear. "I saw a group of Brassers two blocks down." "Let's go hunt some Brassers." [u][b]Lock[/b][/u] Gun, firearm, ranged weapon of any type. "Get your locks ready! They're coming!" "The lock shipment is on schedule." [u][b]Power[/b][/u] Mana "Do we have enough power for the generator?" "We're going to hit a power transport tomorrow." [u][b]Rock[/b][/u] Mana Crystal "Go put that rock in the gyrocopter and get it ready." "My lock is dead! Pass me a rock!" [u][b]The Goal[/b][/u] Tyberia, the removal of occupying forces, freedom "The Goal is all that matters." "Fight for the Goal!" [u][b]Cogger[/b][/u] Inventors, mechanics, anyone with a technical aptitude "The cogger fixed up my arm pretty good!" "That cogger's new ornithopter sure is something." [u][b]Job[/b][/u] Mission, task, assignment "We've got a job tomorrow." "Sorry, can't stick around. Got a job to do." [u][b]'Umpteenth' Cousin[/b][/u] Other revolutionaries, just remember to take note of who is who to keep a consistant story. "My sixth cousin offered me a job, said it was a family gig." "One second, I'm going to have to ask my twentieth cousin... It's confusing, I know." [u][b]Pointer[/b][/u] Elf "The pointer said to speak to you." [u][b]Stubber[/b][/u] Dwarf "That stubber has a bit of an attitude problem..." [u][b]Conehead[/b][/u] Gnome "I hear the cogger is a crazy conehead." [u][b]Brute[/b][/u] Orc "I just got messed up by a brute!" [u][b]Hobb[/b][/u] Halfling "Hate to break it to you, but that hobb just swindled you." [u][b]Joe/Joanne[/b][/u] Human, male/female when singular. Joe can be used to represent all humans in a collective group. Additionally, the singular forms can be used as plurals if every human in a group is the same gender. "There's too many Joes in this city..." "She was the prettiest Joanne I ever saw!" "We're here to meet some Joannes, don't make it awkward! [u][b]Goodie[/b][/u] Knight, doesn't matter which order the knight belongs to. "I hear a goodie showed up in the Goal yesterday." [u][b]Sap[/b][/u] Amber Roots, Money, Currency (whether it be legal currency or improvised) "We're gonna need a lot of sap if we want that." "In here, toba sticks are sap."[/i][/color] [/hider] [/hider][hider=Page 2, Equipment] [color=peru][i]We wouldn't stand a chance without supplies and equipment. Thankfully, we have plenty of contacts willing to provide us with such modern ameneties. As time goes on, we will have a vast network of contacts to keep us in the fight! As this is just a basic guide for the eager new revolutionary, we've listed some of the most common and important items that everyone in the revolution will encounter at one point or another.[/i][/color] [color=gray]This will be updated as time goes on, featuring newly discovered items and providing some detailed information on them.[/color] [hider=Weapons] [color=peru][i][b][u]Manalock Charger[/u][/b][/i] The oldest manalock weapons. These rifles use a catalyzer that must be pulled back to spur the mana crystal in the housing, drawing a dosage of mana from the crystal and readying it for fire. This means that after each shot, the shooter has to pull back the catalyzer, making it a very slow firing weapon. The benefit to manalock chargers is that the power of the shot can be adjusted based on how far back the catalyzer is pulled. If one needs to extend the life of the housed mana crystal, the charger is capable of firing lower powered shots. Additionally, the manalock charger is a very accurate weapon, and a fully charged shot can still do significant damage. Manalock chargers are favored by patient marksmen. Manalock chargers can fit a variety of scopes, but aren't capable of being modified further. Availability: Uncommon Price: 400 [color=gold][b]Roots[/b][/color], 4 [color=powderblue][b]Mana Crystal[/b][/color][/color] [color=peru][i][b][u]Manalock Rifle[/u][/b][/i] The most commonplace weapon found across the world. Manalock rifles are potent weapons and an instant classic for all firearm enthusiasts. They come in many different shapes, but the core components are always the same. The mana crystal is fitted in a housing, and the catalyzer is automatically charged after each shot. It takes a moment for the catalyzer to charge, but it still fires significantly faster than a manalock charger. Manalock rifles are very modifiable. They can be simple constructs of wood, brass, and steel. Or they can be elaborate works of art with gold filigree and ebony metal. The downside to having the catalyzer charge itself, is that the power of each shot is standardized, and can't be altered without disassembling the weapon and modifying the automatic pull distance of the catalyzer. Availability: Common Price: 500 [color=gold][b]Roots[/b][/color], 6 [color=powderblue][b]Mana Crystal[/b][/color][/color] [color=peru][i][b][u]Manalock Carbine[/u][/b][/i] A shorter barrelled manalock rifle for easier handling in close quarters. Functionally the same as the average manalock rifle, but it is sacrificing some range for its better handling and lighter weight. Availability: Common Price: 500 [color=gold][b]Roots[/b][/color], 6 [color=powderblue][b]Mana Crystal[/b][/color][/color] [color=peru][i][b][u]Manalock Cycler[/u][/b][/i] A heavy manalock weapon that changed the face of warfare. This weapon is too heavy to be carried and fired from the shoulder by anybody that isn't an orc, otherwise it must be mounted on a tripod, bipod, or a stable enough surface to support the weight. The manalock cycler started off as a gnome's crazy idea to put two manalock rifles together. While the initial idea failed in its execution, it did provide him valuable data for creating the cycler. The manalock cycler features not one, not two, but three mana crystal housings, each with their own catalyzer. When one shot is fired off, it very quickly draws back the next two catalyzers in the firing sequence. The cycler then uses the next catalyzer in quick succession after the first, and the process repeats. A unique attribute about the cycler is taht, since both of the other catalyzers are charged after each shot, this means that the third, and every shot afterward, is firing with a double-charged catalyzer, delivering a far more powerful shot. Additionally, as the cycler maintains firing, the cycling of the weapon gets faster and faster. More modern cyclers have a switch to allow the shooter to disable this fire rate spin-up to conserve the mana crystals' charge. The limiter was also put in place because such rapid catalyzing of the mana crystals made them highly unstable and prone to explosion. Availability: Rare Price: 800 [color=gold][b]Roots[/b][/color], 20 [color=powderblue][b]Mana Crystals[/b][/color][/color] [color=peru][i][b][u]Bolt Rifle[/u][/b][/i] A weapon from the Steamtech Era. Bolt weapons don't rely on mana like their modern descendents. They relied purely on mechanic functions. Bolt rifles fired bullets through a rifled barrel. Despite being old and primitive, bolt rifles are still nonetheless devastating to whatever is hit by them. As Yggdrasil moved into the Manatech Era, and weapons began to firing beams of energy, so too did armor to defend against the new threat. This has lead bolt rifles to become increasingly effective, as armor is no longer designed to fully protect against the ballistic power of a bolt rifle. Bolt rifles are still developed in a niche market, and sold to communities that can't afford mana weaponry. It is common for militaries to have at least one soldier in each section carry a bolt rifle in case they come across a heavily mana warded opponent. Bolt rifles can be found with many different types of receivers. They are most commonly lever action, but new bolt rifles hitting the market are more in line with their manalock rifle counterparts, featuring a semi-automatic feed mechanism. However, bolt rifles struggle with jamming problems, misfires, and more weight than a manalock rifle. Personal maintenance on these weapons is far more important, as a clogged chamber or barrel can render the entire weapon useless. To compound the issues, most bolt throwers can only carry, at most, ten rounds before needing to be reloaded. This makes them slower to operate than a manalock rifle, which can fire up to fifty shots depending on the crystal loaded in the housing. Bolt rifles are also much louder and attract far more attention. Availability: Common Price: 200 [color=gold][b]Roots[/b][/color][/color] [color=peru][i][b][u]Manalock Pistol[/u][/b][/i] A miniaturized manalock weapon designed for very close encounters. The crystal housing in these weapons is small and not well warded against mana radiation, making them dangerous to use with the more potent mana crystals. This has the tack-on effect of manalock pistols not packing much of a punch, but useful in an emergency. If one would dare to use a stronger crystal with the pistol, they might get a few high powered shots off before the housing cracks from the force of the shot, and the crystal begins to destabilize. Manalock pistols are rare as the miniaturized mechanisms haven't reach the global markets yet. Only officers and heavy weapons teams are issued these pistols in most militaries, save for maybe the more elite fighting forces like the Aesir and the House of Storms. Nobles and entrepeneurs will pay a high price for these pistols. Availability: Rare Price: 400 [color=gold][b]Roots[/b][/color], 8 [color=powderblue][b]Mana Crystals[/b][/color][/color] [color=peru][i][b][u]Bolt Pistol[/u][/b][/i] These weapons are considered a classic among firearms enthusiasts, and that has led to them to continue selling well far after the Steamtech Era had ended. Bolt Pistols carry heavy ammunition in a cyclinder, which revolves after each shot. The stopping power these pistols have is respectable, and many police forces still use them for them ease of use and reliability. To make these pistols even more desirable, is that new prototypes are surfacing where ammunition is fed with a magazine for a higher ammo capacity. Bolt Pistols are common enough that it isn't difficult to find such weapons, but their status as collectors items has also made their value skyrocket as of late. Availability: Common Price: 250 [color=gold][b]Roots[/b][/color][/color] [/hider][hider=Armor] [color=peru][i][b][u]Brass Armor[/u][/b][/i] The standard armor for moderate protection against bolt weapons, and above moderate protection against manalock weapons. Brass as the unique property of being able to diffuse mana better than other materials. Brass armor is standard issue among Asgardian troops, which is how they were coined the nickname 'Brassers' by Tyberians. Brass armor is typically only made for the torso, as the armor can get quite heavy, but stronger folk like dwarves and orcs will wear full suits of brass armor. Availability: Common Price: 200 [color=gold][b]Roots[/b][/color][/color] [color=peru][i][b][u]Recycler Masks[/u][/b][/i] These masks are made of brass and leaded cloth. They are designed to have a canister attached to the mouthpiece that filters mana radiation from the air, making it safe to breathe. These masks provide very poor visibility for the wearer, but it certainly beats inhaling gaseous mana. Some recycler masks have magnifying optics in the eye slots, while others can use strange gnomish technology to enhance vision at night. These masks, unfortunately, make a lot of noise as the wearer breathes in and out. The tell tale sounds of a man sucking wind through a small, metallic hole can tip off any attentive listener. Availability: Uncommon Price: 200 [color=gold][b]Roots[/b][/color], 2 [color=powderblue][b]Mana Crystals[/b][/color][/color] [color=peru][i][b][u]Tesla Armor[/u][/b][/i] Gnomish engineering at its finest. Tesla Armor can make any wearer an unstoppable juggernaut. Capable of stopping bolt ammunition and manalock shots alike, Tesla Armor is prohibitively expensive and hard to come by. This armor is often made specifically for the wearer, or at the very least, made for the wearer's specific race. Most Tesla Armor is powered by two large blue mana crystals in a pack on the back of the suit. It can mount heavy weapons on each arm, and some suits have been known to carry additional weaponry on their shoulders. Asgard is the only military force to utilize mass produced Tesla Suits. When Asgard strikes with these suits, they strike in groups of two at the minimum, and upwards to ten in a section. Tesla Suits are powered by more than just mana, however. Not even the dwarves are privvy to the secret power source that the gnomes use to animate these awesome suits of armor. Many prying eyes watching gnomish technicians work on the suits can only describe what they're seeing as gnomes inserting bottled lightning into the power pack. The mana crystals are used to supplement the auxiliary systems of the suit and power the manalock weaponry mounted on it. Availibility: Extremely Rare Price: 10,000 [color=gold][b]Roots[/b][/color]. 100 [color=powderblue][b]Mana Crystals[/b][/color], 1 [color=white][b]Unknown Gnomish Power Source[/b][/color][/color] [/hider][hider=Vehicles] [color=peru][i][b][u]Magicar[/u][/b][/i] Land based vehicles were quite unreliable during the Steamtech Era, and they were deemed a commercial failure when they first hit the public market since there was little infrastructure to accomodate them. At the time, steam vehicles were relegated to heavy duty military use to fight against the elves. So when a gnome-elf business venture dabbled in the use of mana technology in a failed industry, the world was taken by storm. In a short span of time, the great cities of the world were rebuilding their infrastructures to accomodate roads for these vehicles to drive on. Dubbed 'the Magicar', these vehicles soon came in many different shapes and sizes. Their motivators, or motors for short, were powered by a large blue mana crystal which was able to keep the vehicle moving for upwards to a week! The magicar is capable of reaching a whopping sixty kilometers per hour on flat, open road. As the gnome and elf business partners explored the technology further, they were capable of making larger trucks to haul heavy loads around. Magicars are now the most commonplace way to traverse the great cities. However, roads have been deemed too costly to properly build outside of the great cities, making their usefulness more tenuous in the rural lands of Yggdrasil. There will come a time when Salamanders are replaced entirely by Magicars, but today is not that day! Availability: Common Price: 1500 [color=gold][b]Roots[/b][/color], 20 [color=powderblue][b]Mana Crystals[/b][/color][/color] [color=peru][i][b][u]Gyro-Thopter[/u][/b][/i] Utilizing lightweight materials, paper and wood propeller blades, and an overpowered mana engine, a gnome was capable taking flight without the need of massive tanks filled with gaseous mana! No longer would the skies be dominated by collossal military warships and biplanes! Now, the average person could travel the skies and look down on others, as all gnomes have always dreamt of doing. At least, that is what the advert said. In reality, Gyro-Thopters are a rare vehicle that are only really flown by couriers who can't be bothered with trying to drive a magicar through the bustling streets of great cities. Gyro-Thopters, being made partially of wood and paper, are liable to catching fire if pushed too hard, or being torn apart by storms. Gyro-Thopters are only capable of carrying up to two people, due to limitations of the chassis' construction. Asgard saw it fit to acquire a large number of Gyro-Thopters to be able to scout battlefields and police cities from above. They are remarkably quiet machines, and if flown by an expert, can be quite agile as well! Availability: Uncommon Price: 3000 [color=gold][b]Roots[/b][/color], 34 [color=powderblue][b]Mana Crystals[/b][/color][/color] [/hider] [/hider][hider=Page 3, Allies] [color=peru][color=royalblue][h1][i][b][u]Allies[/u][/b][/i][/h1][/color] [i]The revolutionaries are not alone in this fight. We have contacts, and these contacts are more than willing to lend us their aid. Most of these allies may not be officially considered revolutionaries, but they share out sympathies, and are interested parties in seeing us succeed. Allies can offer us a wide amount of advantages that we'd be stupid not to take. Each ally is unique, and they're often looking for something in return for their aid. If their conditions are met, then they will either refuse their services, or they will abandon the cause entirely. We need to be sure to keep them happy in order to benefit from what they offer.[/i][/color] [color=gray]Allies are minor characters that can be hired either throughout the RP to provide strong bonuses to the resistance. Many allies are acquired through completing specific tasks on missions, while others can be hired directly with [color=gold][b]Roots[/b][/color] or other resources. All allies have two positive traits, and one negative trait. They also have a monthly requirement that must be met. There are details that explain what happens when that require is met, doubled, or unfulfilled. At the end of every month, the GM will make an Ally roll and compare it to the monthly Asgard roll. Depending on the results, an Ally can be captured, killed, or targeted by Asgard. In most cases, a mission will be generated for that month to assist that Ally. Completing these missions could lead to the removal of their negative trait, a reduction in their monthly requirements, or an increase in their bonuses.[/color] [hider=Example Ally] [img]https://i.pinimg.com/236x/4c/61/c1/4c61c12b3f8308b875b02c95447eb37c.jpg[/img] [color=peru][b][u]Nicholas Faust[/u][/b][/color] [color=peru]Investor[/color] [color=peru][i]A rich man who lives in the lap of luxury. He wasn't personally affected by Asgard's occupation, but he does see their long term stay in the Tyberia as detrimental, since it will stifle the economic growth of the city. He has discreetly begun to funnel money into the Revolution's treasury in hopes that they can kick this unwanted army out of the city, so he can continue to line his own pockets.[/i][/color] [color=peru][u]Requirements[/u][/color] Nicholas Faust wants to see the Revolution getting results. To that end, he wants at least one mission to be accomplished each month. [color=peru][u]If requirement met[/u][/color] +3000 [color=gold][b]Roots[/b][/color] at end of Month [color=peru][u]If requirement exceeded[/u][/color] +5000 [color=gold][b]Roots[/b][/color] at end of Month [color=peru][u]If requirement unfulfilled[/u][/color] Permanently provides 1000 less [color=gold][b]Roots[/b][/color] than normal. This reduction can happen repeatedly if his requirement isn't met each month. If Nicholas provides 0 [color=gold][b]Roots[/b][/color] for two months in a row, he will become unavailable and no longer support the Revolution. [color=peru][u]Traits[/u][/color] [color=lime]Discreet[/color] - Nicholas is smart with his money, and knows how to quietly move it into the Revolution's treasury without being caught. When a GM makes a dice roll for this Ally, he has a lower chance of being identified as an ally of the resistance. [color=lime]Market Knowledge[/color] - Nicholas has a firm understanding of the local economy. He can see when Asgard is trying to influence the economy, so he works around them. Nicholas is unaffected by [color=firebrick][b]Stranglehold[/b][/color] modifiers when the GM makes an Ally dice roll for him, [color=red]No Integrity[/color] - Nicholas' only true love is money, so it is safe to say he can't be trusted if he falls into the wrong hands. If Nicholas is targeted by Asgard, he will stop providing his bonus to the resistance in order to save his own hide. If he is captured, he will provide a massive bonus to the next to Asgard dice roll the GM makes. [/hider] [color=peru][i]There are many allies that the resistance can find and call upon, but we're going to need to do some work to build our web of networks and contacts. Remember, freedom fighter! We can only win the Goal if we win the people![/i][/color] [/hider][hider=Page 4, Calendar] [color=peru][h1][i][b][u]Calendar[/u][/b][/i][/h1] [i]There are twelves months in this world, and here in Tyberia, there are many celebrations and annual events to be had. Now there is no telling how successful these events will be with Asgard's occupation, but perhaps they'll manage to keep the public happy or content in these hard times. We've put this aide memoire in this handbook in order to keep all revolutionaries informed on the year's events so that they aren't forgotten, and can be incpororated into the planning process![/i] [b][u]Mitra[/u][/b] [i]The first month of the year. Mitra is a month of rest and calm with no annual events or celebrations. Many use Mitra as a time to recouperate their financial expenditures from the vast amounts of celebrations that took place the month prior. Mitra is a cold month, well as cold as a place can get in an industrial great city such as Tyberia. It is characterized by plenty of oil sleet storms and sludge snowfall.[/i] [b][u]Romar[/u][/b] [i]Romar is generally picked as the beginning of many industries' new fiscal year. There is a great boom in productivity in this month as workers come off of the month of calm. In the first week of Romar, a celebration known as the 'Copper Festival' takes place. It is a large event with plenty of entertainment and thrilling rides. The Copper Festival is usually hosted in Tyberia's largest park just on the edge of Downtown Tyberia. Many business officials meet at the Copper Festival to break the ice between each other in an attempt to broker new relationships. The weather in Romar is most commonly oil sleet and caustic rain storms as winter's end nears.[/i] [color=gray]During the first half of Romar, [color=firebrick][b]Stranglehold[/b][/color] modifiers are ignored when the GM makes dice rolls. Additionally, if the resistance chooses to not undertake a mission in the first half of the month, three new Allies become available for hire.[/color] [b][u]Farva[/u][/b] [i]Farva is a month characterized by its grand military parades. Each year, recruitment of Tyberia's military more than doubles, and people are instilled with a great sense of pride. However, with Tyberia's military crushed and broken, and Asgard occupying the city, many are likely to not celebrate this year. Asgard has announced that it will be parading during Farva and running recruitment drives for the Grand Empire instead. There is a holiday on the last day of Farva called 'Honor Day', where militaries across the world stand down to honor the warriors that came before them. Weather in Farva is characterized by plenty of caustic rain storms.[/i] [color=gray]All throughout the month, [color=violet][b]Opinion[/b][/color] gain is doubled as the population quietly roots for the revolutionaries. However, with Asgard's show of force throughout the month, [color=firebrick][b]Stranglehold[/b][/color] modifiers are also doubled. Missions that are undertaken during the second half of the month get the 'Honor Day' bonus, where Asgardian garrisons are minimally manned and patrols are lessened. There is a risk, however, that causing a great deal of damage while benefitting from the Honor Day bonus, that a [color=violet][b]Opinion[/b][/color] can drop sharply as military action during such a hallowed holiday is greatly frowned upon.[/color] [b][u]Julmer[/u][/b] [i]Julmer marks the beginning of spring. The weather has warmed significantly, the violent weather of the first quarter has passed. Julmer is characterized by its calm weather. There is a festival known as the 'Green Celebration' in the second half of the month. The Green Celebration is a time when people plant trees and flowers throughout the city. Many buildings are a lot more colorful and the air smells a little less rancid from pollution. The Green Celebration is about life, and the people of Tyberia try to steer away from violence during such a time.[/i] [color=gray]During the second half of Julmer, any aggressive action seen by the public, or reported by Asgard or the media, can result in a significant drop in [color=violet][b]Opinion[/b][/color]. However, providing aid to the public during such a time can increase [color=violet][b]Opinion[/b][/color].[/color] [b][u]Ermus[/u][/b] [i]A significant month for most of the world as it marks the anniversary of the transition into the Manatech Era. During this month, production of mana crystals is accelerated greatly. The elves in particular favor this month since mana is so plentiful, and manasmiths often take to the streets to show off their skills in manipulating the energy source. Usually by the end of the month, there is so much mana concentrated over any single city, that it is ended with a violent mana storm otherwise known as 'the Jormungand'. During the Jormungand, mana crystal outputs double, but so does their instability. There is a large amount of ambient mana in the air, which forces many to stay indoors or wear protective clothing and recycler masks. When the Jormungand over a city, whether it be during the month of Ermus, or after, a holiday is held symbolizing civilization's understanding and taming of mana.[/i] [color=gray]During the entire month, all [color=powderblue][b]Mana Crystal[/b][/color] gain is doubled. There is a greater chance of [color=limegreen]Green[/color] [color=powderblue][b]Mana Crystals[/b][/color] appearing. During the second half of the month, mana based weaponry becomes far more powerful, but users run the risk of having the weapons malfunction, and their crystals destabilize. As a result, military forces anywhere where a Jormungand takes place often switch to entirely using bolt weaponry. Asgard is no exception in this case. The GM will perform to dice roll to see if the Jormungand carries over into the first half of the following month, or ends at the end of the second half of Ermus.[/color] [b][u]Helox[/u][/b] [i]Helox marks the founding of Tyberia, when the city was first settled as a small port town. The 'Bay Festival' is hosted on the marinas and coastline within Tyberia's walls not long after the mana storms of Ermus end. The Bay Festival sees the marked increase of imports and exports, making Amber Roots more plentiful and boosting the city's economy. There are water based rides and entertaining at the Bay Festival, and it ended with a large fireworks display in the middle of the Tyberian Bay. An airshow is often hosted by Tyberia's sky-navy, and as a sign of goodwill, Asgard has announced that it will continue Tyberia's tradition and perform the airshow in place of Tyberia's destroyed fleet.[/i] [color=gray]Depending on when Ermus' Jormungand ends, all [color=gold][b]Root[/b][/color] gain is increased by 50%. Additionally, the [color=gold][b]Root[/b][/color] costs of all items is discounted by 25%. Whether the Bay Festival take place in the first or second half of the month, the ending of the event WILL result in a sharp decrease of [color=violet][b]Opinion[/b][/color] as the people of Tyberia's hearts and minds are swayed by Asgard's airshow. Due to the calming of the masses, [color=firebrick][b]Stranglehold[/b][/color] is also decreased.[/color] [b][u]Trinium[/u][/b] [i]The beginning of summer, and a time of rest. There are no major events or holidays during the month as large portions of the populations tend to leave the city and go on vacation. Trinium's industry sees a bit of extra productivity as there are less distractions from the masses. However, the lower population means that Tyberia's Tan'Raga goes into full swing. Home invasions, theft, and robberies are reported more frequently during Trinium. The weather in Trinium is very hot.[/i] [color=gray]During the entire month, [color=violet][b]Opinion[/b][/color] increase and loss is reduced by 50%. Asgard takes advantage of the relative peace of the month to consolidate its power in Tyberia. The Tan'Raga is also very easy to contact during this month as their agents are quite busy. Asgard sends out more patrols this month to try and stifle both the Tan'Raga and the Revolutionaries.[/color] [b][u]Selna[/u][/b] [i]Mid-summer. Selna sees its hottest days during this month. There is a festival held in the first week of the month called the 'Blazing Brassman Festival', where a large brass statue is made in the form of an abstract human. The statue is then super heated to the point of glowing. The festival is one of culture and music, and the celebrations continue until the statue has melted down to a pile of slag. The Blazing Brassman Festival is a time of welcoming newcomers to the city and accepting them into Tyberia's culture. Many traditional foods and goods are exchanged during this time. The gnomes in particular are always a standout culture during this festival, and many go there to get their hands on gnomish commodities not commonly found any other time.[/i] [color=gray]During the first half of this month, rare cultural items are easily found and purchasable. Also during the Blazing Brassman Festival, many new allies become available for hire.[/color] [b][u]Oppurna[/u][/b] [i]Rainy season. This month sees caustic rain throughout the entirety of the time. There are no festivals during Oppurna, but there is a holiday in the second half of the month called 'Walden's Day'. The day commemorates the fall of a tyrannical Tyberian lord-governor some three decades ago. During his rule over Tyberia, the city saw enslavement of its own populace, martial law, and a very clear segregation of the classes. The tyrant was killed when the city united and rose up against him, burning down his palace and killing his entire line of succession. The populace of the city followed a man by the name of Marcus Walden during the First Tyberian Revolution, and voted for him to become the new Lord-Governor. Tyberia saw a swell of pride on this day. Walden's Day commemorates the sacrifice of the revolutionaries of that day, and commits to a day of apologetic mourning for the thousands of enslaved citizens who died during the tyrant's rule.[/i] [color=gray]During the second half of Oppurna, the Revolutionaries receive a considerable bonus in [color=violet][b]Opinion[/b][/color], [color=gold][b]Roots[/b][/color], [color=powderblue][b]Mana Crystals[/b][/color], and many more allies become available for hire.[/color] [b][u]Fallmourn[/u][/b] [i]With summer past, and autumn now in full swing, the weather takes a cooler turn. Frost and oil sleet starts to appear during this month. Fallmourn is a significant day for both Asgard and Tyberia. For Asgard, Fallmourn marks the moment the Zephyr appeared and conquered their Grand Empire. For Tyberia, it marks the invasion of Asgard into the city a year later, and the end of freedom in the city. Additionally, many Asgardian regiments are rotated out with fresh new forces during this month across all of their theaters. To remind the Asgardians of their subservience, all regiments receive an attache of freshly constructed Legionnaires. Asgard is also known to produce a large amount of its war machines this month, including tanks, air ships, and tesla-armor. It has been announced that Asgard has prepared a special event to take place throught Tyberia this month, but the details of such an event remain a mystery.[/i] [color=gray]The effects of this month, the remaining months to follow, are unknown. All attention is on Asgard's special event which they have neglected to share details about.[/color] [b][u]Noctum[/u][/b] [i]The days are getting shorter in this month, and the fall begins to deepen into signs of winter. Noctum sees regular sludge snowfall and oil sleet. Noctum is a time when Tyberia's economy begins to boom as people prepare for the end of year celebrations in the following month.[/i] [color=gray]The effects of this month are unknown.[/color] [b][u]Climacta[/u][/b] [i]Winter has arrived, and the entire month sees a slew of minor holidays, celebrations, and festivals pop up. It is a month of frivolity and merriment. On the last day of the year, a large celebration is held throughout the streets of Tyberia.[/i] [color=gray]The effects of this month are unknown.[/color] [/color] [/hider][hider=Page 5, Weather] [color=peru][h1][i][b][u]Weather[/u][/b][/i][/h1][/color] [color=peru][i]Weather is usually not something many people think about. Rain, snow, and fog are all natural processes in nature that people often just have to deal with. But things are different in great cities. You see, with all of the ambient mana, industry on a massive scale, and risidual waste being deposited into the atmosphere, great cities have managed to create their own weathers. Make no mistake, these weather can be, and quite often are, harmful to people and machinery alike. If you're new to great cities, then it is important that you are informed of the different types of weathers that can bring about an untimely demise to you or your equipment.[/i][/color] [color=peru][i][b][u]Oil Sleet[/u][/b][/i][/color] [color=peru][i]Mostly common from the late fall months to the early spring months. Oil sleet is when rain is just on the cusp of freezing on its way down to the surface. The rain is somewhere between being a liquid and a solid when it hits the ground. What seperates it from regular sleet, is that the clouds that oil sleet falls from usually have a high particulate count of exhaust from the towering smokestacks of factories and airships. Oil sleet is thick, and if it isn't pushed from streets and sidewalks, it can really bog down the procession of the people. It sticks to clothes, making whatever gets covered in it wet and slick. Oil sleet can jam up machinery as well, meaning that vehicles and weaponry must be properly covered when oil sleet threatens to fall from the sky. In some extreme cases, oil sleet has been observed to be flammable, which makes it wildly unpredictable. Oil sleet, thankfully, doesn't stick well to leather, steel, and stone. Umbrellas have been fashioned out of leather to help protect people caught in an oil sleet storm. Shingles on rooftops are made with a higher volume of stone to prevent the sleet from building up. Oil sleet, if left unattended, can become very heavy. When the air warms up, oil sleet starts to harden and rubberize, making it especially difficult to remove. If oil sleet hardens on people, it can usually be peeled off in chunks. In extreme cases, oil sleet has been seen to have been partially absorbed by skin. The condition of having oil sleet partially absorbed and hardened on the skin is known as 'Sleet Scaling'. It is a common source of cancer among homeless folk or construction workers caught in it on long shifts. The removal of sleet scaling is painful and often involved cutting off the sections of flesh that absorbed the sleet. Having sleet scales can also prevent blood flow, sweating, and can also disrupt how the body naturally distributes heat.[/i][/color] [color=gray]During oil sleet storms, ballistic weaponry is susceptible to jamming and malfunctioning. Vehicles and machinery soaked in oil sleet have a chance of not activating at all. Asgard foregoes the use of bolt weaponry during oil sleet storms. Asgardian soldiers also wear leather protective clothing instead of their signature brass armor during oil sleet storms as well, making them more susceptible to weaponry. Legionnaires will never be seen in oil sleet storms, as they do not function well when soaked in the sleet. Asgard also fields less vehicles during such storms. It is favorable for the revolutionaries to strike during oil sleet storms, but they too suffer the same effects of oil sleet, so they must be thoughtful when they choose to attack.[/color] [color=peru][i][b][u]Sludge Snow[/u][/b][/i][/color] [color=peru][i]Must like oil sleet, sludge snow is the result of industrial waste in the atmosphere mixing with the natural process. When it is too cold for sleet and rain, sludge snow is the result. Sludge snow is heavy, sticky, and freezing cold. Due to the chemicals in the snow, sludge snow is cold enough to cause minor to moderate frost bite with direct skin contact. It sticks to all surfaces like glue, which can be disastrous the more an object accumulates. Sludge snow is also a great insulator, making the deepest layers of it begin to melt over a long period of time. This melted layer creates a sort of thick, soupy brine that is slightly adhesive. Unkempt sludge snow can result in the closure of streets, and it has claimed many lives and machines that have attempted to brave buildups. In extreme cases, the brine layer of sludge snow can be deep enough to envelope a fully grown human on their backs. The brine is also rather caustic as well, so once the snow melts and the brine layer is washed away, it is possible to find the bleached bones of its victims left behind. Sludge snow is hazardous to everything, so when it falls, the city often digs in and waits for the brave removal crews to clear paths so life can continue. This process can take a few days as great cities are titanic in scale, and people can only cover so much ground in a day.[/i][/color] [color=gray]If sludge snow falls, all operations for Asgard and the Tan'Raga are suspended. The Resistance is heavily encouraged to do the same, but it could also be quite the advantagious condition to work in if one is prepared well enough.[/color] [color=peru][i][b][u]Caustic Rain[/u][/b][/i][/color] [color=peru][i]Caustic rainfall occurs normally during the late summer to early fall, as well as a bit during the spring. Due to the pollution in the skies above great cities, it isn't uncommon for rainfall to be acidic in its composition. Some caustic rain even has trace amounts on mana, making it especially dangerous for everyone. Caustic rain doesn't do much to metals, but it can cause moderate to severe burns to uncovered skin. Severe caustic rain storms have been known to cause striations and cracks on cobblestone streets and paths. Usually after a caustic rain storm, workers are out reparing the damage to the stonemasonry all around the city. Vehicles are completely unaffected by caustic rain, and clothing is only ruined if soaked through entirely. Because of caustic rain, the storm drains and sewers of the city are very dangerous. The toxic mist left behind after caustic rain is harmful to the resperitory systems of organics, so people will often wear recycler masks if they absolutely need to leave their shelter. After a caustic rainfall, the air is usually thick with an off coloured citrine fog. The smell is very distinct and burns the nostrils slightly. It leaves behind a sour taste on the tongue and makes the eyes water. While the fog has been deemed to be safe, many will wear cloth masks over their face to battle the assault to the senses.[/i][/color] [color=gray]Dangerous to organics, but harmless to machines, caustic rain will see that Asgard outfits its troops in full brassen suits and recycler masks. Asgard will also field more gnomish automata during such storms. It is also quite common to see patrols being carried out in vehicles as well. Thankfully, the civillian population often remains indoors during caustic rain storms, making the chances of collateral damage quite low.[/color] [color=peru][i][b][u]Mana Storms[/u][/b][/i][/color] [color=peru][i]Easily the most violent and unpredictable storms. Mana storms happen when there is a large enough amount of ambient mana in the air. Dark, glowing clouds form in the skies, and multi-colored bolts of mana infused lightning arc across the sky. This lightning is attracted to all sources of mana, making exposed machinery, as well as exposed mana crystals, common targets of lightning strikes. The resulting strike is explosive and leaves behind mana fallout in the immediate vicinity. Small mana storms are common above mana refineries. Due to the nature of mana storms, manalock weaponry and vehicles are to replaced with bolt weaponry and less reliable steamtech vehicles. With so much mana in the air, it is dangerous for most folk to be outside during a mana storm. Elves however thrive in mana storms, and the abilities of manasmiths are empowered. Mana storms are also a known method of rapidly smithing mana crystals by capturing ambient mana in the air, or risking the danger to capture a bolt of mana infused lightning through a focusing lens. All great cities see at least one significant mana storm per year, the Jormungand, which is the result of mass celebration of the beginning of the Manatech Era. Jormungands are mana super storms which will completely burn all of the ambient mana in the air. While there is at least one jormungand a year, they have been known to occur more than once if a city sees a marked increase in mana refinement at any given time. Due to the mana storms being tied to a city's output, they can happen at any time in the year.[/i][/color] [color=gray]Mana storms double the power of all manasmithing. They also empower manalock weaponry, but make them prone to overloading. Manalock weaponry can also be struck my mana infused lightning, resulting in an extremely dangerous explosion of mana and irradiating the immediate area around the strike. Asgard deploys a higher number of battlemages during mana storms, and their equipment is swapped out entirely for bolt weaponry. Since Asgard's vehicular fleet is almost entirely updated with manatech era vehicles, it isn't common to see much in the way of armoured vehicles during mana storms. Mana crystals are far more likely to be found during mana storms, and they can even be created by a capable enough manasmith.[/color] [/hider] [/hider] [/center] [/color] [center][color=gold][b]--------------------[/b][/color][/center] [hider=Changelog] [b][11/07/2020][/b] - OOC Thread started, interest check can be found [url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/183993-mad-craving-for-rping-heres-some-ideas/ooc]here[/url]. - Added Codex Section - Added Dramatis Personae Section - Added Ada Maas, the Spymaster, to the Dramatis Personae section - Added Ephraim Quaid, the General, to the Dramatis Personae section - Added Kaidan Malcador, the Rebel, to the Dramatis Personae section - Added the Character Sheet Template section [b][11/16/2020][/b] - Added the 'A Revolutionary Handbook' section to the 1st post of the thread [b][12/12/2020][/b] - RP started [/hider]