Upon arrival to the Caelestis the Drell doctor felt an almost somber feeling flow through him. The impressive starship stuck out among the pathetic and the brutal spacecraft which typically filled the hangars of the space station. So many of the space craft he'd seen looked like they were ready to wreck havoc in war or, on the opposite scale, like they had been hastily cobbled together and were barely flight worthy. The Caelestis felt different as he took his first footsteps onto it, though he could not figure out what exactly gave him that sensation. Perhaps it was simply how clean it was compared to, well everything on Omega. The interior did not reek of despair like the streets of Omega did. He could recall one of the first feelings when he'd left the space station he'd called home for years following the 'incident' was an almost uneasy one. Like he'd been plucked out of his home and tossed into a portal. Satka felt almost uncomfortable stepping onto this ship as if he was intruding in someone else's home. Perhaps it was his mind finally putting Omega behind him, or at least that was what he truly hoped. The doctor had not gotten acquainted at all with any of his 'crewmen'. That seemed like such a bizarre term to him as he'd never spent any real length of time on a starship. But Satka had politely requested medical files on each of them when he took the job offer. Whether he'd be given such a gift was something he was not sure of. He felt out of place as he glanced around the halls of the vessel, taking note of the armored and heavily armed individuals joining him on this mysterious voyage. They were mercenaries, a word that still conjured up uneasy thoughts in him. But the good doctor would try not to judge them, they were as much strangers to him as he them and they had no incentive to harm him. Satka would be the one patching them up after all. As the captain, a strikingly tattooed asari assembled them all in the mess hall of the ship he wondered what awaited them. Perhaps just simple introductions or a rousing speech before sending them into battle, well the ones that did actually battle. A nervous human woman stood beside her as the assembled team stood around, Satka's eyes trying not to linger on the hulking vorcha in the room. His encounters with them had frequently been short and lacking in real conversation, but by the goddess if they weren't tough beings. He was glad they were on his side. The Drell paused his observing of his new companions as the captain spoke. As she began to speak of a search and rescue type operation involving a friend of the girl beside her Satka listened quietly. Then he blinked curiously as the Asari addressed him directly, seeming to request his needed involvement on the mission. "Of course, captain, I'd be happy to be of assistance. I can't offer much in the way of fighting but if you can get me in there alive then I'll do my very best to help anyone in need. I know how rough Omega's worst can be." The Drell stated with a nod, with glances at the captain then to Laura. It was a side endeavor but one he would take very seriously with his duty as a doctor and Arashu's blessing. Satka had taken note of the unkempt looking man in the room who the captain seemed to know well. He didn't seem like the most friendly of people or perhaps they weren't the first group employed by her. Though he wouldn't dig into that subject. The Drell once more drifted his eyes as he looked over the assembled crew, resting briefly on the scarred looking woman. Such scarring reminded him of some of his previous patients who'd come to him, though she seemed to wear her scars with a toughness. Her features were beautiful beneath them. The quarian also stuck out to him, he'd operated on a few of them before even seen under the mask of one. They were always intriguing to him, maybe it was just the finely made suits they were all clad in. As one of the humans spoke up his glance drifted to her, she was an engineer. That meant he'd have to take extra care to keep her alive, or else the ship was done for. He was surprised at the number of humans here, considering it was Omega space. Though the turian was less of a surprise, the missing right mandible likely a testament to their strength. He was partially relieved to not have a krogan aboard, while he held no grudge against them they did tend to be quite headstrong and stubborn. The crew did look sufficiently tough enough. He did have to map out where exactly the medical bay was on the vessel. He was one of the later arrivals on the spacecraft and would make his dwelling near the medical wing. The Drell had brought some supplies of his own but he needed it to be well stocked in order to properly assist such a rough looking group of mercenaries. As the vorcha piped in her almost smirked, hopefully he'd clear the way for them so Satka didn't have to fight. The pistol clipped on his belt was more for show than anything else, he dreaded actually aiming it at anyone with intent to harm them. He was a doctor, not a killer. Either way he'd found himself volunteered right off the bat and would put his whole focus behind it, a fine distraction to other things which plagued him.