[hr][Center][h1][color=#7ad7f0]Samuel[/color][/h1][/center][hr] Samuel was very much not paying attention to the people's introduction, he was more interested in the mission at hand. After all, he already knew most of them, well except for Phi, and she seemed like she was one to keep to herself, so he never pried. While the rest of the crew who poured in were of little need of importance to Samuel at the moment. As it seemed most of them seem to try and keep to themselves or go to others than himself, so Samuel didn't pay mind to them either way. He just waited patiently to see what the captain had in store for them, which was a simple yet important mission. Go to the crash site of the Circle of Hell on the Agricultural-Planet Plenty, collect a rouge A.I. named Realist, and leave before the Ascendancy gets to them and blows them to hell to collect the A.I. Truly a simple mission, one that anyone could do, hell it seemed to have come out of a Holotape, yet still felt deceptively easy. Then the very complex part of the mission reared its ugly head as they were left with the choices on what route they wished to use. Samuel thought, [color=#7ad7f0][i]There must be some reason traders had not taken the route. Many companies would prefer to hire guards if the path shortens the trip by such a large amount. Yet why would they not go?[/i][/color] Thankfully Ariel had done the research for him as she found that the Military is in the area clearing the sector of the poachers and bandits. That made a lot of sense to him, as once listening to everyone he has finally made up his mind on what path seems to be the best, [color=#7ad7f0]"I believe the longer route would be the best path for us. Yes the ship has impressive capabilities, however, one wrong move and we are in a fight with the ascendancy, and that can leave us outnumbered and outgunned. A longer path would make it where the Ascendancy could get there before us.'[/color] Samuel takes in a breath as he prepares to continue with the information given by both Ariel and Natasha, [color=#7ad7f0]"However, like what Ariel said, if we coordinate with the Rebels on the planet, we can make up the time. Then with the Ship's heat sinks and cloaking capabilities, we can leave orbit and head off with the A.I. before we have to fight with the ships that are there. Since here, we have the advantage of having people already on the ground who can take care of the prep work for us. All we have to do is get there in one piece, and be ready for a hot extraction of our target"[/color] Samuel felt good with this assessment, as he believed after taking in all the information, everyone would agree with his very logical idea. He felt so sure about his ideas he grabbed a lemon bar from Abbadon and ate it like he was assured victory, and this was his prize. Yet his thoughts were interrupted as he felt a pair of arms wrap around him as he looked back to find Finbarr has taken to hugging him from behind. Samuel responded, [color=#7ad7f0]"Oh, hello Fin. You seem to have something caught in your mouth"[/color]. As Samuel points to a piece of fur sticking from the corner of his lips. [@Letter Bee][@samakama][@dragonpiece][@The Man Emperor]