[color=9e0b0f][b][h1]“Acta Non Verba” - Deeds not words[/h1][/b][/color] Hello Everyone! This is the RP for The Society! Anyone can join, but I would like to approve Character Sheets before you jump into the RP. In this RP you will play as a mythological creature, human, or a human bent on destroying the creatures that are part of The Society. Below you will find the story, Da Rules, CS, and a link to the Discord. This is an 18+ RP for suggestive themes, violence, and language. As the guild rules state anything overly sexual or gorie needs to be taken to PM or the Discord. The overall plot is still in development, but generally I would like human hunters or creatures to bring a threat to The Society. Enjoy! [hider=Story]Humans were created first, but from humans the creatures were born. Humans created the creatures to help them in the fields, harvest the crops, and to protect their lands. The creatures were created to be their slaves and were given unnatural abilities of strength, speed, and the ability to commune with nature and work with magic. For all the strengths these creatures had, the humans created their creatures with weaknesses that could be found in nature, because that's all they had. If a creature became too restless or tried to revolt they were left outside to burn to ash in the sun or they were forced to transform into a beast under the full moon. The creatures that were nature's children were forced to live in a box away from nature while those who were afraid of nature were forced to stay outside. Centuries ago, the creatures were the slaves of any human that could create a or buy a creature. As humans progressed, so did their desire to rule other humans. Soon, only the rich and the wealthy humans could own creatures and used them as threats to the less fortunate. Eventually, the humans came to fear the creatures and began to give them names. Vampires, werewolves, elves, fairies, goblins, nymphs, anything to separate them from the race of humans. Then one day the creatures were free. No one knows how long they planned. No one remembers exactly how it happened. Everyone can agree the witches were involved and the witches proudly claim their involvement. Some say the witches were humans who sold their sold to create the creatures. Others said the witches were created with the creatures. To this day, the witches do not claim either of these stories as their origin, but proudly proclaim themselves as the liberators of the creatures. On the day the creatures were freed, some of the creatures killed off entire families, others ran straight for the hills. Over the years there were sightings and the humans went insane with paranoia, killing anyone or anything they suspected to be a creature or a witch. As the years went on the truths turned into legends and legends turned into scary stories. The creatures and witches watched and waited in the shadows. They studied the humans and learned how to walk amongst them. It was easy for the witches and soon the others learned as well. As the world changed, and people began to mimic fashion and appearances of old, the differences in the outward appearances of the creatures became less apparent and people stopped asking questions. At first the creatures and witches lived beside the humans. They worked and socialized alongside humans all over the world. It wasn’t long before the more chaotic and bloodthirsty creatures began to draw unwanted attention. A coven of witches, who despised humans and their past, learned how to control humans and once they knew the weakness of the humans they knew the weaknesses of the world. The coven of witches convinced the other creatures if they didn't take action it would not be long before the humans took over again and they couldn’t have creatures roaming around ruining their business deals.. The creatures were fearful of returning to a time of slavery and formed The Society with the coven. They learned how to work the political and business system. For hundreds of years the creatures and witches have been controlling the political and business dealings behind closed doors. Some of the biggest wars were started by The Society to save this country or that from their own failings. Some of the biggest celebrity drama was crafted by the creatures to distract the public. The vampires hypnotize humans to vote for a preferred candidate and the elves enchant men to have affairs to create a scandal and run a business into the ground. They run the black markets and prostitution rings. They can get you anything from an illegal drug to a human servant/blood bag. While the creatures control the masses without drawing attention to what they are, they let the humans believe they run their own lives. But there are some who remember when humans used to rule. The children of the families who survived when the creatures were first freed grew into bitter adults and forced their children to learn the history of the creatures and humans. As the truth became stories, the older generations were viewed as crazy, but there are some children and grandchildren that still believed. To this day they remain hunters and want to wipe out the whole of the creature population. Our story takes place in modern times. Since the world has expanded and the means to travel have grown and have become faster you can choose any location to base your character as long as they have a way to meet with the leading coven at any point. The leading coven is based in Scotland and the head witch does not leave for business meetings unless she feels it is necessary.[/hider] [hider=Rules]Rules: Follow Guild Rules You can play any mythical creature as long as you are able to work it into the story of living in a world where humans don't know they exist. You change the physical appearance of a creature. Let's say you wanted to play a Phoenix. Traditionally the phoenix is a bird, but you could change the story so that the phoenix was a human with bird like features. In the tradition of orally passing down stories, the phoenix became a bird instead of a human with bird like features. Once the story was written down, and the phoenix was written as a bird, that's how it stayed. You can start the RP with up to 2 characters. Please make it obvious when you switch between characters when you post. You can post as more than one character in one post so another player is not waiting for you to post, but please let us know who is who. This is a high casual RP. I would like at least two paragraphs for responses and the responses should move the plot forward somehow instead of just responding to what someone else said in their previous post. If you get stuck on how to move the plot forward in your post or you don’t think you can reach the two paragraph minimum, let me know and we can work something out! I’m not going to mandate how many posts you should wait before posting again, but if you realize you and another player are going off on your own adventure, consider taking it to PM or Discord.[/hider] [hider=Discord][url]https://discord.gg/qgXQutGZtD[/url][/hider] [hider=CS]CS: Name: Race/Species: Age: Appearance: (Can be picture or text or both) Position in The Society: (Leader, follower, servant, food?) Bio: Personality: Abilities: Other information we should know:[/hider]