Hi hi hi and hello! You can call me Scrib, a pleasure to meet you! I stumbled upon this site because I miss forum RPs! I haven't done one in awhile, and while Discord RPs are awesome (nothing like some short, rapid fire replies), I kind of miss the more comprehensive, more robust roleplays that you can have on a forum! With my original stomping grounds of Fictionpress dead, and having migrated my Iwaku Roleplays to discord, I figured I'd try my luck at being active on not one, but two forum sites! So here I am! :3 I pretty much do any fandom, particularly Fantasy stuff like Dark Souls (I love it somuch ;~;), Elder Scrolls, Avatar (gosh darn it I love it so much ;~~;) Lord Of The Rings, etc. But I'm also super into Star Wars, Star Trek, and one day would very much to try my hand at running/participating in a super hero setting! But anyway :D Thanks for reading what I know see as a splattering of word vomit that I released from my fingertips, through my keyboard, and on to my screen. Sorry, but thank you!