"Ma'am," He acknowledged when she spoke his name correctly, giving a curt salute with one hand whilst the other held his powered down lasgun. This wasn't exactly a planet at war, but he intended to carry his weapon on hand at all opportunities where he was not one hundred percent certain he wouldn't have to deal with an adversary, or if a commanding officer told him to put it away of course. The rebellion on the world was cropping up in unexpected places. Why would the capital be exempt from such dangers? "I can, Commisar. I learned how on my last drop." He informed her, letting her lead the way so as to know exactly which car they were going to take. Despite the million worlds under the Imperium's control, there was not a lot of variation when it came to civilian or non-combat vehicles. It was a good thing, else they would need to hitch a ride on one of the Chimeras, assuming any of them were going that direction. Briefly he wondered if he knew where to go, but an image of the sanctum popped into his head and he recalled having been by there two weeks ago with his squadron on a patrol detail. Stepping out into the sunlight, the wind was recognizably cool on their skin. Zeb had grown up on Gudrun with obviously moderate temperatures, but after Lorn V and the wintry assault his regiment had fought he knew he would never complain about being 'too cold' again. As if by divine credence, a ground vehicle was waiting for them at the curb. An open-air four wheeler with ample space in the back for supplies and munitions. Zeb set his lasgun in the backseat just behind him, right in easy reach. The car cranked, thrumming beautifully. Guardsman Conners was no stranger to engines, having learned how to fix ground cars a full decade before he learned how to drive one from his father. Not that it was what he wanted to do with his life. All he wanted to do was rise above the lowly station of his family and find meaning in something; the idealistic notions of an idiot kid. Joining the PDF was his genius solution, but after graduating basic training with flying colors, the Emperor saw fit to place him and twelve thousand other 'exemplary' recruits as the planetary tithe to the Imperial Guard. The Commissar leaped onto the seat next to him and he pulled the car out to turn into the main street. He fixed his rearview mirror to suddenly see the sergeant he had hit glaring at him from across the way. Zebulon smirked, placing his left hand behind the outer car door and giving the finger so the Commissar wouldn't notice. Katiya cleared her throat, and though it was likely exactly that, he decided to take no chances. "The Palace, right. It's what you'd expect from any Governor's palace, ma'am, or at least what I'd expect. Large, pretty, a lot of rooms used for nothing important." They exited out of the outerwall of the Capital in short order, the military 'occupation' forces and bases were at the edge of the important settlement to be the first line of defense in case any of the heretics or rebels grew the balls to go assail the walls. "I saw many cartel members. I'd be the last person to know anything of the politics of the planet, but the senate chamber had a lot of yelling when I passed it. I think the governess is worried about her position if the rebellion continues or if any of the cartel owners gets any heretical ideas. But the palace itself seems stocked, protected, and there were plenty of gun batteries on the inner curtain wall." No one would ever claim Zeb was verbose, but any sane guardsman was a little wary when speaking freely around a commissar when asked a very broad question. The road was bumpy, left with a bit of weathering from the lack of maintenance the past year. Lush grasslands spread outward around them and small copses of trees dotted the landscape until the ground grew into mountains not three kilometers away. "And before you hear it from someone else, I... hit a sergeant who wouldn't let me apprehend his men under your orders. I wanted to say it in case you got a report and didn't know the context of the fight, ma'am." [@Penny]