[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/200614/033d9fd105fe9063c8b8c86d94916292.png[/img][/center] [center][Color=F9499A]. *     ✦ .  ⁺   .. *     ✦ .  ⁺   .. *     ✦ .  ⁺   .. *     ✦ .  ⁺   .. *     ✦ .  ⁺   .[/color][/center] Last night had been a plague of continuous nightmares and repeated awakenings to the point that Hana had left her slumbering roommates multiple times to seek escape elsewhere. She found herself wondering the night close by, feeling the grass under bare feet but avoiding the dense forest of her home. More than a few moments were on the porch, under the light that was created to guide her home from the previous walks and taking time to sketch. She even found herself in the kitchen at one point making carrot cake muffins with cream cheese frosting in the early dawn as others started to rise to start the day. It was all in hopes that she could tired herself out enough to have no dreams or at least try to do the things that relaxed her and made her happy. It had worked far later than she had hoped it would but at least she got a few precious hours of sleep before she heard Kate stir and begin to start her day. She lay there, strongly debating if she should snuggle deeper into the mound of pillows and sheets to try and claim a few more moments of sleep or if she should admit defeat and start the journey of the day. Unfortunately, the decision was ripped from her as loud knocks echoed on the door to their room, with a statement from one of the Elders that they were all to meet in Sister Deborah’s office as soon as possible. Hana had an involuntary groan escape her as she kicked the sheets off of her, lazily dragging herself from bed to switch out her pajamas for a black crop top dappled with small yellow sunflowers and a pair of overall shorts. She didn’t even bother with shoes, just throwing on wacky patterned socks of bright colors and placing her hair in a messy bun instead of needing to take the time to style or brush it. She quickly took a moment to at least brush her teeth before making her way into the office, knowing for a fact that she wouldn’t be able to snag enough time for breakfast just yet or at all depending on what the Sister has to say. Hana carefully maneuvered through the crowd of people, picking a random spot which she hoped would avoid too much a danger to her almost bare feet. It seemed that they were going to wait till the mass of new witches was accounted for which gave her a bubble of excitement but also a bit of dread. What could be so important that all of them were needed at one time? She bit her lip, wishing she had left her hair down to fiddle with but instead was clenching her fingers together as she waited. A movement of someone arriving next to her caught her eye as she glanced to the side to see exactly who it was only to freeze a bit. Caleb was one of the new people within their coven, one she didn’t know very well out of the small group of newest coven members but had seemed very nice in the few days she had been around him. She felt bad for her automatic nervousness around him and some of the others. It was like she became a mute around them who could only smile or just stuttered so bad that it became an embarrassment. She still felt her fingers twitch with the urge to touch that face of his again like so many other times. It was a scar, nothing she could do now but it still pulled at her need to worry and touch. At least she hadn’t been dumb enough to do so yet or even ask about it. Hana felt that bright smile of his before she even exactly noticed it and felt her own smile pull to the corner of her lips in return. She quickly pulled her attention away, trying to focus ahead and wait for the meeting to begin but it seemed fate had other plans. Caleb greeted her with a cheerful ‘morning’ which had her moving her attention solely back to the man next to her. She felt her word trap in her throat for a moment, her mouth opening a bit but no words coming out until she stumbled out a small,[Color=F9499A]”G-g-good morning.”[/color]. Hana wanted to pat herself on the back for small accomplishments but that quickly deflated when she found herself much closer to Caleb as she had previously been. She blushed, knowing her was just leaning closer so he could whisper and have her hear but she couldn’t stop the reaction, nonetheless. She turned to lean closer to his ear and answered softly,[Color=F9499A]”I-I’m not sure b-but it must be important f-for them to want us all at once.”[/color] It was barely even a moment later, that Sister Deborah began to speak, which had her removing herself from Caleb’s personal space and once more focusing on why they were all here. She didn’t know how she felt about vampires and didn’t even know how useful she could be other than maybe a few fighting moves or support but it didn’t mean she would run away or turn it down. She didn’t have much time to dwell on that though as a loud groan next to her which had her raising an eyebrow to Caleb at what that was about only to have an eyebrow raised to her which actually had her pathetically holding back a chuckle. It had helped fight off any nervousness that had tried to grip her again. The groups and missions were assigned, each one the same goal but different locations. Hana considered herself lucky that out of the two groups she had gotten the shorter trip. It gave more opportunity to prepare at the location before nightfall and to get fully settled into the new surroundings. She wasn’t sure if they would start right away but at least it was choice or option. Calypso called to their group, saying she had the file and kind of taking the reigns as the leader. She listened to the details of the file and made a note to do a bit more research, maybe grab a book on vampires before they left. Who knows, might make for an interesting read on the way there. They agreed to meet up around 1:30 or at least no one seemed to object and it was better to be on the same page. It seemed that Calypso, Arken, and David had cars so they were at least easily covered there. She didn’t stick around the group long, working on packing up essential items like toiletries,clothes, and chargers. Once that duffle bag was filled, all the regularly needed items for a trip, she started working on the not so needed items. Hana grabbed a backpack, playing in a few different pencils and art supplies for sketching, a book or two, some cards, iPod, headphones and other items to keep herself entertained. Sure, this was a mission but it was also a chance to see a place she had never been and maybe have a few good memories other than the nights filled with hunting vampires. Speaking of that, she knew she still needed to find some more information about them and get down to the armory to pack some useful weapons. It wouldn’t hurt to make some potions either or at least help a few others in their group make them since more hands were always a plus. Instead, she grabbed the half full backpack and headed for the kitchen to pack up some snacks as well as to get something to eat while she still could. This was going to be a long day, that was for sure. [center][Color=F9499A]. *     ✦ .  ⁺   .. *     ✦ .  ⁺   .. *     ✦ .  ⁺   .. *     ✦ .  ⁺   .. *     ✦ .  ⁺   .[/color][/center] [@Danvers]