Even Nanaya, being used to some cultures being heavy on the perfumes and incense, was taken aback by the strength of the smells. She turned away and politely covered her mouth and nose with some cloth before taking off a bit of her clothing and kneeling down in front of Fera, wrapping it around the poor girl's nose and mouth, tying it behind her head. "It will be a bit uncomfortable, but it should make it feel better. Besides, my perfume smells much better and is far more subtle, I would imagine." Once she took care of Fera's predicament, she approached the counter. "I am here with my friend looking for the day treatment. If you don't mind answering a question, I would like to see if you saw a certain someone around. I have some pressing business with this person that could involve parties much more powerful than myself." None of it was a lie, but it was carefully crafted to sound like the powers that be above both of them may have taken an interest, or not. It was ambiguous and open to interpretation, which made sense to use given the diplomat's experience and the proclivity of criminals to assume the worst if any authorities took an interest.