"Exactly." Tyrhallan said knowing the range of his blade as his own had come up, except if Dalmer hadn't checked himself, he would have impaled himself as well. As the two glanced at each other in a moment of silence, Tyr's eyes changed again, the warmth and light returning as he pulled back his sword and rose from his position. He was about to sheathe it when a dropship flew overhead. Frowning Tyrhallan watched as it landed and opened its side door. A single figure rushed out, demanding his attention. The frown returned. Trouble... He assumed as he watched the messenger address him. "Here." He spoke up as he turned around completely giving the man his full attention. Quite some distance away from them a small smuggler's barge slinked through the clouds. Peeking out of the clouds every once in a while to keep its cover as it tried to head for the border with Belisio. On the bow stood a figure, a woman. She nervously gazed ahead clutching the frayed old cloak tightly around her as the unpredictable wind currents blew and tore at it in an attempt to blow it away. Her mind was in turmoil, she kept replaying parts of 'that moment' over and over, wondering if she ever had any choice, wondering what had happened if she had chosen a different path. Her eyes told stories of their own, there was a melancholic sadness and depth that told you they had seen more then one of her young age should. They were staring into the clouds, reliving the memories once again. [i]"I won't do it." "Submit Child! You have no say in this matter!" "NO! I won't." "Then you leave us no choice." "Mardras, I beg of you no! NO!NO!" "Hush now Eilis, stop your insolence..." [/i] She had felt the burning eyes and felt how the Mardras had ripped her clothes open. How she had set her cold spellwoven fingers against her skin. She shivered reliving the sensation as the memories brought back a hint of the excruciating pain. She had fought so hard, but the straps had held. Her torture had continued as he had watched on. His eyes. She would never forget his eyes. That lifeless look of utter hunger, drinking in her struggle as if it was some sort of divine nectar. She shook her head shaking off the pain and trying to block out the images her memories conjured in her mind. But still those eyes watched her, it would be a while before they would fade again, back into the shadows of her mind. Like she would, she prayed she would never have to look upon those eyes again. She would flee accross the border into Belisio and with some luck hide away in some no name village. She was still young and if the smuggler's payment was any indication, she wasn't all that undesirable, she probably would be able to find a nice young farmer and keep some pigs or something of the like. "Seeing anything little miss?" She could smell the stench of alcohol on his breath, before she felt his hungry eyes. She didn't need to see him to know he was undressing her with his eyes. The look had been similar to the other one, only the smuggler's was...what was the word for it? More transparent, was the best she could come up with it. The man had wanted a ridiculous sum of money, she had seen him take everything from the poor family that was hiding below decks, undoubtless he had done this before. She had had nothing to give, no coin to please his gold lust, to make it worth his trouble. So she bartered with the only thing she had left, herself. If he delivered her safely across the border and away from battle then he could do with her as he pleased. She stepped away from him as his roving hands had reached out, but missed, now making him lose his balance, making him readjust his footing. "We'll cross the border soon and you know what that means little Miss. When I have kept my deal, you'll keep yours." "Provided you'll be able to escape being sighted by those warships first." She demanded. "What warships? They're miles off." "Clearly their winds have changed, take a look over the starboard stern, they're going to catch up with us..." She said nodding behind the man to the small shapes on the horizon.