Quietly, Jinny mulled over the idea of keeping, and telling secrets. She had learned that lots of people had secrets. Even her classmates. She had an idea of what Slade was talking about, but she wasn’t sure how exactly not to get caught telling a secret. That would be a new line of questioning for later. “Tie his shoelaces together?” Jinny thought about that, and giggled. It was a rather wicked laugh for someone so small, and probably would have worried a normal parent. Luckily there was no one quite normal in this room. When she was showed her eyes, Jinny stopped giggling abruptly. “Uh oh. Sorry!” She took a few deep breaths, and her eyes steadily returned to their regular color. That was another thing they had been working on: mindfulness. With such an obvious tell to her power, Jinny had to work on keeping calm, or at the very least, keeping her power under control until she needed it. While she understood the concept, in practice it was a work in progress. After watching Slade with the gun parts a moment more, she answered his question. “A year is a really long time. But… I think you’d let me use it if I was allowed. Which means I’m not allowed, even with you.” Sound logic, more or less. “I do want to learn though. So I can wait to use one.” She nodded firmly, having made her decision. “Teach me how to put it together. And I won’t ask how to use it.” Not yet anyway.