At the Adventurers' Guild, Druid Girl arrived a bit more pep in her step than she might ought to have had, given the news she brought. The familiar glasses-wearing Guild Girl welcomed her back once the caramel-skinned lass reached the desk, asking how her team's quest had gone. After a bit of pleasantries, Druid Girl handed over the porcelain tags that Big Red has tossed her right before they split up, relaying the news about three of the missing four adventurers having fallen, and one having been alive, but broken.... This alarming news forced the Guild Girl to bring the druid into a side-room, where she along with a Seeker asked a bunch of questions. It was a bit ardeous and a bit unpleasant to recollect and talk about everything that happened, but it was necessary. After a bit of inquisitioning, the three in the room sighed and let a somber mood fall over the office, before Druid Girl was finally released back into the guild hall proper. Of course, she was handed the other half of the payment for escorting the farmer, as well as the reward for clearing the gobklins [b][i]and[/i][/b] the bonus for locating the missing party of adventurers. She felt a bit guilty taking money for just reporting that three people had died and one was a mentally shattered vegetable, but it was all part of the job-description... So, she accepted the money, albeit having lost most of her upbeat spirit by now. Glancing over at the board, it seemed most of the today's quests had already been snatched up. Only a few silver-rank and bottom-feeder porcelain-rank jobs were left. And while she was sure Big Red would've grabbed the postings, she didn't feel like running around in the sewers, chasing after giant roaches right now. Once Steppe Archer arrived, the Druid meandered her way over to the nomad, greeting her friend with a smile. Having already counted and split the money, she handed over the huntress' share of the reward with no if's, and's or but's. After which, she suggested they go somewhere to eat. Preferbly somewhere you could sit outside in the sunny weather. Once Big Red arrived as well, she proceeded to greet and give him his share of money as well. And again the repeat the prospect of eating. "There's a nice bakery that makes great bread not too far from here. Ooh, and a tavern where they have some yummy beef-skewers! I've also seen a street-vendor who sells a bunch of fresh fruits over at the market square." She began listing off a number of locatin which all, ultimately, had foods as their main commodity. "Oh, wait... You wanted to sell the stuff we found first, right?" She tehn added, as an after-thought, while looking over at the lizardman. "We could always do that first but-" [b][i]OoOOOOOOOOoOoOOooOohhhhh!![/i][/b]