[@King Cosmos][@The Man Emperor] [img]https://comicvine1.cbsistatic.com/uploads/original/11115/111151927/5872089-7844188935-Ultim.jpg[/img] [color=ed1c24][u][b]Templar[/b][/u][/color] Templar kept his grip on the hero’s neck; he could see his face becoming quite blue which meant he was losing oxygen. When the hero finally admitted defeat he released his grip he sheathed his sword backing away. “You are quite a formidable opponent; i look forward to our next battle” The knight bowed his head towards Madjick. After the pleasantries he walked away down the alleyway passed the hero. Walking down the street making his way back towards his HQ; while walking down the street he noticed another hero reinstating a homeless man. Walking over and behind the hero; “Good evening sir; what has this civilian done to warrant being arrested?” He asked not caring that he was covered in blood. If anyone asked he would say that he was fighting some drug dealers; and that he is a hero new in town. ---------------------------------- [img]https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/marvel_dc/images/0/0f/RagDollTheBatman.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20100110173523[/img] [color=0072bc][u][i]Verdrehte[/i][/u][/color] Verdrehte stopped moving for the time being; he was becoming increasingly worried that he could be caught. Relaxing his body as the drone wrapped their cords around his body; his eyes moving towards Pre-Fab and then towards the new hero covered in blood. “Oh great another crazy trying to play hero” He thought to himself. He didn’t want to be searched or taken into custody by the police; the only opinion he had was to try and escape his bonds. The only issue would be that if he did that; then he would be outting himself as a super. “Damn it” He muttered using his powers to break his shoulder, arms, and legs. Trying his best to get out of the drone’s grips; reattaching his bones to try and escape. If he was able to escape the drone’s grasp; he would try to run away making sure that he had his backpack with him. His goal would be to run far enough so he could change disguise and head back to his HQ.