[@deia876lat] So this is going to be a bit awkward, but I only had enough time to skim through your post before going to work. Now that I'm on break however and have the chance to give a proper read, I got a question to ask. Everyone on the hill (except for Arn) are [i]all[/i] knights? I thought they were just regular soldiers this whole time, that's why I've been calling them soldiers. Was this a mistake or intentional? If you want them all to be knights, that's fine. We could even say that they're Tyr's Vanguard Battalion and that Arn was assigned to them in the first place, that way there's no question about who's in charge. I just need to know whether I have to go back and edit all my previous posts to replace any mention of soldiers with knights instead. If that does turn out to be the case, then Sergeant Firenze will have to become Senior Knight Firenze as knights don't have sergeants. That's a rank for the regular army.