Valanx steered away from the bar itself and towards the tables near the back of the building. Their target could be anywhere, and with three of the crew already seated near the bar, Valanx felt it would be a good idea to try to gather information further away from the main action. As he looked for people who might accept his company, or at least tolerate it, he cast surreptitious glances at the datapad on the inside of his wrist. There were a few minor blips here and there suggesting that their target had indeed been here, and there seemed to be a stronger signal back closer to the bar. Still, three of the crew were already there and had likely picked up the same signal, so he kept his distance. They looked suspicious enough as it were; the last thing they needed was other people finding out that the lot of them were together. Valanx scanned the room, avoiding eye contact with the hostile looks that many of the patrons shot in his direction. He had attempted to sit at a few of the tables, but the others at the table glared sharply at him before he could even ask if he could sit there that he had quickly moved on. Finally, he decided to just casually lean against the far wall. As he did this, assuming an indifferent expression, Ray's voice came in over his comlink, along with responses from Astrid and Yasaliah, including a suggestion that they burn the building down. Valanx rolled his eyes at the pilot's comment while his hand drifted towards his blaster, ready to draw if trouble started. His guess was that Ray had found their target. His hope was that the target didn't know that it had been found.