[@vitamins] I am hoping to have at least one more perosn sign up before starting up, but I'll just start up the rp if no one else signs up by sunday night. For the recruiting, tbh I really don't mind if you wanna recruit. Just put up a full character sheet like what I have for Hua-Po in the characters section of the main thread. Limit is 3 per fiend, unless you make more than one fiend. Keep it akin to the game mechanics. Demons can be cast aside, killed, or used for your own needs as necessary. But just don't clutter up the rp lmao. For the magic and fighting, the only thing limiting you is the element. You don't have to exclusively use throw ice or fireball. You can freeze the ground, breathe fire, hurl a ball of flame, cause an ice bomb, punch something with an electro charged punch, use a flame whip, go nuts. I'm not sticking to specific spells or spellcasting. Just the elements. The world is your oyster and nothing is the limit. As long as you follow the one element at a time rule (sans curse or bless) you're fine. There's no turn based combat rip really. The writing aspect is meant to give us the freeform to create the scene without the limitations of a game engine. So no. There is no magic that increases your turn count or anything like that. But you can increase your speed or defense. Or even swap to an element/physical aspect and choose to instead take the incoming blow and resist or null it. Which is kind of my take on void, resist, weakness, etc.