Freyr came to the long table with benches on either side holding a colourful chicken salad and a glass of water. She was feeling quite dehydrated following the scotch and didn’t feel like drinking any more alcohol tonight. It was important they slept well and had a productive day tomorrow. They were in a spacious dining area adjoining the auto-dispensary and a kitchen area, in case the team were feeling the urge to cook for themselves. Three corridors split from this common room, leading to small but comfortable bedrooms for each of the team. Freyr sat down facing Vreta across the table. Masgard sat down next to him. “I must admit, my work has not often taken me away from Outremer, so I don’t know.” Freyr said, tucking into her salad with a fork. “The facilities [i]are[/i] pretty good though, so far. I guess they want us at peak performance.” She could see Masgard had chosen a lot of different meats, like Vreta, and paired it with a bowl of Tullusk, a soup known for its calming qualities. “Am I right in thinking the facilities on Rothian worlds are all of a pretty high standard?” He asked as he demolished his food like he hadn’t eaten in weeks.