Vreta was interested to know if most scientific expeditions received this same level of treatment from the Human military, as it would be indicative of how seriously they were taking both this expedition, and the threat in general. Though, if this was Freyr’s first outing, she would not be the one to know. In any case, he took a moment to tear off a piece of his steak before replying. “The highest. The Rothian people have an…especially large economy, particularly compared to the size of our population. Automation has streamlined many aspects of our society, so we do not suffer for a lack of resources. We can afford to put our best foot forward for nearly any effort we wish to make. For this project, you can expect to have the highest quality assistance we can give you. ” Vreta answered. “I know my people have a certain…reputation for having high standards, but I think you will enjoy what we can offer, both when working and in your free time. You will receive all of the same quality of accommodations as any Rothian would. You should also be able to make special requests, if there is something you want that a Rothian might not normally think of, or if there is something you think you might not need. I suppose I am not completely sure if a Human would have any use for a basking room, for instance.”