[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/201109/ac2c5772bf73ba10c77607a2502594aa.png[/img] [img]https://em.wattpad.com/bfb5507cb6658e3816c89701bf36832636aa2dc1/68747470733a2f2f73332e616d617a6f6e6177732e636f6d2f776174747061642d6d656469612d736572766963652f53746f7279496d6167652f55454e6162493162444769516e673d3d2d3737343239303933382e313562633738373261636461613137303437373431363535333130372e676966[/img] [hr][hr] [i]“ain’t no corner boy bullshit” - Denzel Little[/i] [hr][hr] No sleep was not usually a big issue for DeShawn. If it wasn’t Melissa or Minty digging their nails into his back or his lump of a cousin practicing his admittedly bomb rap skills; it was the odd nightmare or memory of his former life in West Baltimore. The previous night however it was a different kind of excitement that prevented him from drifting off into Dreamland. Today Rosefell officially merged with Liberty and a life that he had only just gotten used to was about to change again; for worse or better had yet to be decided. Columbus was a fresh start and Dee had spent most; if not all of the last year trying to ingratiate himself into the Ohio way of doing things. This new world he had entered was not one of glitz and glamour; this definitely wasn’t the OC but it was most certainly a very separate place in comparison to Calhoun and Fremont Street. He had managed to carve out a nice little slice of the white picket pie for himself thanks to his aunt and uncle. He could not thank them enough for what they had done for him; taking him without never having met him. Giving him the structure and discipline that the Soulman never could. For the past twelve months; they had been his parents and Rosefell had been his home. Having almost immediately been drafted into the Rosefell Knights by Hunter “Fuck You Very Much” Quinn; Dee’s experience running from the Police and breaking through fences and doors made him a hell of a linebacker (Defensive Player of the Year by God!) and through those damn Knights he had found the brotherhood and the challenge that he had been sorely lacking and desperately craving as part of the crew in Bodymore. He loved those fucking idiots almost as much as he loved the cheerleaders; what could he say? Sexual chocolate had a thing for white women. Speaking of white women and challenges; it was these two things that had kept DeShawn awake. Melissa Elliott as she always did give Dee a tremendous work out but it was in fact Alina Zabrecky that staved off his sleep. He had received an email saying he was to be Alina’s buddy during the merger. He did not know many of anyone really at Liberty High but for some reason the name Zabrecky rang out but he was not sure why. He had spent most of the night trying to work out the best way to play it; did he approach as a fellow former newbie and use that card to make her feel comfortable or did he go full Big D Energy and ramp up the flirting? She was a babe no doubt but Dee wasn’t no fiend. New kid vibe it was! Having had his beloved Jeep Wrangler taken away for his addiction to sneaking white women into his bedroom; Dee made the decision to run to school, it was a bit far for a normal human being but DeShawn Marcus was not a normal human. Besides Boogara; he was the tallest kid at Rosefell by far and was built out of pure raw Baltimore steel coated in Hershey’s chocolate; truly he was a specimen to behold. Choosing his outfit for the first day was not something he particularly cared for; so Dee simply threw some clean clothes into his backpack ready to change once he had arrived at school; he slipped into a pair of joggers and left his chest bear, shirts were restrictive when running. He kisses his rosary before descending the stairs to the kitchen; central hub of the Little household. [color=CB8DEB]”Hey yo!”[/color] A typical Dee greeting. He entered the immaculate room to the typical sight; his uncle [url=https://www.mercurynews.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/03/sterling.jpg]Denzel[/url] sitting at the countertop preparing for school, he was a teacher at a local middle school. His aunt [url=https://limaomecanico.com.br/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/christine-adams.jpg]Jada[/url] was slaving away over pancakes for her idiot son [url=https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn%3AANd9GcRMObIuSdW2qaplk41y56trUSjogEiRzcUAzQ&usqp=CAU]Isaiah[/url] who was half asleep on a couch nearby, most likely spitting rhymes in his head. [color=CB8DEB]”Don’t worry about breakfast for me aunty I’ll grab something on my way”[/color] [color=wheat]”DeShawn we’ve talked about this. It’s good morning everybody, not [i]Hey Yo[/i], ain’t no corner boy bullshit gonna play in this house; you feel me?”[/color] Denzel Little was not a man to be trifled with. He was ex army and still kept his body in such a way that he could give Dee a run for his money and often did during workouts. To the outside world, he was a a goof, a fool with a stupid sense of humor but the man commanded respect. [color=wheat]”Please tell me, I’m mistaken but I could’ve sworn I saw a certain blonde haired cheerleader exiting our driveway last night. Anything to say Dee?”[/color] Of course DeShawn remained silent. He may have been the size of a small house but in the shadow of Uncle Denzel, he was the size of a lawn gnome. [color=CB8DEB]”It wasn’t like…”[/color] [color=gold]”You don’t have to explain yourself baby”[/color] Jada chimes in, turning from her pancake batter to glare at her husband. [color=gold]”Denzel let the boy make his choices. Lord knows you made some bad ones when you were a kid”[/color] [color=limegreen]”Whatchu mean as a kid? Look at that jumper he got on! Pop’s is like the whitest, black man that ever lived”[/color] As was his custom, Isaiah chimed in when it was not required. [color=limegreen]”And we do need you to explain yourself Dee. How dirty those skinny blonde girls?”[/color] Jada could only roll her eyes and return to her cooking. Lord knows living in a house of alpha males was pure toxicity in a bottle and it was messing with her feng shui. Denzel looked up from his paper as DeShawn opened up the back door. [color=wheat]”Dee; I’ll only say this once; be careful out there. Those Liberty kids will make you miss the street, trust me. Also I updated your run playlist; you’re welcome”[/color] DeShawn pulled out his phone and glanced at his Spotify. Sharing an account with the entire family was a difficult thing. Most of Isaiah’s stuff was like NWA which was fine, even Jada had some taste with her early nineties r&b but holy shit; the crap that Denzel put on here. [color=CB8DEB]”Jesus Unc. X is right; you really are the whitest black man that ever lived. I’ll catch y’all round the way”[/color] He shook his head and departed the house. [color=gold]”Any reason you decided not to tell him his fathers getting paroled soon?”[/color] [color=wheat]”It don’t matter. Treyvon come to my house and try to take that boy from us; I’ll put a bullet in him my own damn self”[/color] The man of a thousand nicknames popped his beats over his ears and scanned the recently amended playlist for something worth listening to on his commute. Well well well, looked like his uncle didn’t have that bad a taste after all. Dee hit play on an [url=https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=uB1D9wWxd2w]absolute banger[/url] before taking off down the street, waving as the white ladies and old bodies of the neighbourhood came out into their stoops to get their morning delight of sexual chocolate.[/center]