“Can you learn to be an engineer and a warrior? I’m certain that within a few years, that maybe they don’t need as many warriors. It would be a shame to dismiss such a gift.” Artemis told Asdrei’in as she just wanted to be honest with him. “Or be both? Engineer and warrior.” she continued as she knew a few people that were doctors and that did some demanding hobbies. No, she knew the ones that were both, that all had changed with the virus. “I just couldn’t kill you, I knew I was taking a risk to keep you alive. But.. You fascinated me, you look so much like a human male. Just a lot stronger and…” Artemis started saying, realizing that she almost said that he was more handsome. How could she even think that a creature like him could look at her like that? It made no sense at all. “Way more tall and broad in the shoulders. I always dreamed about space and aliens being real. Of intelligent creatures in the stars.” She said her eyes did betray the fact that it was wondrous to her. As if she was talking about the most beautiful thing she had ever seen. “I couldn’t kill my one chance to talk to the other species that got so smart they made spaceships.” She said as she then looked at him with a smile. By then she had been dressed and she hoped that he would at least like it. She knew one thing, that humans and creatures on earth loved to make themselves look better than they actually looked. To enhance the features that they had, in order to find a mate. Yet to humans it had just been to enhance your own beauty, it even had a whole system made to get money from it. “I still can’t believe they would grant me that freedom. And I would prefer to eat my own food… I don’t like the idea of meat sludge.” She said as she mentioned that he had explained what he had been eating before. Only to giggle as he told her that he was indeed dressed. “Yes you are, but dressing up... Is … How do I explain this.” She said as she then looked at him. “Look the lipstick on my lips is to make them redder, to make my eyes greener. It’s to make you look more beautiful.. enhance the good things about your own body.” She said as she then moved her hands over the sides of her dress and then held her hands at the waist. “This is fitted to my waist, human males… often find curves in a body more beautiful, this shows these curves.” She said as she then moved to pull up the dress a little. “Move it up, show a little leg… and you go from… More normal attire to… sexy.. to attract the opposite sex.. or just to feel more beautiful.” She said as she then smiled as he had liked it. A smile that actually reached her eyes as she then moved to put on some heels. “Heels… I love heels... They make me taller..” she said as she then made the dress fall down again. “Dressing, to humans it isn’t just for.. warmth and such... It is to show what type of person you are. How you feel inside, what you like to wear.” She said as she then moved to her tablet and quickly went through a few styles that she had loved at fashion shows. Only to step back as the door opened once more. Only to see his hand at the gun, her eyes slowly moving up and down the warrior his body as he seemed even stronger than Drei. Her eyes moving to his face as she figured what the women of his kind probably would find attractive. The huge protruding thing on the forehead and the strong shoulders. His voice was deep, another sign that he was supposed to be more handsome. But quite frankly that warrior scared her, he was staring at her like a predator to his prey. So she acted as what she would do when she encountered a mountain lion, to stare him in the eye and to slowly back away. She knew that if she had helped him, that she wouldn’t have survived. It was one hell of an assumption, but she felt as if it was the truth. He made the hairs on the back of her neck rise as she then felt as if he wanted her to take her away. Only to breathe again as Azdrei’in spoke. Only to smile as he spoke about taking her to his doctors. Only moving when she was close to the man that she trusted. “I don’t think he trusts me... He’s scary.” She said as she hoped that he didn’t understand her. He heartrate only calming when she was back around the one that she trusted. Her eyes moving around the ship whenever they were moving. This time she made sure not to look at the others as she then watched another door open. Instantly she could see the table and equipment that seemed to belong in a medical room. Only to move to a microscope. She couldn’t help but touch it, tears forming in her eyes as it had been so long since she had seen one. “A microscope. I never thought I would see that again.” She told Azdrei’in as she then snapped her head to the woman that stood before her. “Artemis.” She said as she pointed at herself, wanting to show that she was willing to communicate and try even without Azdrei’in. “Tell them it is a pleasure to try and help them. That I am willing to work with them if there is any way that I can help. I’m just so glad to see things I recognize. Test tubes… Swabs…” she said as she didn’t understand why she was so emotional. “I’m just glad I can mean something.” She said as she then decided to pull out her tablet. Making sure to move slowly and to hold it out. It held the picture of human DNA, their chromosomes, and then a video of the IVF. She knew they were scientists and the base of reproduction was always chromosomes. If they had the same amount and a DNA structure that was alike, that meant that in the worst-case scenario that they could mix species. Only to let them see it before she pulled out a picture of a human womb, and how long it took for a baby to grow. Hoping that it was crucial information that could help them. If they were wanting to take tests, like swabs and blood, she would easily give it to them. She wanted to know if there even was any hope. Because it could still be of no use at all. They could do a lot without any reward. She just hoped that all of it was good news.