Lock, Shock, and Barrel all shrieked with laughter at Carver's massive fail. Jack ignored the trio's rambunctious cackling as he calmly walked over to Carver to pick him up. With some difficulty due to the new body's weight, he picked up Carver and cradled him in his arms. He shifted Carver to more comfortably hold him. Jack then turned to Lock, Shock, and Barrel. He waited a moment for the trickster siblings to calm down again. "And you three," he said, "come with me." The trio all stopped laughing and looked at each other, then back at Jack. "What?" Barrel asked. "Us?" Lock said. "Why?" Shock quirked a brow. Loki tilted his head and gave a curious chitter. Jack gave them a small smirk of his own. "[i]Insurance[/i]," he said. The trio looked at each other, grinned, and happily skipped up the ramp behind the Pumpkin King. As he walked, Jack noticed a strange rattling sound. It took him a few steps to realize it was coming from Carver's foot. "...Did something come loose?" he asked.