[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/190906/8a749958ff29d7df1f3c9a10b0dd1758.png[/img][/center] [color=C0C0C0][i]Oh goodness,[/i][/color] Ben thought. He had not expected Count Sinnenodel to show such zest for the topic at hand. Admitting that could have gone poorly but it seemed that the count did not hold it against him; for the better, losing the favor of both heirs would have been quite the blow. Nonetheless it did make for a pleasant lecture. If Ben were the sort to enjoy such things he was sure he would be more appreciative. Fortunately this was still a dinner and he was used to all sorts of rambling and knew how to keep invested despite the threat of boredom. He did, however, appreciate that the topic [i]was[/i] fascinating, fortunately. What held no interest to him on the other hand was Eris. What should have no hold over his attention was how he handled the poor mage. Aaron went through the situation with an unbreakable composure wasted on a lech but interrupting would be rude. Bailing a mage out of an unpleasant situation would also hurt both mage and vampire. Ben would, however, simply pretend Eris did not exist the entirety of the interaction and focused on how an ignorant man such as he could possibly reply in a way that wouldn't make himself sound completely clueless. [color=C0C0C0]"I would be happy to take you up on that offer,"[/color] Ben said the only response that was appropriate. [color=C0C0C0]"Her Highness picked the right man for Treaty Law."[/color]